Chapter 636 You are also worthy!

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and he had a complete understanding of [Deep Burial] at this moment.

He found that this trick is not unlimited, and even has many limitations.

The first point is that you must have a very high spatial talent to practice, and ordinary warriors can’t learn it.

And even if you learn it, it is impossible to use it unlimitedly, because every use will consume the soul source, and the soul source cannot be increased through cultivation.

Once the [Netherburial] is cast too many times, no matter how strong the warrior is, the soul will be destroyed and die.

The soul body in the dead space of Cancer Palace was not acquired by Margus alone, but was the result of generations of Cancer Palace paladins.

Unfortunately, in the face of Wang Teng, all the achievements of the past paladins in Cancer Palace have turned into nothing.

No wonder Margus hated him for being so boned, and wanted to get rid of him and then hurry up.

This hatred is indeed a bit big!

The second point is that [Underworld] can only compare to people with low strength, and the greater the difference in strength, the higher the success rate. When the strength of the two is almost the same, the failure rate is extremely high.

The biggest reason why Margus was able to shake out Wang Teng’s soul body was that he had taken on the power of the stars, and his strength was in a state of extreme explosion, and in order to kill Wang Teng, he did not hesitate to consume the power of the soul. It’s broken.

It’s a pity that he didn’t succeed in the end.

When Wang Teng thought of this, a doubt flashed in his mind: “The power that stabilizes my soul should be the hand of the system, right?”

He can only think of this possibility.

Apart from the system, nothing can restrain such a vague attack.

“System Baba, is it you?” Wang Teng asked in his heart.

“If yes, just scream.”


“Everyone is so familiar, don’t you be so arrogant? Say it, I will thank you.”


“Well, just don’t admit it.” Wang Teng was helpless, the system boss never screamed, don’t know if he can’t speak?

As soon as the thought of defamation arose, he immediately felt his scalp numb and his back became cold.

“System Baba, I was wrong!” Wang Teng quickly admitted, like a grandson.

“It’s a big breath, you can cut whoever you want, where do you put the face of my holy mountain?” The blond man on the opposite side saw that he was ignored, his heart rose in anger, and said coldly.

Wang Teng finally turned his head to look at each other, and said lightly: “The face is not given by others, but earned by yourself. What you did on the holy mountain really opened my eyes to me today.”

The blond man was speechless, and said angrily: “Even if the holy mountain is negligent, you won’t kill anyone!”

“When Magus wanted to kill me, why didn’t you say this?” Wang Teng sneered: “And you just sneered at trying to kill me? You really will change your concept.”


Turning the mouth around, where the blond man was Wang Teng’s opponent, he was speechless at this time, and there was no reason to refute it.

The blond man took a deep breath, restored his calm, and said coldly: “I’m not talking nonsense with you, since you killed a paladin on my holy mountain today, leave me to accept the tribulation.”

“Holy referee? Hahaha!” Wang Teng laughed, his face full of disdain: “I am Xia Guowu, when will it be your turn to punish me with the Holy Mountain?”

At the end, his expression changed, and he said coldly: “You are worthy too!”

As soon as this remark came out, both the blond man and Fros’ complexion changed drastically.

The blond man finally remembered that this Wang Teng was a martial artist in the country of Xia, and behind him stood a top power in the world!

With this Wang Teng’s strength and talent, he must be extremely valued in Xia Country.

Such a background really gave them this opportunity, and they did not dare to judge Wang Teng easily.

The blond man was extremely embarrassed and felt that his power was insulted and trampled. With his status and status, he had never been so wronged.

“Can’t you really move him?” The blond man felt helpless and frustrated.

“No, this son killed Margus, he must give an explanation to the holy mountain, otherwise the world will think that my holy mountain is easy to bully!”

Various thoughts flashed in his mind, and finally his eyes flashed, and he suddenly said: “Fros, take him down with me!”

“Sage Elifas!” Frost’s expression changed, and he looked at the blond man.

He didn’t expect that the sage Elifasi would choose to ignore the pressure from Xia Guo and force the sage to judge Wang Teng.

“Do it!” Eli Fas shouted coldly.

When the voice fell, he had disappeared in place, appeared in the air, and the sword in his hand was slashed towards Wang Teng.

The sword light flashed, all the surroundings were illuminated, only a tragic blue light.

It seems that all the foreign objects have disappeared, only this sword is left, and it is blocked in any direction and cannot be avoided.

With just a casual blow, this blond man’s attack possessed such power, it was incredible.

“very good!”

Wang Teng smiled violently. It seemed that this blond man no matter who was right or wrong, this was determined to judge him.


In an instant, the force of his body exploded and his vigor rushed towards the night, and the strong wind stirred his clothes, causing him to dance with black hair in the air.

At this moment, Wang Teng’s face was full of shame, and his eyes were stunned.

“If you want to take me down, first see if you have this ability!”

He screamed and stepped on the ground, a circle of terrifying force spread away, causing spider web-like cracks to appear in the surrounding ground.


And his whole person is like an arrow from the string, soaring into the sky.

The Demon Que rose wildly from bottom to top, and a sharp golden sword light greeted Eliface’s blue sword light.

Suddenly, the two sword lights shattered together!


The two blades intersected, and a series of sparks were drawn, and the sound of metal trembling echoed endlessly.

The pupils in Elifas’ eyes shrank, and he felt a huge force coming from the other side, making his mouth sore that even his bones couldn’t help shaking.


Suddenly, a purple light flashed in front of him.

“Not good!” Elifas’s complexion changed, and he hurriedly withdrew and retreated.

I saw a spear of thunder stab at him, the speed was extremely fast, and it came close in an instant.

But his strength is by no means trivial. Facing this thunder spear, even though he was a little unprepared, he still swung his sword quickly and smashed it abruptly.


At this moment, more thunder spears galloped from other directions, forming a momentum of encirclement.

Elifas was immediately exhausted to deal with it, and Wang Teng followed closely.

At the same time, the sapphire Liuliyan turned into a rope under the control of his mental power and entangled towards Elifas.

Others turned directly into arrows, forming intensive rain-like attacks.

If you don’t move, it’s like thunder when you move!

Wang Teng’s offensive seemed like a violent storm.

“Ah!” Elifas was directly stunned. He was hit by flame arrows in many places on his body. He was injured in an instant, and he couldn’t help but roar like a beast.

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