Chapter 651: Then I’ll Make You All!

Several Paladins rushed into the sky and killed Wang Teng.

The complexion of Tantai Xuan and others changed slightly, the holy mountain paladin was famous, even Tantai Xuan did not dare to despise it.

Several people were ready for the battle with weapons in their hands.

Ivan and Valeria and other Great Bear Warriors also stood beside them, taking out their weapons one after another, their expressions tense.

“Hey, the paladin on the holy mountain is powerful and mysterious, but I haven’t seen it yet. Today, it happened to be instructed.” Ivan said with a smile.

“I’m sorry everyone, I have brought you in.” Tantai Xuan said.

“It’s nothing, if it weren’t for following, we still wouldn’t see this good show.” Ivan laughed.

“Wang Teng, after fighting this battle, you have to treat me to something delicious.” Valeria suddenly said to Wang Teng.


Everyone was speechless.

When is this, still thinking about eating, this Valeria is also a heartless character.

Wang Teng also froze for a moment, and then smiled: “No problem, what do you want to eat, I will ask.”


“Let’s talk about it if you walk out of the holy mountain!”

Several Paladins finally arrived, and the violent force attack crashed over, and at the same time someone shouted.

Erodeney was wearing a jet black armor with a strong devilish spirit. He was no longer as bright and handsome. He was defeated by Wang Teng with a punch. He was unwilling to rush to Wang Teng again at this moment.

“Thunder Light Lion Fist!”

A purple-black thundering lion phantom appeared above his head, with a devilish nature, his eyes glowing with fierce light, and he lowered his head to look down at Wang Teng.


A roar came from his mouth, and then the purple-black magic lion blasted straight down with Errodney’s fist.

At the same time, a chill came from behind, spreading into the void, as if to freeze everything.

Even the air seemed to be condensed into frost, and pieces of snowflakes appeared, falling down from the sky.

The snowflake is not white, but it presents an extremely dark, completely infested by the dark force, with dark attributes, and even the black snowflake contains various emotions, evil intentions, chaos, violent…

“Extremely cold and freezing!”

There was also a soft drink that was as cold as ice.

It’s Aquarius Paladin Yafelika!

She was beaten up by Wang Teng violently and humiliated, and the hatred of Wang Teng in her heart was no less than that of Rodney.

As her voice fell, a phantom black water bottle appeared above her head. Within the mouth of the bottle, the dark ice force exploded, forming a black stream of ice and snow, like a waterfall hanging down, venting towards Wang Teng.

Wherever the ice and snow passed, everything was frozen, and the biting chill caused the martial artists around to fight a cold war.


Bloomfield smiled coldly, the force of his whole body exploded, and the force of the poison element mixed with the force of darkness soared into the sky.

“Crimson Rose!”

Pieces of scarlet petals fell, and these petals were now covered with black patterns, which looked extremely strange and evil.

Under Brookfield’s finger, these petals spun at a high speed, forming a black-red whirlpool, terrifying, and not knowing how much stronger than when they were cast before.

The poisonous gas that diffused out corroded the surrounding air to a sneer.

“Blood Moonlight Needle!”

Scorpio Palace Paladin Di Miya also displayed powerful combat skills. Scarlet rays shot out, densely packed, passing through the air, and the speed was extremely fast, as if smashing the sky into a sieve.

“Holy Sword Slash!”

The Capricorn Paladin Yarrow put his hands together, raised his head high, and a black sword light shot straight into the sky. It was hundreds of meters long and cut down.

In the distance, Freita looked indifferent, and stretched the long bow that was already covered with black lines, and a jet black light arrow condensed out.


He was extremely fast, his hands formed afterimages, and black arrows shot straight out, almost in no particular order.

The piercing sound resounded across the sky, and some low-strength warriors even trembled and bleeds from the seven orifices.

The six Paladins were the strongest killer move as soon as they shot, and they ignored the others at all, only spotted Wang Teng, and all their attacks blasted at him.


Tantaixuan, Ivan and others were extremely shocked in the face of the big changes.

Such a terrible attack, all blasted at one person, even a high-ranking general-level powerhouse might not be spared.

The six paladins clearly wanted to get rid of Wang Teng first and then hurry up!

What kind of hatred is this?

Everyone could hardly imagine.

On the other side, Kiplin and Alais who were looking at each other also noticed the situation here.

Alise couldn’t help frowning slightly.

“It seems that this friend of yours is going to be over.” Kiplin stood with his hands in his hand and smiled.

“He won’t die easily!” Alaisi said with a deep light flashing in her eyes.

“Erodney and the others who have received the baptism of the Dark Force are no longer the same. Under the siege of the six of them, do you think he still has a chance to survive?” Kiplin said with disdain.

“If you can survive, I’ll know in a while.” Alais said indifferently: “It’s that Rodney and the others were bewitched by you and turned into slaves to darkness, which disappointed me.”

“Darkness and light are just a kind of power. As long as it can become stronger, I will never care.” Kiplin sneered.

“But you can’t control the power of darkness.” Alais shook her head.

“Humph!” This sentence seemed to refer to Kipling’s pain. He snorted coldly, and his expression was gloomy: “Wait until I catch you and completely control the holy mountain, let you see if I can control this power. ”

“Now you can see how Rodney and the others killed Wang Teng.”

At this moment, facing the powerful attack from all directions, Wang Teng’s face was flat, he did not show the slightest timidity, even the slightest surprise.

“Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you all!”

The faint words came from his mouth, echoing around, making the complexions of El Rodney and others extremely ugly.

“Stubborn mouth when you die!”

The people of El Rodney looked cold, and urged their respective forces to the extreme, madly attacking Wang Teng.


A series of cold shouts came out of their mouths, with boundless killing intent.

Only by killing Wang Teng can they wipe out the humiliation they once suffered!

“Ancient god body!” The golden light flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, and a roar suddenly sounded in his heart.

A large number of blank attributes were added to the [Ancient God Body]. In an instant, his physical body was sublimated to the extreme, and a wave of mysterious energy flowed through his limbs, scouring his physical body, causing it to undergo transformation.

At the center of his eyebrows, a mysterious golden rune appeared, and it was extending on its own, slowly drawing a second stroke…

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