Chapter 746 Firefly and Haoyue!


The huge wave formed by the force swept the sky, and a huge mountain stood in front of it, unable to shake it at all.

Suddenly, both virtual images disappeared, and the two figures suddenly separated. It was Wang Teng and the blue-haired young man.

They stepped back a hundred meters in an instant, and stood in the sky, looking at each other at the same time.

“Sure enough, you were promoted to a planetary star!”

The blue-haired youth looked ugly, and his heart was slightly shaken.

Wang Teng didn’t answer, but that expression had already acquiesced to the other party’s guess.

In the distance, Tantaixuan and Ye Jixing saw this scene, the surprise on their faces couldn’t be concealed, and their hearts were shocked beyond the reach.

Wang Teng has really been promoted to a level where no one has ever been promoted to Earth Star!

Listening to the meaning of the blue-haired youth, that realm is called–

Star rating! ! !

Although they can’t understand what these three words represent, they understand that the strength represented by this realm is absolutely powerful.

The strength and speed exploded just after the two men tentatively attacked each other made them unimaginable.

On the other side, the blue-haired young maid, Zi Lin, also stared wide-eyed.

An earth star native has actually reached a star rating!

How can this be? ?

She originally wanted to see Wang Teng being brutally tortured to death by her own young master, but found out that the natives of this land star were not soft persimmons that anyone could handle.

In the sky, the blue-haired youth spoke again, with a plain expression: “The clone was you before, you probably hadn’t reached the planetary star at the time, so you only used the clone to test, but the deity hid. Until now, you don’t know. I was promoted to the star of the planet by any means, so I think I have the confidence to compete with me. I’m right!”

Wang Teng is noncommittal.

“If this is the case, then I can only say that you are too naive!” The corner of the blue-haired youth’s mouth suddenly showed a trace of disdain: “You don’t even know how far you are from me!”

“There is a difference between a planetary star and a planetary star. Like you guys who don’t know how to reach the planetary star on backward planets, how can they understand the difference between Yinghuo and Haoyue.”

The blue-haired youth echoed in the sky with extremely arrogant and conceited words, making the complexions of all the Earth-Star warriors around him changed drastically.

Although his words are arrogant, it is an undeniable fact that the martial arts civilization of the earth planet is too far away from the aliens.

Although Wang Teng has been promoted to planetary star, I am afraid…


Suddenly, a terrible force wave erupted from the blue-haired young man. He disappeared in the same place. He could not even see the afterimage. He appeared directly in front of Wang Teng, and a frantic laughter came out:

“It’s your good fortune to die in my hands!”

At some point, a water-blue war sword appeared in his hand and pierced towards Wang Teng’s heart.

The tip of the sword swallowed a sharp blue cold light, which seemed to split the air, and a clear white mark appeared in the void.

The strong wind blew back the long blue hair of the blue-haired young man, revealing the hideous and arrogant face.

However, Wang Teng’s expression remained unchanged in the face of such a fierce attack, his eyes were calm, and the blue-haired youth’s gaze made him stunned.


At this moment, a crisp metal trembling sounded.

It turned out that at some point, a huge, dark, odd-shaped weapon appeared on the path of the long sword, and forcibly blocked the fatal blow.

This weapon is the magic que!

With the casting level of the magic fault, it is naturally incomparable with the water blue long sword, but at this time its surface is covered by a thick layer of earth elemental power by Wang Teng, and its defensive power is amazing, so it is not the first time to be cut. Off.

But even so, a shallow white mark appeared on the Demon Fault, which was obviously injured by the aqua-blue long sword.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and he felt a huge force coming, knocking him upside down and flying out.

The blue-haired youth rushed forward, and the water-blue war sword in his hand shot out repeatedly, and the terrifying sword light slashed towards Wang Teng.

Wang Teng stepped suddenly in the air, his body stopped retreating, and then dodged, avoiding several slashes from the opposite side.

In his mind, his thoughts turned, and he knew that a force alone could not compete with this blue-haired youth, and that the opponent’s strength was not as simple as just being promoted to a planetary star.

This kind of strength has at least reached the three-tier star level!

According to the records on the planetary-star exercises, the planetary stars are divided into one to nine levels. Each level of promotion will change their strength tremendously, enough to crush low-level warriors of the same level.

Originally, if it were compared by level, Wang Teng would definitely not be the opponent of the blue-haired youth.

After all, Wang Teng has just been promoted to the first level of the planetary star, and the gap with the third level of the planetary star is not small.

Fortunately, he also had the confidence to exist, and the Five Elements Force was promoted to planetary star at the same time.



At the same time, the other two stars in Wang Teng’s body began to revolve, namely the wood system star and the water system star!

Wood, water and soil, the force of the three-system stars burst out!

