Chapter 670 Ancient Relief

Chi Yan Demon Lord thought he was unyielding, and his heart was so firm, no one wanted to shake it.

However, it turns out!

There is no unyielding mind, only torture methods that are not cruel enough.

It…couldn’t it!

This guy is not a human at all, he is a devil!

Chi Yan Demon Lord hid in the corner of the flame mask, shivering, and he felt that he was really naive.

In that round of torture just now, life is better than death!

It can’t stand even having seen so many winds and waves, the cruelty is evident.

“Don’t worry, let’s play slowly.” Wang Teng said with a smile as if he could see through its thoughts.

“Come back!” Chi Yan’s face turned green.


At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and he felt a little helpless. This man came at an untimely time.

Chi Yan Demon Lord was relieved, and he was secretly delighted.

“You can’t run away.” Wang Teng sneered, put away the Chi Yan Demon Lord, and got up to open the door.

The person outside the door is amazingly the Great Sage Farah.

“What’s the matter?” Wang Teng didn’t give him a good face at all. This old guy broke his good deeds, and when he won’t come, he will come at this time.

The Great Sage Farah was dumbfounded.

what happened?

Is he so disgusted?

The Great Sage Farah couldn’t figure it out at all, feeling very innocent.

“Master Saint wants to see you.” He took a deep breath and said.

“See me? Can’t you say exactly what Alais wants to do?” Wang Teng said impatiently.

“You’ll know when you go,” said the Great Sage Farah.

“What if I don’t go?” Wang Teng said.

“Master Saint said, you will regret it if you don’t go.” Great Sage Fara said with a smile.

“…” Wang Teng was speechless.

Damn, I still want to play with him.

Don’t you know that he is a professional?

But what kind of medicine was sold in Alaisi’s gourd, he wanted to see it.

“Lead the way.” Wang Teng walked out of the room and closed the door.

Great Sage Farah smiled and led the way.

As he walked, Wang Teng quickly discovered that this road is not to the hall where the goddess statue and the holy fire are located.

What a coincidence!

Whatever you want, just go and see if there are any attribute bubbles to pick up.

Not long after, the two arrived at the main hall.

The dome above his head has been closed again. Fortunately, there is no trace of damage to the hall, everything is the same as he had seen before.

The statue of the goddess is enshrined in the main hall, and a white sacred fire is burning on the stone platform in the center.

And Alais sat cross-legged under the goddess sculpture.

Wang Teng glanced over, and he couldn’t help but feel happy.

Sure enough, there are attribute bubbles.

Pick it up!

【Light Force*80】

【Light Force*70】

【Bright Flame*13】

【Light Force*120】

【Bright Flame*10】

This time he gained a total of 680 points of light force, which once again increased his light force.

[Light Force]: 10305000 (7 stars)

But the light body attribute no longer appeared.

Wang Teng has some regrets.

On the contrary, the attributes of the Light Sacred Fire did not appear before, but this time he picked up 130 points.

Wang Teng was a little puzzled. He took a look at the bright holy flame, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart, as if he had come to understand.

Spirit of the Holy Fire!

I have heard that the spirit of the holy fire has been sleeping for many years, and perhaps because of this, there was no attribute drop before.

Now it has regained consciousness, and it has consumed a lot in battle, and it is understandable that it has dropped some attributes.

When fighting with Chi Yan Demon Lord, the spirit of the holy fire dropped a lot of light holy fire attributes.

It will fall only if it is consumed!

Nothing wrong.

At this time, the Great Sage Farah bowed to Alais slightly, and said softly: “My Lord Saint, Your Excellency Wang Teng is here.”

“I see, you can go down first.” Alais did not open her eyes, and her voice came out faintly.

The Great Sage Farah didn’t say any more, glanced at Wang Teng, saluted and turned to leave.

When Wang Teng saw that Alais seemed to be healing, he didn’t bother her, and looked around curiously.

When he came here before, he hadn’t taken a good look. At this time, he looked around and found that the surrounding walls were engraved with reliefs.

These reliefs are very old and very interesting in content.

In the relief, there is a high mountain, and a group of villains and a village are portrayed under the mountain.

Suddenly one day, a disc-shaped thing fell from the sky, and the mountain suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

The villain at the foot of the mountain was very surprised, but most people did not dare to go up the mountain to check.

Among them is a villain, looking at the portrayal of costumes and appearance, he should be very young, he climbed the mountain.

On the mountain, I saw a woman wearing holy armor and holding a scepter.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and when he saw this, he already had a guess in his heart.

If he guessed correctly, that mountain is the sacred mountain, and the woman should be the goddess of the sacred mountain!

In the relief, the goddess radiates light and is extremely holy, while the climber kneels in front of the goddess, as if praying for something.

The goddess seemed to be moved by his sincerity, and the scepter in her hand lightly fell on the man’s forehead, shining brightly.

Then the man fell asleep, and when he woke up, the goddess had disappeared.

And he seemed to have inherited it, and after going down the mountain to meet the others, he climbed the mountain again.

Then came the picture of him cultivating on the mountain facing the sun and the moon, day after day, year after year, until one day he has extremely powerful strength.

At this time, a terrible beast suddenly came down the mountain, and many villains were eaten.

The man who gained the power heard the news and went down the mountain to kill the terrifying beast.

The crowd cheered, and surrounded the young man, seeming to regard him as the leader.

The picture behind is the process of the young man teaching everyone to practice and fighting against the beast, but there is not much surprise.

Wang Teng glanced over, and his heart couldn’t help but feel a little ups and downs.

What really made him care about was the content depicted in the earlier stage of the relief, the goddess descended from the sky, and a disc-shaped flying object appeared.

This is a bit intriguing.

I remember in his previous life, he also saw many similar reliefs on the Internet, and those reliefs came from archaeological discoveries from all over the world.

Many people of good deeds speculated that it was the image of ancient ancestors witnessing the arrival of alien life on Earth.

However, this argument has not yet been verified, and there are different opinions, and there is no conclusion.

But now that these similar pictures appeared on the walls of the temple, Wang Teng had to pay attention to it.

He didn’t think that these reliefs were just painted by the ancestors for fun.

So the inheritance of the holy mountain comes from aliens?

Wang Teng thought this way, and suddenly heard a footstep behind him.

“Are you surprised?” Alais’s voice sounded from behind him.

Wang Teng tilted his head, and saw Alais walking to his side, standing side by side with him, looking at the relief on the wall.

“A bit.” Wang Teng nodded and asked: “How many years have these reliefs existed?”

“These reliefs were originally carved on the rock wall of the holy mountain, but they were later chiseled out and embedded here. As for how many years, we don’t know.” Alais slowly said.

“Do you think the above description is true?” Wang Teng asked.

“What do you mean?” Alais looked at him meaningfully, and something appeared in his hand. When Wang Teng saw it, his eyes instantly condensed.

“Crystal Skull!”

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