Chapter 672 Welcome to the return of our hero!

In the high altitude, the clouds are densely covered, and below are the vast mountains and dense forests.

The sky was blue and everything seemed extremely peaceful.

Suddenly, a black spot flew quickly from a distance, like a black line, approaching in an instant, leaving a shadow on the spot.

The thick cloud layer was suddenly knocked out by the black shadow with a huge hole.

This dark shadow is hidden in the high altitude, and with its extremely fast speed, it is difficult to detect by ordinary scientific and technological means.

And it was the Fengwang fighter plane that Wang Teng everyone was riding on!

Goal, Xia Guo!

At this time they have left Northern Europe, and the things over there are completely over.

There was no major ceremony for Wang Teng to become the Son of God.

But this matter quickly spread throughout the holy mountain, causing an uproar.

If it wasn’t for Wang Teng’s great kindness to the holy mountain, and those holy mountain warriors had seen him use the light force with their own eyes, this matter had not been passed so easily, and there would definitely be a lot of people who opposed it.

Nowadays, although everyone is surprised and even a little bit resistant, they are not so strong.

After this sacred mountain rebellion, Alaisi’s position has been extremely stable, and no one can shake her saintly authority anymore.

Therefore, after learning that both the saint and the great sages of Fara contributed to this, many people also chose to accept it.

As for Elifas and Fros, their fate is naturally not much better. Wang Teng gave them a full set of death services. It feels like… Soang, Sharjah and others watched from the side and couldn’t help but scalp. numb.

Inside the fighter plane, in a lounge, Wang Teng was sitting on the sofa alone, his palm dragging something.

Crystal skull!

Wang Teng looked at the crystal skull in front of him with interest, and a smile appeared on his face.

He couldn’t help thinking of the situation in the temple when Alaisi handed the crystal skull to him.

“It’s really funny, she actually gave me this thing.”

Wang Teng muttered to himself, his eyes gleaming with a deep meaning.

“And the so-called foretaste…how do I feel a bit nonsense.”

He remembered what Alais had said when he left, and he couldn’t help crying or laughing.

He has always sneered at the so-called foreshadowing.

The future is unpredictable!

What if it can be predicted?

Any slight change may cause unimaginable consequences, thereby changing the future.

Therefore, for him, the future is really too illusory.

But he was able to guess some of the meanings in Alais’s words.

Even if she didn’t say it clearly, Wang Teng felt a trace of worry in her heart.

It seemed that the future she saw was not good.

However, Wang Teng believes that man will conquer the sky, even if the future is really not optimistic, he is not afraid at all.

Strong enough, don’t panic in my heart!

Rather than thinking so much, it is better to cherish the present, and to improve your own strength is the truth.

Having said that, his gains this time are not small.

[Golden Force]: 123202000 (11 stars)

[Wood Force]: 876020000 (11 stars)

[Water Force Force]: 927020000 (11 stars)

[Fire Force Force]: 1130010000 (11 stars)

[Earth Forces]: 865020000 (11 stars)

[Poison Force]: 732010000 (10 stars)

[Ice Force]: 816010000 (10 stars)

[Thunder Force]: 938010000 (10 stars)

[Dark Force]: 1560020000 (11 stars)

The Force of the Five Elements alone was promoted to the rank of 11-star subordinate generals.

The four elements of poison, ice, thunder, and darkness have also been greatly improved in this sacred mountain chaos. The dark element has reached the level of 11-star lower generals, and the other three elements have reached the level of 10-star quasi-sergeants one after another. .

Wang Teng looked at the 10-star and 11-star words on the attribute panel, how pleasing to the eye.

Look, how beautiful and neat this data is!

In the end, the wind force and the light force are left.

[The Force of the Wind System]: 16009000 (9 stars)

[Light Force]: 10305000 (7 stars)

These two force realms are slightly behind, but the light force is just obtained after all, and it is very lucky to be able to upgrade to the 7-star warrior level.

The force of the wind system is also rushing up, has reached the 9-star warrior level, and it will not take long to reach the brigadier level.

In addition, other things such as spirit, savvy, and various exercises and combat skills, Wang Teng also gained a lot.

There are a bunch of Heavenly rank techniques and combat skills obtained from the Twelve Paladins alone.

If Alais knew that he had almost wiped out the bottom of the twelve paladins, she didn’t know what her expression would be.

It’s not bad not to fight with him!

In addition, there are the fire of darkness and the sacred flame of light, which are also rare things.

For ordinary people, it is luck against the sky to have a kind of strange fire. Wang Teng is now carrying three kinds of flames. If he is known, his eyes will be red with jealousy.

However, even so, Wang Teng felt that the biggest gain this time was not them, but the [Space Debris] from Marcus.

That’s really a good thing of a lifetime!

A space with infinite possibilities is more precious than all other things.

In Wang Teng’s sea of ​​knowledge, the space debris was floating there quietly.

He penetrated his spiritual power into it, and he could perceive a gray space. There was nothing and the size was very limited, but he couldn’t put it down.

In the end, Wang Teng’s gaze fell on a ball of flame mask, and Chi Yan Demon Lord was trapped in it.

Wang Teng glanced, ignoring it, and decided to go back and train again.

Mojun Chi Yan suddenly fought a cold war all over his body, feeling a wave of malice flooding his body, and his heart felt cold.

“Damn, that kid is thinking of a bad idea.”

The Demon Lord Chi Yan cursed his mother, suffocatingly trying to vomit blood.

After cursing for a long time, it stopped, and lay weakly in the flame mask, looking like it was unlovable, as if life had completely lost its light, and it was gloomy.

The fighter plane flew over mountains and jungles, across several continents, and finally entered the airspace of Xia State.

“We’re home!”

Tantaixuan and others looked out the window, overlooking the familiar land below, with a smile on their faces.

It’s nice to go home!

Only those who go abroad understand the joy of returning to their hometown.

The fighters galloped all the way to Xiadu, and then slowly landed in the airfield dedicated to the Xiadu Military Headquarters.

Wang Teng and others stepped off the fighter plane.

At this time, many people at the airport were welcoming them.

“Welcome to the return of our hero!”

The three marshals stood at the forefront. After seeing them, he laughed and looked extremely happy.

They have learned the results of the exchange meeting.

Wang Teng defeated the talented warriors of various countries at the exchange meeting and became the biggest winner of this exchange meeting, which greatly improved Xia Guo’s face.

How many years has it been?

Xia Guo hasn’t achieved such glory for many years!

But now this wish has been realized in Wang Teng, even doing a lot better than they expected.

How could the three marshals be unhappy, so there was the scene of personally coming to pick up the plane at this time.

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