Chapter 702 This guy is a money fan!

“Hey, I’m quite alert, is it because I feel the same physique?”

Wang Teng couldn’t help being a little surprised when he saw the lizard star beast carrying the magnetic sand body.

He didn’t think that the star beast could see through his hidden shadow secret method, so there was only one possibility, and that was that it sensed the same constitution as it.

After all, when the distance is relatively close, the magnetic fields can interact with each other.

But soon as the magnetic sand body in Wang Teng’s body subsided, and because he only gained 10 physical attributes, the magnetic field formed was so weak that the star beast could no longer perceive it.

It closed its eyes suspiciously, thinking that it had created an illusion.

The staff in the laboratory immediately noticed the abnormality of the star beast, surprised and looked towards it.

“What’s the matter? Isn’t this sand iron black lizard pretending to be dead? How can it wake up today?”

“Yeah, that’s weird!”

“This black sand iron lizard is a quasi-lord-level powerful star beast, and its wisdom is not low. Will there be any problems?”

“It’s hard to tell, could it be a problem with the cage.”

“Quickly, check it out quickly.”

The staff were in a hurry, and all of them dropped the star beasts on the operating table that were being dissected, one by one they were operating the surrounding instruments and inspecting the cage.

It turned out that it seemed to be a false alarm!


The sand iron black lizard did not open its eyes from beginning to end, and allowed the staff to toss about outside, even ignoring them.

“Could it just be… hungry!” Someone could not help but speak when seeing this scene.


Everyone suddenly fell into silence.

They suddenly felt that they seemed a little stupid, and a group of people were frightened by the star beasts locked in a cage, and a group of them were embarrassed.

However, Zuo Tianliehua beside Wang Teng didn’t think so. She clearly saw that the black sand iron lizard’s gaze was looking at where they were.

She was so scared that her heart jumped to her throat just now, thinking she had been discovered.

But it turned out that it didn’t seem to be the case.

The sand iron black lizard did not notice their existence, it just seemed to feel something.

Zuo Tian Liehua believed that she definitely had nothing to attract the attention of the sand iron black lizard, so the problem could only occur with Wang Teng next to her.

This guy……

The longer she gets along, the more she discovers that the other party is very mysterious!

“Let’s go.” At this time, Wang Teng’s voice rang in her ears, pulling her thoughts back to reality.

The two continued to dig deeper, but found nothing more. The next few laboratories were only equipped with various instruments and countless bottles and jars, some of which were biological specimens, and some were some medicines.

Wang Teng didn’t pay too much attention, shook his head, a little regretful… he couldn’t pick up attribute bubbles anymore.

Then the two withdrew from this passage.

“The third passage over there is where the Shinrikyo sect stores treasures and elixir.” After walking out of the laboratory passage, Zuo Tian Liehua took the initiative to speak.

“Go, go take a look.” Wang Teng’s eyes lit up and he immediately walked over there.

He likes treasures the most.

The treasure that was collected from the dark world last time has been disposed of by the martial arts leader, and has been thrown into the reconstruction of the East China Sea. Now he is empty, and he cannot fill up the sense of emptiness.

“…” Zuo Tian Liehua was a little speechless when she saw his excited look.

This guy is a fan of money!

definitely is!

She followed closely behind, for fear that she would lose the hidden effect if she was too far away.

She knew that she was able to hide so perfectly with Wang Teng’s help, so she never dared to stay too far away.

There are more guards outside this passage, and there are also inside the passage, with two to three guards standing guard at every interval.

In such a situation, even Wang Teng had to be cautious. After all, he had to deal with the rune prohibition, which was a bit difficult.

Because when the rune prohibition is lifted, the rune will light up, unless the method of removing the prohibition is extremely fast, and it is almost too late for the rune to respond, then it is possible to lift the prohibition silently.

With Wang Teng’s current [Yao’s Talisman Solving Method] attainments, it is naturally impossible to do this, so he chose to add some points.

Anyway, I just got nearly 5,000 points of blank attributes from the laboratory, and now it doesn’t matter if I use them, I think I haven’t picked them up.

[Yao’s Method of Solving Symbols]: 15000 (Dacheng)

This method of solving amulet was originally only a proficiency level. Wang Teng spent more than four thousand blank attributes and directly promoted it to Dacheng.

At this moment, Wang Teng felt that a large number of methods for cracking runes had emerged in his mind, and his mastery level had also been greatly improved. If it is displayed now, it is absolutely amazing.

When Zuo Tianliehua saw him stop suddenly, she seemed to be stumped.

Let’s just say, this person is not omnipotent, if this still can’t help him, it’s really hell.

Wang Teng put too much pressure on her, unpredictable and elusive. She found that she could not see him at all, but now that he was not omnipotent, she was relieved.

But soon she became nervous again. The two are now grasshoppers tied to a rope. If Wang Teng can’t get in, she can only leave.

But if he wants to push hard, it is very likely to be found, then she will also follow the risk.

Thinking of this, she couldn’t help but look at Wang Teng, and then her complexion changed involuntarily.

At this moment, Wang Teng actually moved again and moved forward again.

Zuo Tian Liehua hesitated suddenly, not knowing whether she should follow, her whole body was tense, and when Wang Teng was discovered, she immediately turned and ran away.

However, the expected situation did not appear. When passing the rune prohibition at a distance of three meters, he shot at an incredible speed, and then the body also walked over.

Rune prohibition has no response!

Zuo Tianlie’s eyes widened, feeling like he had hallucinations, and he couldn’t help rubbing his eyes again.

“What are you doing in a daze, don’t hurry up.” Wang Teng’s flat voice suddenly came into her ears.

Zuo Tianliehua woke up and quickly followed with an unbelievable expression.

She wanted to ask how Wang Teng did it, but she didn’t dare to speak. She also knew that even if she asked, Wang Teng probably wouldn’t tell her.

Simply shut your mouth and be a follower honestly.

The two of them traveled about a hundred meters, passing through the guards, and finally came to the depths.

There are two huge stone chambers here, both of which are blocked by heavy iron gates. The iron gates are inscribed with complex runes. Obviously, this place is not so easy to enter.

This rune naturally couldn’t help Wang Teng, but the guard was outside. If the stone gate was opened rashly, it would definitely attract the guard’s attention.

Obviously, this is not the time to alarm the cultists.

“What to do?” Seeing Wang Teng’s face turned dark, Zuo Tianliehua asked in a low voice.

“Wait!” Wang Teng gritted his teeth.

The treasure is in front, but can’t get it, no one is more depressed than him.

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