Chapter 631: Anyone…

Cancer Palace!

Among the signs of the zodiac, Cancer is ranked fourth.

At this moment, Wang Teng arrived at the Cancer Palace and walked into the palace without hesitation.

He was very curious, what kind of benefits could this paladin of Cancer Palace bring to him?

Challenging the zodiac sign is now not just a matter of face, but whether he can quickly improve his strength.

If each of the signs of the zodiac can raise him to a level, it is naturally the best.

If the benefits are enough, the face will naturally come back.

If you can’t, then I’m sorry, face is still needed, and if you want to explode a zodiac sign, you will be able to get your face back.

After all, as a Tianjiao, Wang Teng still has a face and can’t be bullied casually.

Frost followed him, but he didn’t know what Wang Teng was thinking.

If you know, I’m afraid you will vomit blood on the spot.

The other Arudis blocked you for a while, and you are about to blow up the entire zodiac. Is your face that big!

Frost was worried, and thought to himself: “The guarding paladin Margus of Cancer Palace is as strong as Kao, but his methods are somewhat unique. I wonder if he can stop this Wang Teng?”

There was darkness in the Cancer Palace, and even the light from both ends of the passage could not come in, as if it had been swallowed directly.

The paladin of Cancer Palace was not seen, and no one stood in the way.

Wang Teng stood at a distance of about four or five steps inward from the entrance, standing in his position and looking inside, he couldn’t see the other end of the passage at all. All he could see was pitch black.

He turned on the pupils of spiritual vision and looked into the darkness, frowning involuntarily.

The darkness in Cancer Palace actually blocked his prying eyes.

This is the first time!

Wang Teng was a little surprised, but also a little excited.

The unknown is worth exploring!

As for the ordinary attributes, they are nothing more than soulless wool, which is not interesting at all.

It seems that this Cancer Palace can be simmered well, and there may be surprises.

The corner of Wang Teng’s mouth showed a curve, and the next moment he stepped straight into the darkness in front of him.

But after he stepped into the darkness, his entire body was completely submerged, and Frosh who followed immediately could not see him at all.

Frost did not go any further, and stopped in place, waiting for the result.

In the darkness, Wang Teng moved forward step by step, his expression extremely flat.

If you change to someone else, in such a dark space that seems to be closed, I am afraid that it will not take long for you to become impatient and even fearful.

Don’t underestimate the role of darkness. It seems that there is nothing else, only darkness, but if you stay in it for a long time, no one can remain calm.

If someone can’t collapse, it must be because he hasn’t stayed long enough!

I don’t know if anyone has ever felt this way, that is, when you get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, the light suddenly goes out, you fumble forward in the dark, and then you stop inexplicably, because you feel that there is something in the darkness around you Something is watching you…

The situation facing Wang Teng at this time is similar. He seems to have been walking in this darkness for a long time, constantly advancing, but he can’t see the head at all…

He felt that something around him was casting evil gazes at him, as if trying to pull him into the darkness.

Naturally, Wang Teng would not be afraid. He knew that this must be the method of the Paladin of Cancer Palace, and there was only a hint of surprise in his heart.

After all, being able to do this shows that the Paladin in Cancer Palace really has two brushes.

“anyone there?”

Wang Teng spoke suddenly and shouted to the surroundings.


The result was obvious, and no one responded.

“Is there anyone?” Wang Teng said again: “If there is no one, I will call again after three minutes.”


There seemed to be an extremely speechless atmosphere in the darkness.

Wang Teng continued to walk forward.

Before long, he really shouted again: “Is anyone?”

No more time, exactly three minutes!

“…” There was still a weird silence.

“If there is no one, I will call again after three minutes.” Wang Teng said again.

After another three minutes, Wang Teng said as promised: “Is anyone there?”


“If there is no one, I will call again after three minutes.”

“anyone there?”


“If there is no one, I will call again after three minutes.”

Wang Teng is extremely patient, keeps moving forward, keeps shouting, shouting once every three minutes, perseverance, it is touching and…breakdown!

He walked a long distance, and he didn’t know how many times he called.

“Is anyone there? Anyone…” The shout was like a magic sound, echoing in the dark space again and again.

Wang Teng seems to be addicted to playing, no matter if the other party responds or not, he just wants to keep shouting.

Another three minutes, when he was about to speak.

Suddenly, dots of green light lit up all around. These green lights were only the size of a bean point at first, but gradually became bigger…

In the end, it turned into a group of green firelight, floating around Wang Teng.

Groups of green light suddenly appeared in the dark space, which naturally looked strange and gloomy, and the temperature seemed to have dropped several times.

If there is a low voice of wailing, it falls into the ears, and people can’t help but give birth to a trace of despair.

But Wang Teng still didn’t change his face, as if he didn’t see the green fire around him, and muttered: “Sure enough, someone is there and even the fire is lit. Is this because I’m afraid I can’t see the way? Why not a little more?”


The surrounding green flames suddenly became unstable and shook violently twice, as if being…angry.

I’m so afraid that you won’t see the way!

Is this green flame to show you the way?

Can you be more affectionate?

Bah, shameless!

It seemed that Wang Teng’s long-windedness was no longer acceptable, and the people behind finally chose to do it. Suddenly, the green flame illuminated the darkness around him.

Wang Teng finally saw the surrounding situation clearly.

Where is this in the Cancer Palace, it is a strange mass grave, desolate and dilapidated, and abnormally gloomy.

Suddenly, under the ground, blood-stained hands came out of the ground, grabbing Wang Teng’s legs, and even more corpses crawled out from under the ground, grabbing Wang Teng’s body.

Their faces are distorted and hideous, as if they are full of pain and sorrow, but they also seem to be smiling for no reason… It looks very strange!

Faced with this situation, let alone ordinary people, even a warrior may not be able to calmly face it.

However, Wang Teng’s face remained calm, motionless, allowing the terrifying and infiltrating corpses to crawl towards him, as if they did not exist.

“Is it a phantom again?”

Wang Teng muttered in his heart, and his mental power surged and spread to the surroundings, trying to disperse these things.

However, what he didn’t expect was that as the mental power spread away, the corpses still existed and never disappeared.

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