Chapter 677 Black Sparrow Army Master!

[Wind Force]: 328010000 (10 stars)

[Blank attribute]: 8960

Wang Teng saw the changes on the attribute panel, and a curve of his mouth appeared.

The force of the wind system finally reached the rank of 10-star quasi-war general. At this point, the force of the wind system finally caught up.

At the same time, the blank attribute is also accumulated to 8960 points, which is not small.

At first glance, under the cliff are the corpses of the wind-type eagle beasts, and the whole cliff is stained with blood. The scene was once bloody.

Wang Teng frowned, the force of the wind swept across, gathered all the corpses in one place, and then smashed a deep hole on the ground…buried it.

“Very well, it’s best for a family to be together!”

Wang Teng clapped his hands, feeling that he had done a good thing, and finally turned away comfortably.

A few days later, Wang Teng walked out of the virtual reality cabin and consumed all his contribution points, but he was very satisfied with the result.

His overall strength has improved a bit, all elements of the force have increased, and the blank attribute has reached 27850 points, if there is any unexpected situation, he can also cope with one or two.

I took the elevator to the ground and just walked out of the building, I saw Tantaixuan waiting for him outside.

“You can finally give it up!” When Tan Taixuan saw him, she immediately pulled him out.

“Why are you going?” Wang Teng was a little confused.

“Your appointment is down, come with me to meet the three marshals.” Tantai Xuan said.

“Appointment?” Wang Teng was stunned, and asked, “Why give me the appointment? I still have to practice, I’m not free.”

“Don’t ask me about this. You have to ask yourself to ask the marshal and them.” Tan Taixuan’s voice seemed to have a little gloat, and smiled: “Besides, if you want to be promoted to generals, you have to do something, otherwise, too. Unable to convince the crowd.”

“Then I don’t need to be promoted. The current major general rank is enough, just look good.” Wang Teng said indifferently.

A joke, how could he be scared.

The so-called general star has no real strength. When he raises his strength to the 13-star upper war general level, they estimate that they will rush to promote him to the general star.

If you want to do something about him, there is no way!

“The rank of major general, you should look good, you think this is clothes.” Tan Taixuan gave him an angry look.

“Anyway, I don’t care, I have no time for this appointment.” Wang Teng said.

Tan Taixuan took him to the central command building, went directly to the top floor, came to a conference room, and pushed him in.

“When you get to the place, you can tell the marshal and them yourself.”

“I wipe it!”

Before Wang Teng could react, he fell in.

He felt that Tan Taixuan seemed very anxious, even more anxious than him.

In the meeting room, the three marshals were sitting in the first place, surrounded by a group of red star generals, there were a dozen of them, and they all looked towards Wang Teng.

Tan Tai Xuan then walked in and took a seat in an empty seat.

“Sit down!” Hong Shuai said, motioning Wang Teng to sit down in the empty seat next to Tantai Xuan.

“I called everyone here today mainly for the resignation of Tan Taixuan as the commander of the Black Sparrow Army.”

Hong Shuai’s voice came slowly, and everyone around couldn’t help looking at each other.

Wang Teng reacted immediately, co-author Tan Taixuan stepped down, and then let him be?

No wonder she is so eager.

This is in a hurry.

Wang Teng glanced at Tantai Xuan, his teeth tickled with hate.

Tan Taixuan didn’t look at him at all, she looked ahead with a very serious look in her eyes.

God is so serious!

Just put it here and pretend you!

Wang Teng was speechless, but helpless.

“After discussion with me, it was decided that after Tantai Xuan stepped down as the commander of the Black Sparrow Army, Wang Teng would be the commander of the army!” Hong Shuai said again.


As soon as the voice fell, everyone couldn’t help but feel an uproar.

Let Wang Teng be the commander of the army? ! !


Everyone didn’t know what to say. Although Wang Teng had the rank of major general, he was only a few years old now. Actually, he might not be 19 years old.

Is it really no problem for him to be the commander of the army at such a young age?

Military rank is one thing, position is another.

Too young means lack of experience.

“Hong Shuai, I have no other meaning, but I am worried that Major General Wang will have insufficient experience, and I am afraid he will not be competent!” A general with the rank of lieutenant general glanced at Wang Teng and said.

“Yeah, too young!”

“Don’t wait for a year or two anymore, and then you will be the commander of the Black Sparrow Army, just like General Tan Tai.”

“The post of military commander is not trivial. It still needs a stable person to hold it.”

Everyone agreed and expressed their opinions.

These generals are not necessarily selfish.

But they are not optimistic about Wang Teng, thinking that he is too young and needs to wait another two or three years.

“It’s nothing young, you can exercise, you can do extraordinary things in extraordinary times. Now it is the martial arts era. With strength as the respect, Wang Teng is strong enough to be in charge of the army.” Hong Shuai said lightly.

“I have discussed this decision with Hong Shuai and Yong Shuai, and finally I think Wang Teng is competent.” Long Shuai said.


Everyone was a little surprised to see that the three marshals actually supported Wang Teng, and there was no voice for a while.

“Well, can you listen to me.” At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the side.

When everyone looked at it, they immediately realized that it was Wang Teng who made the noise.

“What’s the matter, you say.” Hong Shuai smiled.

They thought that Wang Teng had to justify himself. After all, he was a young man. Where he could be underestimated by others, especially a proud man like Wang Teng, he felt extremely proud.

Tan Taixuan suddenly had a bad feeling.

She knows Wang Teng too well.

This kid must have a moth, he is definitely not defending himself.

Tan Taixuan was determined in his heart.

“Ahem.” Wang Teng gave a dry cough and said, “Actually, I think what everyone said makes sense. I’m too young to do the job!”

Hong Shuai: “…”

Yong Shuai: “…”

Long Shuai: “…”

Everyone: “…”

Everyone was speechless, they didn’t expect to say rejection from Wang Teng’s mouth.

Is there something wrong?

Don’t young people nowadays dislike being in a high position and being in a good position anymore?

Are they so far behind?

Tantai Xuan said in secret: “Sure enough”

She shouldn’t be too familiar with Wang Teng’s urination, this guy never played cards according to common sense.

If he wants to be in this position, even if you don’t give it to him, he will do everything possible. With his strength, no one can stop it, but if he doesn’t want to be, no one can possibly persuade him.

Of course, if you let him willingly, naturally there is nothing to say.

Now it’s up to the three marshals to persuade him.

At this time, the three marshals glanced at each other, and Hong Shuai asked, “Wang Teng, do you know why you are appointed as the leader of the Black Sparrow Army this time?”

“Is there any reason for this?” Wang Teng was a little surprised.

“We found out where the truth sect’s nest is, so we want you to go and wipe them out.” Hong Shuai didn’t mean anything but said the reason.

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