Chapter 69: Sprouts at the General Level!

With the lessons learned from that candidate, the candidates behind were all honest.

No one dared to make a loud noise anymore, and walked out of the examination room dejectedly.

Because of the lowering of standards, many candidates take the exam with a fluke, so it is inevitable that they are mixed with a lot of water.

But because of this, the requirements for evaluation are more stringent!

Wuguan monitoring room.

At this time, a lot of people gathered in the monitoring room, including officers from the Supervision Department, and senior officials from the Education Bureau…

Even Fu Tiandao, the master of the East China Sea Pole Star Martial Arts Museum, and Qin Hanxuan, the president of the Martial Arts Association, are also here.

“Chairman Qin, I didn’t expect you to come to this level assessment today.” A fat middle-aged man said to Qin Hanxuan.

“He Ju, this martial arts test is related to the martial arts seedlings of our East China Sea, how can I not come?” Qin Hanxuan smiled.

“After all, this level assessment is just a screening, and the actual combat assessment is the key.” The man called He Ju said.

“This year’s moisture is a bit big.” Fu Tiandao frowned, as if he was not optimistic about this situation.

“We can’t do anything about it. You should have heard of the situation there. We must do our best to fill the new force, or something will happen sooner or later.” He Ju said with a bitter smile.

“Old Fu, He Ju is right, this is already imperative.” Qin Hanxuan also said.

“Huh, even so, what role can these students who can reach the intermediate level of martial arts? Put them in the actual combat assessment, and the mortality rate will only greatly increase.” Fu Tiandao snorted.

“Oh, we don’t know this.” He Ju sighed: “However, this year’s actual combat assessment has five times more security personnel than in previous years. We strive to ensure the safety of students to the greatest extent. We will not neglect this.”

Hearing what he said, Fu Tiandao finally looked a little better and didn’t say anything.

“You two think, how many good seedlings will appear this year?” He Ju changed the subject and asked with a smile.

Fu Tiandao and Qin Hanxuan looked at each other and said, “I don’t know the others, but there is a genius who is expected to be a general!”

“What?!” He Ju thought he had heard it wrong.

Warlord! !

If there really is a seedling with the potential of a warlord, it will be a great achievement for him. In the future, whether it is financial allocation or promotion, it is not impossible!

It’s a bit beautiful when you think about it!

“You two are not joking with me?” He Ju’s hands were shaking a little, and he swallowed and asked.

Although it is beautiful, but I am afraid that these two big brothers will make themselves happy!

“If you don’t believe it, keep reading and you will know” Qin Hanxuan said with a smile.

“Oh, the two of you have been sold out, please tell me quickly.” He is so anxious, it’s a matter of the future, so I have to be anxious.

Otherwise, how could he be so impatient with his years of experience.

“The eighth group!” Fu Tiandao couldn’t stand it, and shook his head.

He Ju looked happy, and quickly looked to the eighth group.

The scope is narrowed down to a group, it is easy to find, the most prominent one in it must be the warlord-level seedlings mentioned by Fu Tiandao.

Unexpectedly, Qin Hanxuan added another sentence.

“But today is just a level evaluation, that kid may not show his full strength.”

He Ju’s face became stiff, and he was a little dazed: “Why?”

He was very puzzled, shouldn’t Wu Kao do his best?

The better the grades, the better the university will be admitted. Why do you want to hide?

“Because even if he doesn’t exert his full strength, he is enough to enter the best university!” Qin Hanxuan said.

He Ju was taken aback for a moment, and then he seemed to think of something, his face was shocked: “Could it be that he is already a warrior?!!!”

Only a warrior can be admitted to the best university without exerting his full strength.

Because the martial arts test is a test set for martial arts, so as long as you play the top martial arts strength, you will be favored by major schools.

Fu Tiandao and Qin Hanxuan only laughed without saying a word, and did not answer any questions.

Even so, He Ju’s heart became more affirmed of his guess, and a wave of ecstasy could not help but surge up.


Warrior! !

There is actually a martial artist in this group of martial arts candidates!


He Ju can’t wait to laugh three times to show respect.

A 17-year-old martial artist, a student who became a martial artist before entering the martial arts major, what does this mean?

It is no wonder that Fu Tiandao and Qin Hanxuan both agreed that the candidate possessed the potential of a warlord.

There are only a handful of people in the whole country who have become warriors at this age.

Perhaps, there are many with good qualifications, after entering the university, enjoying the resources of the school, accumulating and accumulating, will soon become a warrior.

But compared with this, it is completely two concepts.

I still remember that last year Jinlin appeared a martial arts candidate, and even Governor Jinlin was alarmed.

The Director of the Education Bureau of Jinlin has benefited even more. It is a spring breeze, and it is enviable!

No, this candidate must be found, He Ju secretly thought.

