Chapter 76 Exit and Start!

Wang Teng, Lin Chuhan and others rested in the rest area.

It can be seen that Lin Chuhan and Yang Jian were a little absent-minded at this time, fiddling with the weapons in their hands, but they didn’t have any rules.

When things came to an end, the two became nervous just like the others.

This is not to blame for them, the bloody scene of the roar of the alien beast before, and the final bombardment actually caused a huge impact on the hearts of all the candidates.

Especially when the alien beast wanted to rush out of the iron net, the undisguised malice in the beast’s eyes was completely treating the candidates as food.

Human beings will be reduced to food one day? !

These candidates are still small white flowers and small grasses in the ivory tower!

Have not experienced the severe beatings of the society, and have never seen the cruelty of the law of the jungle!

Although they may have known the brutality and terrifying of alien beasts through various means, they did not have such an intuitive feeling.

Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you experience it firsthand!

“Are you okay?” Wang Teng couldn’t help asking, looking at Lin Chuhan.

To be honest, with her strength, facing those strange beasts, she was still very reluctant.

“It’s okay!” Lin Chuhan gritted his teeth, pretending to be calm.

“I thought I could face this actual combat assessment fearlessly, but now I think I’m a little bit embarrassed!” Yang Jian smiled bitterly.

“That’s right, don’t you think they are not counseling?” Wang Teng motioned him to look at the people around him.

“Even Zhou Wu, He Manrong and the others are nervous, and my heart is instantly balanced.” Yang Jian couldn’t help letting out a long breath when seeing the expressions of several senior warriors at this time.


“But how do I think you are not worried at all?”

“Those alien beasts, I can explode with one punch, what’s to worry about!” Wang Teng said relaxedly.

“Bringing bragging, those with rough skins and thick skins, although your strength reaches 1000kg, it may not be able to explode with a punch.” Yang Jian obviously didn’t believe it.

“You treat your fist as a cannonball!” Lin Chuhan also expressed disdain.

“No one believes the truth!” Wang Teng was speechless.

The three of them were chatting, and after some gagging, Lin Chuhan and the two were obviously less nervous.


Hearing this loud voice, everyone looked up on the high platform. The officer who had previously commanded the distribution of uniform weapons was facing everyone:

“The actual combat assessment is about to begin. Here I announce the rules of the exam!”

“First, the actual combat assessment will last from ten o’clock to six o’clock tomorrow morning. In other words, you have to spend one day and one night in the virgin forest in front of you!”

Hearing this, the faces of the candidates have changed.

one day one Night! !

The virgin forest is already full of dangers, but now telling them that they have to stay for so long, so that people can’t live.

The officer did not care about the uproar of the candidates below, and continued.

“During this day and night, your food and water, and even your accommodation at night, have to figure out their own solutions.”

“At the same time, if you want to pass the test, you need to hunt at least five alien beasts. This is the minimum standard. The more and stronger the hunted alien beasts, the higher the credits. When you apply for college in the future, you will have a better choice. .”

“In the entire assessment process, we will monitor the entire forest through satellites. You have a communicator on your battle uniform.”

“This communicator not only includes a tracking function, to ensure that every examinee is under surveillance.”

“The strength and quantity of the monsters you hunted will be recorded through monitoring, converted into credits, and included in your files.”

“But you must hunt and kill yourself, and you can’t be helped by others, otherwise you will be treated as cheating and you will be disqualified for the exam!”

“In addition, remember that the actual combat assessment does not allow candidates to kill each other, but there is competition…So you must not only beware of alien animals, but also other candidates.”

“There is also an emergency alert button on the communicator!”

“We have arranged a large number of warriors who are rich in actual combat in the forest, and there are even three warriors.”

“When you press the alarm button, the staff closest to you will immediately rush to your location based on the location.”

“Although Wu Kao is important, life is precious. Remember not to be reckless. Only when you are alive can you have hope. I will do so!”

After listening to the candidates, their faces were already very ugly, and they were all in an uproar.

This actual combat assessment is too difficult!

It was harder than everyone thought, and more dangerous than they thought. Many people couldn’t help but retreat.

“If you want to quit, you can stand up now!” The officer seemed to see what they thought, and said lightly.

The examinees looked at each other, and then there was a girl who actually came forward.

“I… I quit!”

When she said this, she was already sobbing.

It can be seen how painful it is for her to make this decision.

A martial arts candidate must have put in a lot of effort for the martial arts test, even for students from ordinary backgrounds, the family reduced their clothes and diet for them to practice martial arts.

But now, she gave up!

The rest of the candidates were surprised, complicated, and sympathetic, and then felt relieved.

When someone starts, they can feel at ease.

After losing, suffering, and struggling, some people also chose to give up.

Hope is too slim!

It was for a glimmer of hope, but if it was at the cost of life, their timidity would not allow them to do so.

After a while, these abandoned candidates stood sparsely, and there were hundreds of them.

“Has no one quit anymore?”

The officer asked, and after seeing that no candidates came forward, he ordered.

“In this case, the remaining candidates were disrupted, divided into ten teams, and entered the virgin forest from various entrances.”

A staff member came forward to organize, and eventually the candidates who were familiar with each other were separated into ten teams, and they went to the entrances under their leadership.

Wang Teng stood in one of the teams, surrounded by strange faces.

Lin Chuhan and Yang Jian have been integrated into other teams, and they are no longer visible. I only hope that they can pass the assessment safely.

Not long after, Wang Teng’s team came to an entrance.

After waiting for another moment, the leader looked at his watch and said:

“It’s almost time, let’s all go in, good luck to you!”

He said and motioned to the guard at the entrance to open the iron gate of the entrance and put the candidates in it.

All candidates remembered what the officer said before!

There is competition among candidates, and you need to beware…the heart is unpredictable, no one dares to underestimate this sentence.

So as soon as they entered the forest, everyone parted ways, each choosing a direction to leave.

Wang Teng arbitrarily chose a direction to walk into the depths of the forest, his gloves were already put on, and the sword was in his hand.

Although it was easy to say before, he was not stupid enough to take it lightly.

There are tall trees all around, lush and lush, the ground is covered with litter, and the smell of corruption carries the fragrance of flowers and trees into the nose.


The roar of the beasts in the distance one after another.

Actual combat assessment——

Start! !

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