Chapter 629

On the mountain road where no one walks all the year round, Wang Teng walked slowly, not in a hurry, as if taking a walk after a meal.

But the priest of the temple, who was a few steps behind, was anxious, and it was simply suffering!

He intentionally wanted to report this matter to the temple, but he couldn’t leave Wang Teng alone and go and report the news himself.

Doesn’t it seem that the holy mountain is very small!

Therefore, I can only follow Wang Teng honestly and walk up with him step by step.

This situation was completely reversed from before. Originally, he was leading the way, but now it is Wang Teng who is leading the way.

This guy is anti-visitor!

Frost was helpless, and only after close contact with Wang Teng did he deeply realize his difficulty.

Wang Teng’s disposition made Floss very surprised.

In his opinion, Wang Teng has a pride in his bones, and he cannot tolerate others to trample on him. If anyone touches his bottom line, I am afraid that Arudis’s end will be a lesson for the past.

And this person acted extremely decisively, as soon as he acted like a thunder, people were caught off guard.

But in normal times, all of this is very well restrained by him, without missing the slightest, on the surface, he is laughing and joking, regardless of the trivial, ordinary people can also laugh and play with him.

Such a character is like a sharp sword hidden in its sheath. Once someone triggers it, this sword will shine with peerless edge and hurt the offender.

With such a temperament, it is not at all like a young man who is less than twenty years old…

Wang Teng didn’t know that Foluos had made up so much of his brain. At this moment, he was thinking about the armor he had seen before.

When he first saw Arudis put on this holy armor, he couldn’t help but think of an anime he had seen in his previous life.

Some of the settings inside are very similar to what he saw, but there are obviously differences between the two.

Wang Teng suddenly remembered another saying.

According to that statement, animations, movies and other products are actually some kind of vague information sent by creators when they come into contact with the intersection of other worlds and reality, so as to give birth to inspiration, and then continue to fill in according to their own fantasy, plus artistic processing. , And finally became what people saw.

So… was an anime author in his previous life who felt the message from this world?

Wang Teng looked weird, and felt that this statement was really absurd, but it was inexplicably consistent…

He shook his head, this kind of fruitless guess, why waste time.

Closer to home, according to that Arudis, the so-called Star Armor is something worn by paladins in the past.

So who made this star armor?

He just vaguely felt that there was a very mysterious and obscure connection between the Star Armor and the Zodiac.

As far as he knows, the zodiac has existed for a long time, even thousands of years ago.

what does this mean?

It means that the Star Armor may have existed for such a long time.

But there is a paradox.

How could things like the Stars Sacred Armor be used by warriors before the Force had invaded the earth and the world had not entered the era of martial arts.

Unless the sacred mountain is also a legacy of ancient civilization!

And the Star Armor is what was left by the last civilization.

It’s not that there is such a possibility. This holy mountain makes people feel a little mysterious, and it is normal that there are some unknown things.

It’s a pity that this sacred armor of the stars is a thing of the holy mountain, otherwise borrow one or two to study it, and the harvest will be great.

With the level of his master forging, it might be possible to reveal some secrets from it.

He had seen the power of the Star Armor before, and that Arudiba’s strength was only a low-ranking general, but after putting on the Holy Armor, his strength increased several times.

If he can learn the forging method of this holy armor, then he will return to teach a few master-level apprentices and let them refine this armor.

In the future, Xia Guo martial artist will have one manpower, wouldn’t it be a strong group?

What a pity!

Wang Teng couldn’t help shook his head.

Frost saw him like this and couldn’t help asking: “Why are you shaking your head?”

“Nothing, just an immature idea.” Wang Teng glanced at him and said lightly.

Frost had no idea that Wang Teng, a brave fellow, was planning to fight the Star Armor. He didn’t say anything, so he didn’t ask any more.

Before long, the Gemini in the third house was already in sight.

Frosh wanted to show the token, but was stopped by Wang Teng: “No, I said I want to sign up, I just want to sign up. It doesn’t matter whether I show the token or not.”

Frosh felt helpless and could only watch Wang Teng wandering into the womb.

As soon as Wang Teng entered the palace, within two steps, he stopped and looked forward.

Someone has stood in front of him.

The other party was a tall and valiant man in his thirties, with long hair and a plain and indifferent expression, like a high god.

This guy is even more pretentious than the first two Paladins!

Wang Teng secretly slandered himself.

At the same time, his attention fell on the opponent, his gaze slowly moved down.

I saw that the two womb paladins were already wearing a golden holy armor, which looked sacred and extraordinary.

This holy armor is different from the one worn by Arudis before, and even more bizarre. The whole armor has sharp edges and corners and complex patterns. There are two faces on both sides of the helmet, a demon and an angel. , Just like Gemini.

“I know what you’re here for!” The Gemini Paladin looked at Wang Teng and said lightly.

“That’s great, you don’t need to talk more about gossip, just start the fight.” Wang Teng said with a surge of force on his body.

Frosh chased after him, and Voice Transmission said to the Gemini Paladin: “Kaor, try to stop him!”

At the same time, he quickly recounted what had happened before.

“That idiot Arudis really has been defeated!” Cao nodded and said no more.


The next moment, an extremely powerful force wave erupted from the body of the Gemini Paladin Kao.

“Responsibility, if you want to pass, just defeat me.”

When the words fell, Cao rushed towards Wang Teng suddenly.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and he immediately greeted him, and his fist was thrown out, colliding with him violently.

Visible, the two quickly flashed, collided, and staggered in the palace, and their fists almost turned into afterimages, not knowing which one is true and which one is false.

Frosh watched the battle between the two and opened his mouth slightly.

This Wang Teng is really too strong!

Kao’s strength is definitely in the top five among the twelve paladins, and Wang Teng is not weak in the battle against him.


In mid-air, the two hit each other and then retreated.

Kao’s expression became a little serious. He admitted that he had underestimated Wang Teng before, but this idea no longer existed.

No wonder Arudis will lose!

When faced with such an opponent, even he had to be cautious.

However, he was also a little excited in his heart, that was the excitement of every opponent…

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