Wang Teng grabbed the knife with both hands and cut it out. The three colors of green, blue and yellow were mixed together to form a very terrifying knife light.

The blue-haired young man narrowed his eyes, before he had time to think about it. He picked up the force of the whole body, and also slashed out with a sword. A sword light passed across the sky and collided with the light of the sword.

This sword, one sword, two rays of light rushed straight into the sky, almost piercing the sky out.

The two collided, annihilated each other, and made a terrifying roar!

The strong wind swept around, everyone was knocked upside down and flew out.

The alien warriors under the blue-haired youth had no time to take care of Tantaixuan and others.

However, Tan Taixuan and others hurriedly protected the Wang family and took them away from the center of the battle between Wang Teng and the blue-haired youth, otherwise with their ordinary human physique, this aftermath would be enough to kill them.

With the aftermath of the Force, the surrounding high-rise buildings in Daxia collapsed. This is the central area of ​​Xiadu. It is a prosperous commercial area. There are countless office buildings and shopping malls with hundreds of floors. Now the horror caused by the fighting between the two. In the aftermath, they all turned into rubble.

Following the annihilation of the sword light and the sword light, the figures of Wang Teng and the blue-haired youth were finally revealed.

The blue-haired youth stood on top of a building that had been cut in two, looked at Wang Teng who was standing on top of a tall tower opposite, and said with an ugly expression:

“Three Elements Force!”

“You actually have three elements of force!”

There was a hint of despair in his voice, and a hint of disbelief, unable to accept the facts he saw before him.

He considers himself a genius, superior to others, and is not comparable to the natives of a backward planet.

However, now this native has actually demonstrated his strength, a talent that is even stronger than him. Relying on the strength that has just been promoted to the planetary star, he can compete with the third-tier planetary star.

This gap is undoubtedly a huge blow to him who is extremely conceited.

“Didn’t you say you want me to see the gap between Yinghuo and Haoyue?” Wang Teng said lightly at this moment.

Although his tone did not fluctuate, it fell in the ears of the blue-haired youth, but it seemed extremely harsh, as if he had completely lifted a layer of fig leaf.

The blue-haired youth looked green and white.

MMP, why does he want to get a native of the earth star to have such talents!

Even the geniuses he knows, not many of them have the three elements at the same time, and they have all been promoted to planetary stars!

There are too few such geniuses!

How could this backward planet exist, he really couldn’t understand!

This is not martial arts!

But in any case, the slap in the face came too fast and swollen his face. The blue-haired youth has never felt so embarrassed.

“Don’t stop, please continue your performance.” Wang Teng hooked his finger at the blue-haired youth again.

He just wants to step on the other’s pride step by step, and crush all the things that the other party is proud of.

Otherwise it is not enough to calm his anger!

“Too much bullying!” The blue-haired youth exploded.


This is humiliation!

This land star native dare to humiliate him!

How dare he? Why is he? Who does he think he is?

Endless anger completely swallowed his reason, and the blue-haired youth frantically mobilized the force of the stars in his body to kill Wang Teng.

Boom boom boom!

There was a violent roar, and the two turned into two rays of light to continuously collide in the sky. Their attacks destroyed countless buildings, from the ground to the sky, and from the sky to the top of the spacecraft.

However, no matter how the blue-haired youth attacked, they couldn’t really hurt Wang Teng.

The more he fought, the more he felt Wang Teng’s extraordinary.

This native of the earth star relied on the strength of the planetary star level to fight him until now.

Fight more tiers!

This is something a real genius can do.

He had to admit that he was inferior to the natives of the stars.

However, the more so, the more jealous he became, his eyes became red, and the whole person seemed to be completely crazy.



Go to hell!

The light above the sword in his hand was full of intensity, a blue sword glow rose up into the sky, and a huge wave of hundreds of feet high swept out, wave after wave, without seeing the end, almost covering the sky. .

The profound meaning of water swordsmanship!

Thousands of waves! ! !


The big wave swept, and rolled straight towards Wang Teng.

Wang Teng’s eyes condensed, and he felt the horror of this blow. At this moment, he immediately mobilized all the five elements in his body and surged out.

The same sword light burst out from the magic fault in his hand and rushed straight into the sky.

Blazing flames condensed on the surface!

Starfire sword cut!

This is the planetary combat skill he got!

He had previously been promoted to Consummation with a blank attribute, and at this time, regardless of the three-seven-one, not only the fire-type sword intent, but also the artistic conception of the other four-type swords were blended in, making the sword light more terrifying.

The energy in it became extremely violent and seemed to explode at any time.


In the terrifying air wave, Wang Teng felt a little unable to control this sword, and without any hesitation, he swung his sword out.

The surface of the sword light is full of monstrous flames, sweeping toward the sky full of waves.

In the sky, half the waves and half the flames are spectacular!

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