Chapter 633 Lord of the World…Reserve!

The darkness shattered, the space collapsed, and everything returned to normal.

The light outside the palace shone in, and two figures stood in front.

One stood upright, but the other staggered out.

Fros opened his eyes wide, and a helpless groan suddenly sounded in his heart.

The situation is clear at a glance, Margus is defeated!

As a priest of the temple, he still knew a little about Margus’ methods, and the situation at this time seemed to have been completely broken.

Frosh couldn’t help holding his breath.

At this moment, Margus stabilized his figure and looked extremely embarrassed. Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. He was already seriously injured. He said in a shocked expression: “You ruined my dead space!!!”

Frosh was shocked when he heard this. Wang Teng actually destroyed the dead space inherited by Cancer Palace? ?

I can’t believe it!

“Dead space?” Wang Teng couldn’t help but sneered, “Do you call this small space fragment a dead space?”

Compared with the space cracks he had seen, this dead space was really not worth mentioning.

“You…” Margus looked ugly, and he heard disdain from Wang Teng’s tone.

That is true disdain, not pretending to be disdain.

In the eyes of the other party, his dead space is really not worth mentioning.

If it’s someone else, it’s ridiculous how ignorant such a posture is, but the young man in front of him just smashed and destroyed his dead space.

If you speak with strength, it is not a big talk, but a fact!

Wang Teng didn’t care about his thoughts, his gaze swept around, his mental power rolled up, and he picked up the scattered attribute bubbles.




【Space Debris*210】

【Space Debris*240】

【Space Debris*180】

[Soul Origin*1][Soul Origin*1][Soul Origin*1]

With the integration of these attribute bubbles, Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and a hint of surprise and shock flashed deep in his eyes.

The origin of the soul!

Something very similar to the origin of life, and the origin of the soul acts directly on the soul.

In an instant, a tremor seemed to rise in Wang Teng’s soul.

This tremor is not to see something terrible, but a tremor that exists on the soul because of an uncontrollable refreshment.


His soul seemed to be unable to help making an unspeakable cry.

As… the soul ascends to heaven!

At the same time, a new column appeared above the properties panel.

[Soul Origin]: 1256

Wang Teng’s original soul origin was 1000 points, but at this moment it directly increased 256 points, which was a little more than a quarter.

Don’t underestimate this quarter.

Wang Teng knows how difficult it is to improve the soul’s origin.

This soul origin is as rare and rare as the life origin, and unless there are special circumstances, it is impossible for ordinary martial artists to burst out.

And this time, he directly increased the amount equivalent to a quarter of his soul origin. This gain was absolutely unimaginable.

Wang Teng even wondered whether there would be such an opportunity in the future.

Having said that, how could Margus explode this original soul attribute?

No, it’s not right, it’s not that he exploded the soul origin, but the corpse in the dead space exploded the soul origin.

Those corpses are soul bodies! ! !

There was a flash of inspiration in Wang Teng’s mind, and he finally understood the nature of the corpses.

At this moment, an unspeakable sensation erupted from his body. As the soul’s origin grew, a warm and jade-like energy suddenly appeared in Wang Teng’s sea of ​​consciousness.


His mental power, and even his whole mind seemed to have been nourished in some way, and then it was sublimated…

Wang Teng was surprised and delighted, his eyes were full of disbelief.

He couldn’t help looking at the property panel.

[Spirit]: 15433000 (Imperial Realm)

[Comprehension]: 15223000 (Imperial Realm)

“This is??”

Wang Teng was stunned.

His spirit and savvy attributes have increased by more than a thousand points.


Knowing how many attribute bubbles he picked up, he raised the spirit and savvy attributes of the Emperor Realm by more than 500 points.

But at this moment, these two attributes have improved so much in that instant.

Rao is that Wang Teng has long been accustomed to the rapid improvement of his realm, and he can’t help feeling a little dreamy.

“Does the soul affect the spiritual power, and even the aptitude?” His eyes flashed quickly, thoughtfully.

In addition to the huge surprise of Soul Origin, there is another surprise.

Space debris!

Wang Teng smashed Magus’s so-called dead space, unexpectedly exploded space debris.

The Cancer Palace paladin did not disappoint him!

A warrior with spatial talent.

There are too few such people!

Wang Teng has only encountered one until now.

But it’s pretty good to meet one, and the other party is still a person who has the deep heritage of the holy mountain, otherwise, just change individuals, how can you master this rare space fragment.

After absorbing all the bubbles, he gained a total of 132 space talent attributes and 1,250 space debris attributes.

[Space]: 725210000

[Space Debris]: 1250100000? ?

Wang Teng was surprised. Looking at the [Space Debris] column that appeared in the attribute panel, especially the last few question marks, his head was also full of question marks.

The upper limit of this space debris is so high, maybe even there is no upper limit at all?

Wang Teng thought about it for a moment, and then roughly understood the reason.

The space can be infinite!

At this time, his will sank somewhere in his mind, where a special alien space appeared.

That’s… space debris!

Among them is a brand new small space.

Small is relatively speaking, but it’s really not that big. The area is about the size of a playground, which is much worse than Margus’s dead space before, but it is larger than all his space storage equipment. .

It’s a good space just to hold things.

But its real purpose is more than that. If it is really used as a space storage equipment, it is really a violent thing.

At this time, Wang Teng’s will sneaked into that space, feeling like the god of this space, able to control everything in it.

And he felt that this space was different from the storage space, it had a breath of life.

No wonder there are a lot of soul bodies in Margus’ dead space!

The body of the soul can undoubtedly be regarded as a kind of life.

At this moment, Wang Teng suddenly shook his whole body, with a space for life. If it were expanded to infinity, wouldn’t it be a new world?

As soon as this thought came up, Wang Teng was startled by himself.

A new world, he dare to think about it.

But it seems to be fine.

A vast space contains life, any flowers, trees, and thousands of species can survive. This is not just a world!

And Wang Teng is the only true god in this world, the supreme ruler…

Then isn’t he the lord of the world!

Although it is far away from that realm, at any rate he can barely be regarded as the lord of the world…reserve!

Wang Teng was breathing fast, and his heart was uncontrollably excited, as if he had seen a road with infinite possibilities.

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