Chapter 748: Are You Thinking About How To Die?

Wang Teng jumped down from the hundreds of meters high building, and left the blue-haired young man on the ground casually, as if he had lost a dead dog casually.


Under the influence of inertia, the blue-haired youth rolled forward a few times, covered in dust and embarrassed.

At this moment, he couldn’t still see the invincible, superior appearance before.


The blue-haired youth was so humiliated, his whole body trembled with anger, and his complexion was extremely green.

He struggled to get up, even if he was defeated, he would never allow himself to show such an embarrassed appearance.

Zi Lin was not far away. He raised his head, and saw that she was still there. He couldn’t help but furiously said:

“What are you doing standing stupidly, help me up!”

“Oh, okay!” Zilin had just been stunned by Wang Teng’s unscrupulous behavior, and only then recovered, and hurried forward, trying to help the blue-haired youth.

However, at this moment, Wang Teng came over.

When Zi Lin saw Wang Teng’s indifferent face, she couldn’t help but feel stiff, and she didn’t dare to take a step forward.

“Do you want to die?” The blue-haired youth was in pain. Seeing Zi Lin hesitated, his expression was distorted and said viciously.

“Did I get you up?”

At this moment, a voice suddenly reached the blue-haired youth’s ears, and his expression changed involuntarily.

However, before he could react, a foot suddenly stepped on his head.


A huge force came, and the blue-haired youth’s head slammed into the ground uncontrollably, making a muffled noise.

The blue-haired youth’s face was stepped on the ground and came into close contact with the ground.

His eyes widened and he could hardly believe that Wang Teng dared to treat him like this.

Zi Lin was stunned. She stared at Wang Teng blankly, as if she saw a devil with a pale face and involuntarily stepped back two steps.

This man is terrible!

“Wang! Teng!” A depressed shout was squeezed out word by word from the mouth of the young man Lan Fa, very stern, as if full of monstrous hatred.

Wang Teng looked down and stared at the resentful eyes of the blue-haired young man. His eyes were flat and unmoved, but the corners of his mouth showed a curve.

“I like your look like this!”

“Like a vicious dog, it wants to bite people, but unfortunately it can’t. After all, it’s just a dog.”

The blue-haired youth breathed fire in his eyes, his eyes were stern, and said coldly: “Do you know who I am?”

“I don’t want to know the identity of a dead person.” Wang Teng said lightly, stepping up his feet, pressing the blue-haired young man’s face into the ground, rubbing fiercely, and rubbing out bloodstains on his face. There was blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

“Hehe, it’s not guilty for anyone who doesn’t know!” Faced with such humiliation, the blue-haired youth gave a sneer: “With what you did today, the entire country of Xia, no, this entire planet will pay a heavy price. , The humans on this entire planet will die because of your arrogance and ignorance.”

“You can kill me, but after you kill me, all of you can’t live!”

“Remember, it is everyone! Your parents, your women, your friends, everything will be tortured endlessly before you die, and all of this is caused by you.”

“Do you think you can sit back and relax if you beat me!”

“Innocent, ridiculous, ignorant!”

The blue-haired youth’s eyes were full of bitterness and ridicule, as if mocking Wang Teng’s overweight and ignorance.

“Yes, our young master is a direct descendant of the Lan family of the Orland Federation. Do you know how the Lan family exists? One family controls a full three life planets, each of which has better martial arts and technology than yours Earth Star does not know how powerful it is, if you move him, the entire Earth Star will be buried for it.”

Zilin seemed to have found her confidence again, and her arrogance was restored on her pretty face. She looked at Wang Teng disdainfully, and said, “You don’t want to let the young master go, kneel down and apologize, maybe you can still ask the young master to forgive other places. Astral humans have a life.”

Tan Taixuan and the Wang family were walking over, and when they heard Zi Lin’s words, their complexions were hard to look at.

Commonwealth of Altland!

Lan family!

Control three planets of life!

They could hardly imagine what a terrifying behemoth it was.

If it is targeted, Earth Star will definitely be over.

Everyone did not expect that they had finally defeated the alien invaders and involved a terrifying behemoth.

They seemed to feel a cloud covering the sky and the sun over the earth and the stars, making people breathless.

Wang Teng also couldn’t help but froze for a moment. He didn’t have much fear, but he didn’t expect that this blue-haired young man had a lot of origin, and there were such families behind him.

Controlling the three life planets, this force is really terrifying!

“You’re scared. If you’re scared, let go of my young master quickly, otherwise once the Lan family’s warrior fleet descends on Earth Star, you will definitely make you desperate and regret it.” Zilin saw Wang Teng’s appearance and thought he was afraid. , Immediately said proudly.

“Tongue is dry!” Wang Teng frowned, waved his big hand, the force condensed into a big hand, and slammed Zi Lin away fiercely.


Zi Lin spouted out of a mouthful of blood mixed with two teeth, and fell ten meters away, covering her face in disbelief.

This native dared to beat her? ?

“I never beat women, but you are so vicious, you must not be a woman.” Wang Teng glanced at her.

“…” Zi Lin.

God is not a woman!

In order to find a reason to beat a woman, this guy said that she is not a woman!

What a madness this is!

Tan Taixuan and others looked weird and looked at Zi Lin like an idiot.

This woman was not strong, and she was just a maid, and she didn’t know where she was superior. She was gesticulating there, as if she had eaten Wang Teng.

People, can’t recognize themselves, deserve to be beaten!

“Good fight!” Lin Chuxia yelled and complained to Wang Teng: “Brother-in-law, she just bullied us, and she has to train us to give to her young master.”

Upon hearing this, Wang Teng glanced at Lin Chuhan and Lin Chuxia apologetically, then narrowed his eyes slightly, a ray of cold light shot out, looked at Zilin, and said coldly: “Do you think about how you died? ”

This woman dared to be tempted by Lin Chuhan and Lin Chuxia, really damn it!

Zi Lin was shocked and felt Wang Teng’s killing intent. She immediately slapped her spirits, her scalp became numb, and her beautiful face was so pale to the extreme that she stammered: “I, I don’t!”

“I ask you, do you think about how to die?” Wang Teng frowned and asked again.

“No, don’t kill me, young master, young master save me!” Zilin seemed to feel Wang Teng’s intention to kill, and she trembled with fear, and turned to the blue-haired youth who was still at Wang Teng’s feet for help.

“…This idiot!” The blue-haired young man cursed secretly.

Wang Teng saw her shrew-like appearance with a trace of disgust on her face and stretched out his hand.


A blood flower bloomed in the center of Zilin’s forehead, stunningly gorgeous!

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