You must know that the next actual combat assessment will have a lot of bigwigs’ attention. If the candidate can make a blockbuster and shine in the actual combat assessment, then he and so will definitely have a light on his face, and those big brothers can still remember His good?

As soon as he thought of this, He Ju’s eyes stared at the eighth group’s assessment in the monitor without blinking.

I’m afraid that if I’m not careful, I missed that warlord-level seedling!

The eighth group.

“Wang Teng!”

As the tester read the name, it was finally Wang Teng’s turn to test.

He stood in front of the dynamometer and threw a punch at random.


Wang Teng has tried it before and knows how much force can be used to reach this critical value.

So just a random punch at this moment, and hit the critical value of 1000kg!

The tester looked at the display screen of the dynamometer, his eyes couldn’t help but looked at Wang Teng in shock.

The limit of warrior!

The test in front of him actually reached the limit, he took a deep breath, and then silently wrote down the number.

Wang Teng then stepped onto the speedometer and began to accelerate.


One hundred meters in 3 seconds!

The testers didn’t know what to say, and it was another limit. Where did the evildoer pop up from the examinee, so tough.

The last is physique.

Wang Teng entered the physique tester, and it didn’t take long for the results to come out.

Physique 100!

Seeing this result, even Wang Teng himself was a little surprised.

He can control his strength and speed, but he can’t control his physique alone. The instrument can measure as much as it can.

Before, he was worried that if his physique exceeded the martial arts standard, it would cause unnecessary troubles. Now it seems that he is worried about it for nothing.

“By the way, this is a special fitness tester for martial artists. The upper limit is 100. If it exceeds this value, it can’t be measured at all.” Wang Teng suddenly suddenly.

Without mentioning what he was thinking, the two testers on the side looked at each other involuntarily.

Physique 100!

The third limit!

The two were numb and hesitated even more, not knowing whether they should report the result.

They exchanged their eyes, and their eyes fell on the three instruments. Could it be that the machine is broken?

Impossible, even if it is broken, it is impossible for all three to break together.

Seeing that Wang Teng had finished the evaluation, the test takers at the back were not able to report the results. They couldn’t help but were a little confused, and started talking in a low voice.

“what’s up?”

“Is the machine broken?”

“Isn’t it cheating?”

“Don’t talk, cheating can still be so pleasant, have you forgotten the candidate who was dragged out before?”

Seeing more and more people notice the situation here, the two testers are also a little anxious.

Fortunately, at this time, a sound came from the headphones on their ears.

“Just press this result!”


The two looked at each other, and their eyes were a little shocked. Since even the above affirmed the result, it seems that the candidate has no problems.

They are really awesome!

“Wang Teng, strength is 1000kg, speed is 100 meters for 3 seconds, physique is 100!!”

“–pass through!!!”


The tester’s voice just fell, and the audience exploded!

“Just kidding!!”

“The triathlon has reached the limit of the martial artist. It’s not bad at all. How is this possible?”

“Who is Wang Teng? I have never heard of it!”

“Isn’t it cheating?”

“It should be impossible. The testers just didn’t announce it immediately. The Eight Achievements are confirming. Since it is finally announced, it must be no problem!”

“And there must be surveillance. You want to cheat under the nose of the staff of the Inspectorate. Do you think they all eat plain rice?”

“There is only one possibility, this is a hidden boss!!”

For a moment, all eyes were on Wang Teng’s body, and the voice of discussion couldn’t stop at all.

Senior warriors from various schools are more concerned about Wang Teng.

These senior warriors were still fighting secretly, suddenly an extreme warrior appeared and stepped on them all.

This taste, tut!

It was like knocking over a five-flavored bottle, and the ups and downs came to my heart.

Especially the several senior warriors in Donghai No.1 Middle School stared at Wang Teng one by one, wanting to see from which horn bump this guy came out.

They have naturally heard of Wang Dashao’s dude, but just because they have heard of it, they find it incredible.

Is this really the same person?

Li Rongcheng had known Wang Teng’s strength a long time ago, but he was also holding back his energy. He wanted to compete with Wang Teng in the college entrance examination, and let some people see that Li Rongcheng was no worse than anyone else.

As a result, the competition had just begun, and he had fallen behind Wang Teng by a lot, and he couldn’t keep up with the kind.

At this moment, Li Rongcheng’s face was extremely ugly.

On the other side, Lin Chuhan stared at Wang Teng incredulously. Is this guy so strong?

All the people who knew Wang Teng and those who didn’t know were shocked and unbelievable. This result was like a depth bomb, blasting everyone out.

Standing in place, Wang Teng was really embarrassed, and gave the two testers a fierce look.

At any rate, it was also from the Supervisory Office, so can’t it be calm? Can’t you behave more normally?

It might have only been known in a small area, but now almost everyone knows it, and it makes me be watched like Erha.

Am I easy to me?

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