Chapter 619 Fire Soul Sutra*1!

Aquilo fell, and the Yingying Yanyan in the arena disappeared without a trace.

Wang Teng’s figure also appeared, standing next to Aquilo, looking down, with compassion on his face.

What a handsome guy who is compassionate and compassionate!


Shameless people are invincible!

In the eyes of everyone, Wang Teng is such a person.

In the Bald Eagle National Auditorium, Fortes was suddenly very grateful.

It was also beaten, but he felt that this Aguro was much worse than him.

Could it be that the more talented the warrior, the more ruthless Wang Teng started?

It turns out that the reason why he is not so miserable is because he is not talented enough.

Ford suddenly felt that he had realized the truth. For a while, he didn’t know whether he should be happy or bitter.

And Su An, who had awakened from the side, couldn’t help touching his head. Fortunately, there was no bag on his head!

He was not taken care of by that brick!

Ute saw the expressions of the two genius warriors in his team, his complexion darkened, and his heart was extremely aggrieved.

This Wang Teng is simply a different kind!

Masha looked at the expressions of Su An and Wang Teng in the field. For some reason, she suddenly felt that there was an attractive light on the young man of Xia Guo.

In this way, so that the proud of heaven like Su An is in jealousy, this Wang Teng is really…interesting!

Although his personality is a bit bad, all badness will be weakened in the face of strong strength. After all, everyone sees his strength!

In the auditorium of the Neon Country, Kannai Tongji was stunned: “So can mental illusions still be used like this!”

Wang Teng seemed to have opened the door to a new world for her.

As for whether this door leads to heaven or hell, it is the benevolent who sees the benevolence, and the wise see the wisdom.

A strange light flashed in the eyes of Kana Kirihime, which made Inuichiro Yamamoto on the side a sense of horror.

He glanced at the god Nai Tong Ji, always feeling that she seemed to have undergone a certain change at this moment.

The corner of Gerald’s eyes twitched unconsciously in the auditorium of the Great Eagle Country. Why is Wang Teng so evil? Why is it so cruel!

Originally wanted to meet this Xia Guo genius, but now he can no longer have the idea of ​​fighting Wang Teng.

Arnold was very pleased to see Gerald’s expression.

Don’t look for abuse!

Don’t look for abuse!

Don’t look for abuse!

The important thing is said three times.

The priest of the temple saw that Acura couldn’t get up, and even announced the result.

“In this round, King Xia will win!”

When the voice fell, he couldn’t help but glanced at Wang Teng.

But he saw his face indifferent, without any emotions, as if defeating Aguro was just a trivial matter.

This guy is pretending to be forced!

When the priest saw a toothache, he immediately turned his head, and his eyes were pure.

Wang Teng picked up the attribute bubbles on the ground.

【Star Force*30 (Fire)】

【Star Force*52 (Fire)】

【Wang Jing Spirit*35】

【Wang Jing Spirit*16】

【Wang Jing Comprehension*40】

【Wang Jing Comprehension*36】

【Extreme Fire Talent*10】


As the attribute bubbles merged into Wang Teng’s body one by one, he couldn’t help but snorted, his eyes showing a look of surprise.

Aguro’s spirit and savvy attributes turned out to be at the king level!

Wang Teng didn’t know that his sorrowful manipulation had nurtured Aquilo’s heart demon, and his spirit burst, and only then did some of the spirit and comprehension of the king’s realm fall out.

Otherwise, it is impossible to lose the spirit and comprehension of the king realm with the spirit and comprehension of the Aquila spiritual realm.

Wang Teng had the final say, this time he gained 125 points of Wang Jing spirit and 106 points of Wang Jing comprehension.

[Comprehension]: 2123000 (Imperial Realm)

[Spirit]: 2433000 (Imperial Realm)

His spirit and understanding rose again a little bit.

Then there is another windfall-the super fire talent!

Wang Teng now has four super talents, namely the water element, wind element, thunder element, and ice element. Together with the fire element talent he just obtained, there are a total of five super talents.

What to do, getting better and better!

Wang Teng felt that he could no longer suppress the breath of genius that was about to break through. This was really embarrassing.

In other words, originally he just wanted to gather the Star Force to study the Star Cultivation Techniques, but he didn’t expect to get so many useful attribute bubbles again.

Wang Teng calculated it again, and after playing this game with Aquilo, he won a total of more than two hundred points of Star Force!

[Star Force (Fire)]: 353

Wang Teng looked at the force value of the stars on the attribute panel, felt the fire energy in his body again, and suddenly felt that the previous strength was not in vain.

Attributes have to be so cohesive!

Otherwise, how to improve quickly.

The road to becoming stronger is always full of blood and tears. Wang Teng has already felt deeply and is slowly accepting this cruel world.

Azura was helped by the warriors of the Inga country. Those warriors glanced at Wang Teng with a complicated expression, seeming a little afraid, but also a little bit angry, but they didn’t dare to express too obvious.

Oh, the hatred of the weak!

Wang Teng didn’t take it to heart, his expression was a little weird, because just when Aguro was helped down, another attribute bubble emerged from under him.

Is this bubble suppressed?

You are so funny to me!

Can the attribute bubble be suppressed?

No matter how Wang Teng complains, it is true.

An attribute bubble floating there alone, Wang Teng looked at it pitifully, and reluctantly picked it up.

【Fire Sutra*1】

“??” Wang Teng was shocked.

This is actually a technique!

And it’s the ancient law of Inga! !

As the attribute bubbles merged, a humanoid light and shadow suddenly appeared in Wang Teng’s mind.

The humanoid light and shadow sat cross-legged, and light paths and spots appeared on his body, and the original force circulated in it, and then a cluster of flames rose above the body of the human shadow…

“The method of transforming the force of the stars!!!” In a short moment, Wang Teng recovered, his eyes flashed with dazzling eyes.

He actually caught a glimpse of the method of transforming the force of stars in this ancient law of the Inga kingdom.

Countless auras exploded in his mind, shot, gathered, and finally merged into a bunch, evolving into a point that emits infinite light.

Wang Teng caught this light spot, and a curve appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The star-level exercises are just around the corner!

He was ready to move, and wanted to start a new technique immediately.

But he also knew that the timing was wrong, so he could only suppress the impulse in his heart forcibly.

“Wang Teng, the game is over, it’s time for you to end!” The priest of the temple spoke at the moment and said to Wang Teng.

“No hurry, I will continue to challenge.” Wang Teng smiled slightly and said slowly.

“Are you sure?” The temple priest frowned: “The exchange meeting is based on the principle of fairness and justice. After each competition, time will be provided to rest, but if you take the initiative to ask for Lien Chan, no one will stop him.”

“I didn’t plan to go down this time until I challenged all the top talented martial artists from all countries.” Wang Teng looked around and suddenly grinned: “So, everyone, are you coming one by one, or are you going together?”


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