Chapter 648

“I still believe in the character of Elifas.” The Great Sage Kiplin said, obviously trying to support Elifas.

When El Rodney and the others saw this, their hearts were stunned, and they knew what they should say if someone asked them later.

As expected, Farah asked them, and the answers from several people were the same as Elifas.

Wang Teng glanced at several people and sneered.

A glimmer of pride flashed in Elifas’s eyes. He looked at Wang Teng and felt very happy: “I have a backer, what can you do with me?”

Wang Teng saw him look like a villain and he was speechless: “Old man, are your eyes blind? He still has character?”

The faces of Kiplin and Elifath turned black suddenly.

“Presumptuous, you dare to insult the great sage!” Elifas was backed by someone, his waist suddenly stiffened, and he shouted.

“I think your head is itchy again, right.” Wang Teng’s eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a hint of danger.

Eli Faston felt his head start to ache again, and he subconsciously took two steps backwards.

Kipling hates iron but not steel. This counselor is not just a Xia Guowu, and he is afraid of it.

“Fara, do you still want to protect him now?” He looked at Fara, and Alaisi, and said lightly: “My lord saint, this son will kill my two holy knights on the holy mountain, causing a terrible impact. If we don’t discipline, it will hurt my saint mountain warrior’s heart. As the object of everyone’s support, the saint woman should not seek justice for us?”

Although his words were plain, they had an aggressive momentum.

This is forcing the palace!

He stood above righteousness and wanted to force Alais to act on Wang Teng, putting her in a dilemma.

“Now that the two sides hold each other’s words, what is going on, it is still unclear. What is the intention of the Great Sage Kipling to persecute the Lord Saint?” The Great Sage Fara’s expression became cold, his eyes fixed on Kipling and said:

“If Wang Teng is wrongly blamed, it will definitely cause us to have a rift with Xia Guo. Will you bear the consequences?”

“That’s it…” Kiplin said in a loud voice, “For the sake of my holy mountain, I am willing to bear the consequences!”

His voice was not small, and it spread immediately so that the warriors on the holy mountain could hear it.

Wang Teng’s uproar on the sacred mountain caused great movement. Many people already knew what had happened here, and they were all watching.

After hearing Kiplin’s words, many people expressed their respect, and some of those who didn’t know what they were in could only see the surface, and they couldn’t help feeling a little bit of resentment towards the saint of Arais in their hearts.

Fara’s complexion changed, and he looked at Alais, and even he had no good way to deal with the situation.

Kiplin committed danger with his own body and was willing to bear the pressure of Xia Guo.

He undoubtedly gained fame by doing so!

And if the saint favors Wang Teng, it is bound to chill everyone.

Water can carry a boat and it can overturn it!

This sentence still applies here.

If the saint lost the support of a large number of saint mountain warriors, naturally she would not be a saint.

Alise frowned, unable to make a choice for a while, and her heart was extremely contradictory.

A gleam of light flashed in Kiplin’s eyes, and he waved his hand: “Take me this Xia Country Warrior!”

“I see who dares!”

At this moment, a cold shout suddenly came from a distance.

I saw several figures galloping forward, and this time, they rushed up from the small town below.

Several people showed up, and they were Dan Taixuan and others.

Not only that, even Ivan and Valeria from the Great Bear Nation also followed.

They landed beside Wang Teng and stared at Kiplin and others.

Ivan smiled and said, “It’s so lively!”

Kipling frowned suddenly, looking at the incoming person, a trace of irritation emerged in his heart for no reason.

“Are you okay?” Tan Taixuan looked at Wang Teng and asked.

“It’s okay, they are the ones who are in trouble.” Wang Teng’s face was flat and he shook his head.

Hearing this, Tantaixuan and others couldn’t help but look at El Rodney and others. A glimmer of astonishment flashed in their eyes: “Paladin!”

“You beat them like this? You murdered?” Zhu Yunshao asked in a low voice.

Wang Teng glanced at Zhu Yunshao, Mu Zhiguo and others, still a little grateful.

Under such circumstances, it is already great courage for them to come!

“I am a legitimate defense,” he said.


Tantaixuan, Zhu Yunshao and the others couldn’t help being speechless, and they all killed people. They are still defending. You are too defending.

This guy really will cause things wherever he goes!

“What the hell is going on?” Tan Taixuan asked.

Wang Teng didn’t conceal it either, he simply told the story through Voice Transmission.

Tan Taixuan was really speechless after listening!

Although I knew that Wang Teng could not be blamed for this, but his ability to cause trouble really made her very crazy.

She feels that Wang Teng is simply a physique to cause trouble, and I am sorry for his extremely talented troublemaker if nothing happens.

“Go back and settle the account with you!” Tan Taixuan gave him an angry look, then turned to look at Kiplin and the others, and said coldly: “Who just said that he wanted to arrest me Xia Guowu?”

“Why, you Xia country warrior attacked on my holy mountain, can’t you catch it?” Kipling mocked.

“I already know what happened, and the fault of the matter is not on our side.” Tan Taixuan said lightly.

“You said you weren’t, you wouldn’t be with you? The corpses of the two paladins of my holy mountain haven’t completely cooled down there yet, you must give us an explanation.” Kiplin said coldly.

“Joke, you asked Wang Teng to go up the mountain, and then you deliberately blocked him, and even wanted to kill him. Who knows that his strength is too scumbag, and he killed him, but now he came to us to explain it to us. I didn’t ask you for an explanation. Not bad.” Tantai Xuan spouted her poisonous tongue, showing no mercy.

The paladins’ faces were dark.

Their strength is too scumbag?

It was the first time someone said this to them, but there was no way to refute it.

This thing is too frustrated!

“This is what’s wrong with you. Invite someone to be a guest, but it hurts others. Who would dare to accept your invitation from now on.” Ivan said with a smile, “It reminds me of Xia Guo’s old saying, what is called a banquet? ……Oh yes, Hongmen Banquet!”

Kiplin almost vomited blood.

He worked so hard to convict Wang Teng. As a result, when the two parties came, he overturned his conclusions directly, reducing major issues and minor issues.

Such an understatement made him feel as uncomfortable as eating shit.

Especially the Great Bear Nation also came to take part. He was already under tremendous pressure to offend Xia Guo. If a Great Bear Nation were to be added, he could not guarantee that he would be able to suppress it.

If this matter is said to be small, it is a dispute between the martial artists of the two sides, but if it is bigger, it is a diplomatic issue.

If the senior officials of Xia Guo were determined to support Wang Teng, then this matter would not be trivial.

However, the words have been released, and in the presence of countless warriors on the holy mountain, how can he repent.

For a while, the Great Sage Kiplin was riding a tiger with difficulty, his complexion was ugly to the extreme.

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