Chapter 666 Kill!

Over the temple!

A huge and terrifying existence entangled here, a monstrous black flame enveloped the sky, and the whole world seemed to be plunged into darkness.

At this moment, Chi Yan Demon Lord is like a huge black sun, hanging high in the sky.

The next moment, it suddenly opened its huge blood pupil, which was filled with bloodshot eyes, grotesque and terrifying.

An evil, chaotic, and twisted spirit agitated instantly.

The people below were immediately affected, and many people with unsteady minds were immediately mad, and their wills fell into chaos.

“Don’t look!”

Great Sage Farah suddenly changed his face and shouted loudly.

Wang Teng’s complexion changed slightly, he actually forgot the characteristics of this dark species, and immediately rushed out of his mental power, surging around, colliding with the chaotic mental fluctuations!


Invisible mental fluctuations rushed to the surroundings.

“What a strong mental power!”

Alaisi’s heart shook, and she couldn’t help looking at the place where the spiritual fluctuations spread.

Wang Teng!

His mental power is so powerful!

This mental power must have reached the Emperor Realm level!

Being so young and possessing such a powerful and incomparable mental power, he is truly a foretold person!

Thousands of thoughts flashed in Alais’s heart, and she was shocked.

Because of Wang Teng’s intervention, the people below got rid of the chaotic spirit at this time, their expressions were shocked, and they quickly lowered their heads and closed their eyes, not daring to look directly at the Chi Yan Demon Lord in the sky.

No one thought that after Chi Yan Demon Lord changed, just a look in his eyes would be so terrifying!

They don’t even know that the change is called “Magic Change”!

Everyone still knows too little about the Dark Seed, especially the Dark Seed of the Demon Lord level, and not many people know it!

“I didn’t expect you to be able to block my mental power. Now I am a little bit convinced that you have met the fellow Black Nightmare!”

A malicious voice came from Chi Yan Mojun, his huge blood-red eyes staring at Wang Teng.

The chaotic consciousness impacted Wang Teng’s mental power.

It’s a pity it’s all in vain!

After this period of time, Wang Teng’s mental power was much stronger than when he was fighting against the Dark Night Demon Lord.

Just relying on Chi Yan Demon Lord’s mental power that has been obliterated for countless years, it is impossible to shake it.

Obviously it was also aware of this, and a gloomy flash in its eyes.

This feeling of helplessness made it extremely aggrieved.

Wang Teng did not respond, and suddenly stood up from the center of the big formation, and countless white flames followed.

He pointed out!


Countless white flames surging, turned into swords, scattered all around, densely packed, it was spectacular.


Wang Teng opened his mouth and spit out a word.

Countless swords condensed by flames turned into afterimages, slashing towards Chi Yan Demon Lord.

Boom boom boom!

The dark fire on Demon Chi Yan surged, greeted him, and the explosion sounded continuously.

At this moment, Wang Teng mobilized the power of the holy fire to the extreme through the formation, and the attack formed was naturally very powerful.

Plus the Holy Fire naturally restrains the dark fire!

The black flame was continuously cut off, and the flame sword fell on Chi Yan Demon Lord, wiping out its flame body.


Chi Yan Mojun suddenly screamed.

Suddenly bursts of black smoke emerged from its body, and it was finally engulfed by the white holy fire that swarmed up all around it.

Chi Yan Demon Lord was stunned, and there were waves of terror in his heart!

That sacred fire caused such damage to it under the control of this kid!

How can this be?

Do not!

No one wants to kill me!

Demon Lord Chi Yan had a bitter look in his eyes, and roared like crazy. The chaotic spirit was completely rioted, ignoring the dense sword attacks, and suddenly rushed towards Wang Teng.


Wang Teng’s face was slightly cold, and he had already expected that the opponent would jump over the wall and swiftly move the formation.


The white sacred fire condensed in front of him and turned into a white sacred beast, holy and divine, with a powerful aura permeating out.


The holy beast roared and greeted Chi Yan Demon Lord!

Boom boom boom!

The explosion sounded through the world, and the two collisions produced terrifying power.

Painful roars and screams were heard from the black fire, and the sneers were endless, and black smoke kept coming out.

Only black and white flames are left in the sky, constantly eroding.

The flames filled the sky, making people unable to open their eyes!

After a long time, the light dissipated.

Whether it was a scream or a blast, everything disappeared, and the surroundings fell into silence.

Everyone held their breath, opened their eyes, and looked at the situation in the sky, feeling nervous.


Someone asked hesitantly.

This Chi Yan Demon Lord has been suppressed for countless years, and has not been able to completely wipe out his soul to this day. Everyone is a little worried that it will not be killed so easily.

But the sky was empty, and only the white holy fire returned to the formation, quietly surrounding Wang Teng.

The spirit of the holy fire reappeared, staring around, looking for the figure of Chi Yan Demon Lord.

Alais also came to Wang Teng’s side and looked around. She didn’t believe that Chi Yan Demon Lord would be killed so “easy”.

However, after a long time, they still didn’t find the slightest figure of Demon Lord Chi Yan.

It seemed to have completely dissipated in the world.


Suddenly, there was a burst of cheers from the crowd below.


“Hahaha, we won!”

“Chi Yan Demon Lord is dead!”

“We survived…”

Everyone laughed, and a surviving joy emerged in their hearts.

Seeing this scene, Alais quietly breathed a sigh of relief, as if a big rock was laying down.

She looked at Wang Teng beside her, with complexity, her lips lightly opened: “Thank you!”

“It’s nothing, I also do it for myself.” Wang Teng smiled faintly.

“Master Saint!”

At this time, Great Sage Farah, Thorang, Sharjah and others all rushed over and looked at her with concern.

“Master Saint, are you okay?” Great Sage Fara asked hurriedly.

“I’m fine!” Alais shook her head and said, “Thanks to Wang Teng’s move, it will be unthinkable.”

The Great Sage Farah and others couldn’t help looking at Wang Teng, their expressions were also extremely complicated, and their hearts were full of wonder.

This Wang Teng evildoer is not like a human!

“Your Excellency Wang Teng, thank you for your action this time, killing Demon Lord Chi Yan, and solving this calamity for our holy mountain.” The Great Sage Fara took a deep breath and said with a solemn salute.

“You don’t have to be polite.” Wang Teng said lightly: “I’ll go and see my companion first.”

After speaking, they didn’t wait for them to respond, and disappeared in place.

Several people looked at his back, and they were speechless for a while.

When Wang Teng, Tan Taixuan and the others gathered, they were relieved when they saw that everyone was only injured, and there was no death.

“You are fine!” Wang Teng said.

After all, this incident happened because of him. If anyone died because of it, he would definitely feel guilty in his heart.

Zhu Yunshao and the others looked at him, and the shock in their hearts had not completely dissipated. At this moment, they heard his caring words, and their hearts immediately warmed.

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