Chapter 7 Suckling Wool…

After practicing the sword for a while, Wang Teng put it back into the weapon room.

After coming out, switch to practicing boxing.

The student who practiced swords saw him, and he shook his head again, his martial arts practice was improving but not too much.

It is better to practice only one type of swordsmanship if Wang Teng practiced swordsmanship twice and then practiced boxing skills.

“This newcomer, hard work is hard work, just a little stupid.”

Wang Teng didn’t even know that he was labeled “silly”.

He practiced the boxing technique twice and felt that his mastery of the basic boxing technique was a little more proficient. Well, the effect was good.

Turning his head, he saw a tall figure standing beside him with his arms folded.

It looks like it has been watching for a while.

“Teacher, when did you come, why didn’t you speak, it scared me.”

This figure is the martial arts instructor who taught Wang Teng [Ninth National Radio Gymnastics] last night, and now I see him, Wang Teng still has a scalp tingling.

“Young man, I think you have been practicing for a while, your boxing is good!” The instructor gave Wang Teng a thumbs up.

“Thank you for the compliment!”

Wang Teng was ashamed and said, “Teacher, my name is Wang Teng. I don’t know what your name is yet?”

“My name is Peng Hai, you don’t need to call me teacher, just call Senior Brother Peng.” Peng Hai said.

“Senior Brother Peng.” Wang Teng followed goodness, and then asked: “Did you also come so early?”

“I don’t have enough talent. I am in my twenties and I am still a senior warrior. I can only rely on hard work.” Peng Hai said in a daze.

Wang Teng suddenly didn’t know what to say.

“Hahaha, don’t mind, I just complained casually, Wang Teng, you have a good talent, and you are willing to work hard. I believe that within three years, you will definitely become a warrior. Come on.” Peng Hai encouraged.

Three years?

No, about three days is enough!

Wang Teng thought so, but he could only nod his head and said, “I will work hard, Brother Peng!”

“Well, I will go to the third floor to train. Today, there will be other senior warriors who will be responsible for guiding you. Of course, you can always contact me if you have any questions.” Peng Hai said.

“What an enthusiastic brother!”

Wang Teng watched him walk up to the third floor and couldn’t help but sigh.

It didn’t take long for students to arrive one after another, and the training hall gradually became lively.


“Senior brother early!”

“Senior Sister, it’s still so beautiful today!”

People acquainted with each other greeted each other, and then each started to practice, everyone’s time is precious, race against time.

When Wang Teng looked at them, he suddenly felt that these students looked like sheep walking upright on two legs. They had a lot of hair on their bodies.

“It’s great!” The corner of his mouth couldn’t help showing a smile like an old father.

When it’s fat, you can slaughter…Bah, such a good sheep is not for slaughter, it has to be slaughtered all the time.

As everyone began to train in full swing, various attribute bubbles fell one after another.

Soon the training hall became a sea of ​​bubbles.

Wang Teng wandered happily.

“I’m a fleece party, and shovel the wool…”

He didn’t dare to really sing this song, for fear of being beaten to death, he just sang silently in his heart while making a fortune in a muffled voice.

If there is a beep at this time, it must be like this:

[Power*2] and [Speed*6] fall from the front, you pick it up, your power and speed are improved!

[Basic Fist*2] is dropped from the front, you pick it up, and your basic fist is more proficient!

[Comprehension*1] and [Physique*3] are dropped from the front, you pick it up, and your understanding and physique have improved!

There are more people training on Saturday than last night.

Wang Teng completely underestimated the number of attributes that everyone dropped, in other words, he underestimated everyone’s hard work.

The harder the trainees train, the greater the probability of dropping attributes.

It’s like milking, the harder you squeeze, the more you squeeze.

After a whole day, he actually completed the transition from a low-level warrior to an intermediate-level warrior.

Whether it is strength, speed, or physique, they have broken through the threshold of an intermediate martial artist, without any moisture.

Not only that, but his basic boxing, basic body, and basic swordsmanship have all reached small success!

Combat skills can be divided into rough, proficient, small, great, subtle…

Achieving proficiency, has been able to play the power of combat skills, Xiaocheng has more advantages, at least twice the power.

And if it achieves great success, or even the slightest, the power will be more than several times stronger.

In addition, Wang Teng also obtained the [Basic Sword Technique] and pushed it to the proficiency level.

The gain is not trivial.

In the evening, it’s time for dinner.

The trainees had been hungry for a day, so they packed up and left the training hall one after another.

At this time, Wang Teng was checking and accepting the income in the corner.

He held a black iron sword, matched his posture, moved around, swung the long sword, and made a sound of tearing air.

The young man who practiced the sword in the morning was returning the sword and came out of the weapon room.

It happened to pass by Wang Teng’s side and glanced casually.

“This this……”

He was shocked, the boss with an open mouth rubbed his eyes vigorously, as if he suspected that he had hallucinations.

“This is definitely not a basic sword technique for proficiency, Xiaocheng, it must be Xiaocheng!”

He himself is proficiency, although he has not reached Xiaocheng, but he still has vision.

But how is this possible? In the morning, he watched Wang Teng’s training and he was only a beginner, and his swordsmanship was very rough.

One day later, I actually reached Xiaocheng when I looked at it again!

This must be a joke, right?

Is there really such a genius in the world?

He felt that he was about to doubt his life, and he laughed at others for being stupid in the morning. Thinking about it at this time, it seemed a bit ridiculous.

“Crazy! Crazy!”

The youth looked downcast, shook his head with a wry smile, and walked out of the training hall.

Wang Teng hadn’t noticed such a person at all. He practiced all the knives, swords, fists, and body techniques, and he felt a sense of unobstructedness throughout his body.


He slowly let out a foul breath and put the weapon back into the weapon room.

While walking towards the underground parking lot of the martial arts hall, he called out the attribute panel.

【Comprehension】: 28

【Physique】: 52

【Power】: 455

[Speed]: 185

[Combat Skills]: Basic Boxing Technique (Xiaocheng), Basic Body Technique (Xiaocheng), Basic Sword Technique (Xiaocheng), Basic Sword Technique (Proficient)

“Thank you very much today!” Wang Teng drove home with a smile on his face.

At home, Li Xiumei was cooking, and the strong smell of meat floated out of the kitchen, and Wang Teng’s stomach groaned immediately.

“Mom, what did you cook today? It’s so delicious!” He walked into the kitchen and asked.

“Your dad specifically told me to buy you star beast meat.” Li Xiumei smiled.

“Really! My dad spends so much money.” Wang Teng said in surprise.

Star beasts are beasts that are mutated by the influence of the force, and they are named because the force was born in the stars of the universe.

Their meat is very nourishing, not comparable to ordinary beasts, and the price is very expensive.

“It smells good, let me try it.”

He saw a plate of braised pork on the stove, salivating, and couldn’t help but pinch a piece into his mouth.

“Well, it’s so delicious, Mom, you’re so good at cooking.”

“Oh, you are really starving to death and reincarnated, and you are so stinky and sweaty, don’t hurry up to take a bath.” Li Xiumei drove him out of the kitchen.

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