Chapter 609

Kannai Tongji resolutely gave up, which surprised many people, including the priests of the temple.

However, he was still extremely calm on the surface, saying that he had seen everything through and was calm.

In fact, he couldn’t help but think of the tragic situation of Shieldsson again in his heart. How could that idiot not be as witty and decisive as this god Nai Tong Ji?

This resentment made Shieldsson shiver uncontrollably, looking around, feeling that things were a bit uncomfortable.

Where does this malicious origin come from? ?

The priest of the temple had already retracted his gaze, with a polite appearance, and he couldn’t see how he was going to put on Shieldsson’s little shoes.

“Since Kannai Tongji admits defeat, Xia Guo will win this round!” The temple priest announced the result.

After hearing the words, everyone finally recovered from the stunned by Shennai Tongji’s surrender, and looked at Wang Teng with some surprise.

This guy is really shocking!

Genius warrior!

A genius divine teacher!

The combination of the two is the genius among the geniuses. Apart from the bad personality, this Xia Guo youth is definitely an existence that cannot be ignored.

In the arena, after Kannai Tongji gave up, she took a deep look at Wang Teng and said, “You are very strong. When I master the ‘Shiki God’ left by the Yin Yang family, I hope I can fight with you again!”

“Shijin?!” Wang Teng’s eyes lit up suddenly.

The second thing to try is the attribute bubble!

He is no stranger to the so-called shikigami. He has appeared in various derivative works in his previous life and is a very good skill.

If Kannai Tongji had learned it, wouldn’t he be able to squeeze it out.

Anyway, I’ve done it once, and it doesn’t matter if I do it a few more times, I’m used to it.

At this time, Wang Teng’s eyes were bright and terrible, he looked straight at Kannai Tongji, nodded and said: “No problem, no problem, next time, I must challenge me, I am waiting for you!”


Kannai Kirihime’s scalp tingled with his fiery eyes.

What is going on with this guy?

Why do you always look at people with that weird look?

She could feel it, it was definitely not the so-called gaze of admiration, and she was not so narcissistic. Although she considered herself a first-class beauty in the neon country, the look in this guy’s eyes was definitely not as simple as liking her.

The look in his eyes was almost as if he was going to devour his life.

Broad fear broad fear!

Kannai Tongji’s heart jumped wildly, she turned around and left, and immediately stayed away from the dangerous guy Wang Teng.

“…” Wang Teng.

This god Nai Tongji seems to be afraid of him?

Is he so scary?

Without knowing himself, Wang Teng shook his head, rolled up the attribute bubbles scattered around, and picked up all of them.

【Wang Jing Spirit*20】

【Wang Jing Spirit*15】

【Wang Jing Comprehension*12】

【Wang Jing Spirit*10】

【Spiritual Illusion*240】

【Poison Force*95】

【Poison Force*105】

【Poison Force*120】

When Wang Teng saw these hundreds of Poison Element Forces, his expression was a little weird.

It seemed that Kannai Tongji had tried very hard to use this poison force, but it didn’t seem to cause him any harm.

Is it a bit too much?

If she knew she was working so hard, she should put a little bit of water, otherwise it might be more discouraging.

Wang Teng reflected on himself, then glanced at the poison force in the attribute panel——

[Poison Force]: 45705000 (7 stars)

It smells so good!

This Shennai Tongji Poison Elemental Force hasn’t reached the warlord level, but he has also contributed hundreds of Poison Elemental Force attributes, which is no worse than those warlord-level warriors.

Looking at the spiritual attributes, it can only be said that he is a spiritual master, the spiritual attributes provided by Kannai Tongji has exceeded the sum of the spiritual attributes provided to him by the warlord-level warriors before.

And the comprehension is also a lot, it is also the king level, much more than other warriors, the total number is very considerable.

[Spirit]: 2263000 (Imperial Realm)

[Comprehension]: 1953000 (Imperial Realm)

Finally, there is the [Spiritual Illusion Technique] attribute, which has a full 240 points, which makes Wang Teng’s spiritual illusion technique level from proficiency to Xiaocheng!

【Spiritual Illusion】: 150500 (Xiaocheng)

The sparkle in Wang Teng’s eyes, this [psychic illusion] is more useful in his hands than in the hands of Kannai Tongji.

With his spiritual realm cultivation base and the original power covering almost all attributes, not only the range of spiritual illusions cast will be very wide, but also more real and unpredictable, and the power contained in it is by no means comparable to Kannai Kiruki.

She used the force between heaven and earth to form an attack, the power was very limited, but Wang Teng’s casual move, the power is probably no less than an ordinary seven-eight-star warrior-level attack.

If it is taken seriously, it is no problem to display an attack equivalent to a warrior-level warrior.

Still the same sentence, the spiritual master is a talented profession, and the upper limit is as high as the talent is high.

Wang Teng’s upper limit, even he himself didn’t know where it was.

While feeling his own gains, Wang Teng walked back to the audience, with a trace of sentiment in his heart.

Not afraid of the opponent being too strong, just afraid of the opponent being too weak!

Only the stronger the opponent is, the more attribute bubbles can be produced.

And the strong are resistant to roughness!

No matter how you can bear it.

It doesn’t matter if you are strong… even if you bleed, this is the advantage of the strong!

Wang Teng returned to the audience with this understanding.

Zhu Yunshao and the others immediately gathered around, watching like strange creatures, just about putting melon seeds and fruits on them.

“…” Wang Teng was full of black lines, feeling insulted, and said angrily: “You are too much!”

Everyone could not help but laugh.

Zhu Yunshao chuckled and said, “You are really amazing, we don’t even know that you are a spiritual master?”

“You didn’t ask either!” Wang Teng said.

So it’s our fault?

Everyone was speechless.

“By the way, to what extent has your spiritual master’s cultivation level reached?” Qu Fei couldn’t help but curiously asked.

“Do you want to know?” Wang Teng said.

Everyone nodded together and was re-elected as Qingcang. Ji Xiuming and others couldn’t help but look over. They were all curious about what height Wang Teng had reached.

Tan Taixuan glanced at Wang Teng without a trace. She realized that she had never seen Wang Teng clearly. The strength that Wang Teng had displayed was only part of it.

Whenever others thought that was his full strength, he once again refreshed everyone’s cognition.

This guy… is like a bottomless pit!

People can’t see clearly, but can’t help but want to find out.

“Want to know…” Wang Teng looked around and said with a smile: “I won’t tell you.”

Everyone: “…”

This bitch!

Everyone thought he was going to say it, but it was crazy to say so.

Just when everyone was arguing with Wang Teng, the game started again in the arena below.

This time… Valeria from the Great Bear Nation!

She looked around and looked to a certain place, which was the direction of the ancient Egyptian country…

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