Chapter 72 You are a big boss, you are self-willed!

Wang Teng has done his homework.

The source stone is the force between the heaven and the earth into the minerals, through the special topography, deeply buried underground, after a long time of evolution, slowly formed the ore with force crystals.

It is mainly produced in other worlds.

The Earth’s planet has been eroded by the Force in just thirty years, and it is not enough to produce the source rock.

As for the pill, it is the assistant professional alchemists who smelt all kinds of elixir through special methods, which have various functions.

These two resources are generally only used by warriors, and of course they are of vital importance to the high-level warriors who want to attack the warriors.

When some people break through the martial artist, if they can’t absorb enough force, it is very likely that all previous efforts will be lost.

At this time, a few source stones rich in force, or a pill of spirit, are the best guarantee.

However, the source stone and the spirit pill are important resources that each major power has a large amount of rationing.

Such as universities, military, or heavyweight martial arts halls, only those who belong to these forces can enjoy it.

But what other small forces can enjoy is very limited.

Even on the market, only some officially recognized big brand companies can sell them.

After all, if a large amount of these resources fall into the hands of some conspirators, and some warriors with three wrong views are cultivated by them, it will be a lot of trouble.

And even if there are some black markets, but the number has always been small, there has always been a market priceless.

The principal of Donghai No. 1 High School offered these two things as rewards, which is undoubtedly a big deal!

As for the mysterious reward he said, Wang Teng expressed a bit speechless.

Do these people love to play this tune?

Bai Yun was like that last time, and now even their principals are playing this hand, it’s boring enough, how old they are.

“Principal, I think your reward mechanism is very good, which can stimulate the motivation of candidates to the greatest extent. I believe that our school will achieve good results in this martial arts entrance examination for the college entrance examination. You can rest assured to prepare for the reward.” Wang Tengyi said righteously. Said.

There was not a word about himself in the words!

But the principal’s eyes lit up, and Wang Teng looked at each other, showing a meaningful smile, tacitly.

“With your words from classmate Wang Teng, I’m relieved!”

“Okay, I won’t bother you to take a break. For those candidates who have finished the assessment, you can take a short break in the afternoon and then go to the next examination room in the evening.”

The principal finished speaking, carrying his hands on his back, and left with several other school leaders.

“Why haven’t I heard that Wu Kao has rewards before?” Wang Teng asked Lin Chuhan next to him.

“It’s always been, because you didn’t pay attention to it, okay, but you are embarrassed to say that you are not absent from class every day, or you don’t listen carefully. It’s strange to know!” Lin Chuhan rolled his eyes.

“Hmm~ well, my fault!” Wang Teng gave a dry smile.

“What are you going to do this afternoon?” Yang Jian interjected at this time.

“There is a live assessment of the afternoon in the canteen. I’ll just pass the time there,” Lin Chuhan suggested.

“This is okay. You have to pay attention to the grade evaluation in the afternoon. Who knows if there will be a few more dark horses among the remaining candidates.” Yang Jian nodded and looked at Wang Teng again: “Wang Shao, how about you? ?What do you plan to do?”

“Find a place to sleep.” Wang Teng yawned.

“Yes, you are a big brother, you are self-willed!” Yang Jian said convinced.

Wang Teng didn’t go anywhere in the end, because during the exam, even the students who finished the exam could not run around.

He had to stay in the cafeteria as honestly as the other students.

The one-hour break soon passed.

Candidates who have not participated in the level assessment have successively entered the examination room to start a new round of assessment.

The students in the third grade (8) class gathered together at this time, watching the live broadcast of the evaluation site, and commenting on it from time to time.

Lin Chuhan and Yang Jian also watched them with gusto and started discussions with other students.

Wang Teng was boring and swiping his phone.

In fact, most of the candidates are only intermediate martial arts, and generally speaking, there are still relatively few advanced martial arts.

It took almost half an hour before senior warriors appeared one after another.

“Look, it’s Yan Peng from Huiying Middle School. He has a strength of 924, a speed of 3.6 seconds per 100 meters, and a physique of 93!” Yang Jian suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone’s attention was attracted, and the discussion immediately started.

“This score has caught up with Zhou Wu of our school, and his strength and speed are stronger than Zhou Wu!”

“They have the same physique!”

“If you really fight, Zhou Wu will suffer.”

“It’s hard to say. Although Zhou Wu’s strength and speed are a little bit worse, don’t forget that strength also includes basic combat skills.”

“Yes, if Zhou Wu has a higher mastery of basic combat skills than Yan Peng, then it is hard to say who wins and loses…”

Everyone couldn’t help comparing their strengths.

When the students of Huiying Middle School heard the discussion from the students of Donghai No. 1 Middle School, they all showed pride on their faces.

Look, we at Huiying also have powerful senior warriors, no worse than yours, so proud of it!

However, when he saw Wang Teng who was so bored with his mobile phone next to him, even if a senior warrior like Yan Peng appeared, he had no intention of paying attention, and the students of Huiying Middle School were immediately discouraged.

Even Yan Peng has a big gap with that Wang Teng!

With such a big man sitting in the No. 1 Middle School, Huiying Middle School is afraid that it will not be able to turn over this year.

What a shame!

Why is there such a monster in Donghai No. 1 Middle School?

The students of Huiying Middle School were very upset, but completely helpless.

Unless they have a hidden dark horse in Huiying, and they have to be as dark as Wang Teng in the first.

The level evaluation is finally coming to an end. Although there have been a lot of high-level warriors in the back, none of them are more powerful than Zhou Wu and Yan Peng.

Most of the strength did not exceed 900, the speed was basically between 5 seconds and 4 seconds per 100 meters, and the physical fitness was also in the 80s. Only one or two exceeded 90. There was still a certain gap between Zhou Wu and Yanpeng.

Five o’clock.

The level evaluation is completely over.

All candidates were divided into two groups. One group failed and was about to leave, and the other group passed the examination and was about to go to the next test site.

On the square of the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall, Liu Wenshi stood in front of the candidates, and his voice spread.

“Although it is a pity that some of you failed to pass, but you are still young and you still have a chance next year. As long as you are committed to the martial arts exam and never give up, I believe you will eventually pass the martial arts exam and enter the university.”

“Our country is paying more and more attention to martial arts. You should all see it, so don’t give up lightly. You still have a chance. I hope I can see you again next year.”

His words undoubtedly made those frustrated candidates who were heartbroken become firm again. They won’t be able to pass this year, and it’s a big deal that they will take the exam again next year.

Martial arts is already the trend of the times. If you can’t become a martial artist, you will be at the end of the age. No one is willing to be a man.

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