Chapter 752 A joke! (Adding more to the sixty-five thousand rewards of old book friend Yan Dad!)

The top floor of the military command building.

The commander’s room.

The rows of seats were surrounded by big men from all walks of life, some of them were local officials from Xiadu, and some were top warriors from the major cities of Xia.

Within two hours, the alien warriors in various important cities were arrested and escorted back to Xiadu.

No matter how strong the alien warriors are, the number is limited. They are separated and scattered to some important cities. As the eyes and ears of the blue-haired youth, it is not bad that there are one or two people in each city.

All the Xia Guowu fighters were dispatched, unexpectedly, and defeated one by one, naturally without any effort.

After all, the most important force for the alien invasion was the blue-haired youth. After he was solved by Wang Teng, the other alien warriors were not too threatened.

For unknown reasons, among all the alien warriors, only the blue-haired youth is a planet-star powerhouse.

Is it overconfident?

Or is there any limitation in their coming?

These are temporarily unknown.

“Wang Teng hasn’t come yet?” asked a warrior-level warrior who guarded the South China Sea.

“It’s almost here, he has been notified.” At the top position, Yong Shuai said.

“Sun Zhenshou, I just waited for a while, why bother to be so anxious.” said Qian Boyu of the Nanhai Qian Family, who has a close relationship with Wang Teng.

Guarding is a kind of position, and the status is still above the governor of a province.

However, the places where guards will be set up are all located on the border, either there are a large number of star beasts, or there are dark cracks, so powerful warriors are required to suppress them.

The strength of such a warrior must at least reach the 13-star warlord level!

“Alien invasion, time is pressing, how can we waste time.” Sun Yuanju frowned, and asked: “I heard that he has reached a higher level, I don’t know if it is true or not?”

As soon as this remark came out, the bigwigs from all around also turned their heads and looked at them. They were obviously very concerned about this issue, but they just didn’t have the time to ask them.

“This is naturally true, otherwise the alien invaders are the ones who solved it.” Hong Shuai glanced at him and said, “Sun Zhenshou, there are some things waiting for Wang Teng to come, don’t talk nonsense.”

“Hong Shuai, how is this nonsense? I am guarding the South China Sea. I have already noticed the changes of various countries. The Bald Eagle Country, Inga Country, Kangaroo Country, etc. on the opposite side of the ocean seem to be occupied. They do not intend to stand still, but I am ready to do something to the nearby countries. At this time, if Wang Teng has mastered a higher level of exercises, it is best to share them with everyone. Only when our strength is strengthened can we be able to withstand the invasion of foreign enemies.” Sun Yuanju’s eyes flashed. Jing Guang said.

Hong Shuai’s face suddenly sank, his eyes fixed on Sun Yuanju.

Whether he is for Xia Guo or for himself, no one knows.

At this time, the bigwigs of all parties here all had their eyes flickering, with lively expressions on their faces. Many people actually thought the same as Sun Yuanju, but they did not speak out.

Who doesn’t want a higher level of exercises!

If they can obtain the exercises that Wang Teng possesses, they may also be promoted to a higher level!

That is an existence far beyond the rank of generals. As long as they are promoted, it means that they have the opportunity to leave the planet and seek a broader world in the universe.

At this point, their ambitions are naturally not small.

“Sun Zhenshou, I hope you don’t say this again. Alien invasion, we naturally have to overcome difficulties together, but spying on other people’s exercises is a big taboo, you have passed.” At this time, the martial arts leader opened his eyes and glanced at Sun Yuanju. , Said slowly.

Sun Yuanju’s expression changed. He originally thought that telling the aliens’ movements would arouse everyone’s sense of urgency, and his purpose would be supported by everyone.

Although they couldn’t beat Wang Teng, so many people spoke at the same time, and Wang Teng would naturally obey.

Who would have thought that the martial arts leader would be the first to stand up against it?

No one is closer to that level than the martial arts leader, but he has suppressed his own desires. What qualifications do other people have to force Wang Teng.

“Leader, you don’t know how far the situation has reached. The alien invasion and the world situation will definitely be broken. We must prepare early. If not, Xia Guo is very likely to be annihilated in history. If it is normal, I I can’t do anything shameless to spy on other people’s exercises, but now only at the expense of Wang Teng’s own interests can we seize the opportunity. We have no choice!” Sun Yuanju still wants to rescue him again, awe-inspiring. Appearance, bitterly persuaded.

“Enough!” Hong Shuai was furious, and shouted directly: “If there is no Wang Teng, Xia country has been occupied by alien invaders, I can’t wait to sit here, you act like this, don’t you be afraid of the cold? ?”

Many people showed embarrassment on their faces. They knew that Hong Shuai’s remarks were not only to Sun Yuanju, but also to many people in the audience who had the same thoughts.

They felt a little impressive, and Wang Teng rescued them, but they turned to seek his advantage.

Speaking of it, these people are all-hearted people.

“For Wang Teng’s contribution, I am naturally extremely grateful…” Sun Yuanju wanted to refute, but he was suddenly disrupted by a voice before he finished speaking.

“Oh, it’s so lively!”

No one arrives, the sound comes first!

When everyone heard this voice, their complexions changed slightly.

Sun Yuanju’s complexion suddenly became unnatural, and he looked at the door with a rather guilty conscience.

I saw a young figure slowly walking in from outside, it was Wang Teng.

When his figure appeared, all voices disappeared.

Wang Teng looked around, his deep gaze swept across everyone, and he didn’t stay too much on Sun Yuanju. He was no different from the others and didn’t seem to take him to his heart.

Sun Yuanju’s complexion was a little ugly, and he felt that he was ignored and aggrieved in his heart, but for some reason, when he saw Wang Teng’s deep gaze, he dared not say a word.

“You are here, come and sit down.”

The martial arts leader spoke and pointed to a seat next to him.

This seat is right beside the martial arts leader, side by side with it, it can be seen that he has put Wang Teng in the same position.

Other people naturally saw this scene, their eyes flickering, and various thoughts flashed in their hearts.

Wang Teng was not polite, walked straight over and sat down.

“What everyone was discussing just now, it seems to be very lively, ignore me, I’m just here to make a soy sauce, and you continue.” Wang Teng made a gesture of please, whether it was intentional or unintentional, and it happened to be directed at Sun Yuanju’s location. Direction.

Everyone couldn’t help but watch.

Sun Yuanju’s face suddenly turned green. It was clear that Wang Teng didn’t do anything, but he just felt an invisible pressure on his face, making him a little unable to breathe.

Sun Yuanju’s complexion changed and his heart was extremely bitter. At this moment, he finally understood that in the face of absolute strength, everything was in vain.

What he did before was like a joke at all.

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