Chapter 606

“What did you just say?” Tan Taixuan asked suspiciously.

Wang Teng just whispered to herself, she did not hear the four words’Thunder and War Intent’ clearly.

“Nothing.” Wang Teng smiled and responded casually.

Tantai Xuan shook his head, did not ask any more, turned his head and looked into the arena.

Frankly speaking, Gerald is not weak, on the contrary, he is already very strong. Among all the martial artists of the world, I am afraid he is also among the top ranks.

But when the two powers compete, there will be one defeat!

In his battle with Su An, Su An won in the end.

The posture that controls the thunder has left a deep impression on many people.

In the eyes of everyone, the Bald Eagle Nation hides very deeply. Su An, who doesn’t look amazing, has never made a move, but once he made a move, he showed the arrogant posture, defeating Gerald and directly won the game.

Obviously, this Su An is the trump card of the Bald Eagle Country!

At this moment, Su An returned to the auditorium, and everyone from the Bald Eagle Country immediately surrounded them, with smiles on their faces.

Ute was even more happy. After so many games, the Bald Eagle Nation was finally no longer the tortured party.

If you talk too much, it’s tears. In this exchange meeting, it shouldn’t have been so miserable. But this year’s fleeting year is not good. Everyone has targeted them, so that the warriors they played in battle were miserably abused, which made them lose their dignity. .

Now it’s alright. Su An will play and show off his prowess. It can be regarded as a show for warriors from all over the world. They also have top talents in the Bald Eagle Nation.

On the contrary, Arnold’s mood is not very good at this time.

Gerald, who was placed high hopes by the Great Eagle Nation, was actually defeated by Su An. This was undoubtedly the biggest failure of this exchange meeting.

But he still comforted Gerald. In any case, Gerald is the arrogant of the Great Eagle Nation. If the mood is affected by this defeat, it will really be more than a loss.

“It’s a pity.” Tan Taixuan retracted his gaze and said with pity.

“You mean that Gerald?” Wang Teng asked.

“Yes, no matter where he is placed, this person is among the top arrogances. It’s not a pity to be defeated like this.” Tantai Xuan said.

“It’s a pity, it would be even better if you could fight with me.” Wang Teng said, touching his chin, his eyes shining with a strange light.

He felt that if Su An was replaced by him, he could squeeze more wool from Gerald.

Wang Teng glanced at the attribute panel, and at this time there was an additional exercise in the exercise column-“Shenfeng Jue”!

Heaven-Rank Force Technique!

This time, apart from the thunderous fighting spirit, the most valuable thing is this “Kamikaze Art” from Gerald’s body!

Wang Teng has already obtained a lot of heavenly rank techniques. The force techniques of the four attributes of earth, fire, wood and water are now all heavenly ranks. Now he has added a wind attribute heavenly rank technique. Five heavenly rank exercises.

If this is said, I am afraid that it will shock a bunch of people to drop their jaws.

Others would bankrupt their families if they wanted to obtain a Heaven-Rank Cultivation Technique, which was considered extremely extravagant, and Wang Teng was carrying five Heaven-Rank Cultivation Techniques at the same time.

However, Wang Teng was still unsatisfied, and stared at Gerald again, wanting to dig out more of the attributes of “Kamikaze Jue”.

“What’s the look in your eyes?” Tan Taixuan couldn’t help but said silently.

That Gerald was already miserable enough, Wang Teng actually didn’t let him go, just by looking at his eyes, he knew what strange things he was thinking.

If he meets Wang Teng, the result is estimated to be not much better than now, and it may even be worse.

Tan Taixuan knew Wang Teng too well, this guy would never defeat the opponent in a normal way.

“Ahem, there is no other meaning, just seeing such an excellent opponent, a little bit of joy in the hunt.” Wang Teng coughed dryly, said.

There is nothing wrong with him. He really wants to fight against the opponent because he is good at him. After all, the better the person, the more valuable the attributes he exploded.

This is the truth!

While the two were chatting, a warrior from Kangaroo country stepped into the arena and challenged Xia Guo.

“Who is going?”

Qu Fei and Yan Bo looked at each other. At this time, Xia Guo hadn’t made any move with the two of them.

Wang Teng will not grab their opponents either.

“You first!” Yan Bo said with a smile.

Qu Fei nodded, without talking nonsense, got up and jumped into the arena.

After the two introduced each other, they immediately entered a state of battle, the original force surged, and instantly collided.

Qu Fei’s strength is also extremely strong. He has reached the rank of quasi-war fighter in his wood force, and he is extremely skilled in the use of wood force.

Wang Teng saw him holding a long black stick that looked like iron and non-iron, and looked like wood and not wood.

Obviously, there is a wooden stick in that stick technique, not a simple combat attack. In the eyes of outsiders, there is a sense of being extremely tricky and invincible.

The warrior of the Kangaroo country on the other side was holding a sword, and the force of the water system surged all over his body.

Boom boom boom!

After a while, with a roar, Qu Fei seized the opportunity, and the long stick took the opponent’s middle door straight, like a snake out of a hole, and hit the opponent’s chest fiercely.

The kangaroo national warrior flew upside down in an instant, spurting blood from his mouth.

Holding a long stick, Qu Fei stood proudly in the arena, pushing this to perfection.

The warriors of various countries were quite surprised. Qu Fei was very easy to win. As expected, none of the warriors of Xia country should be underestimated.

“This game, Xia Guosheng!” the temple priest announced.

Hearing this, Tantai Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, imperceptibly.

so far so good!

Zhu Yunshao and Mu Zhiguo have already lost. If Qu Fei loses again, Xia Guo will almost be bald.

As for Wang Teng, she didn’t take it into account at all. That guy is not a normal warrior, so it can’t be calculated.

“You are so afraid of them losing!” Wang Teng seemed to be aware of something, and gave her a weird look, and said in a funny voice.

“What do you know!” Tan Taixuan gave him a fierce look, and said: “This exchange meeting, the countries look at the comprehensive strength of all the fighters, not the strength of a certain fighter, no matter how strong you are, but if it is Qu Fei and the others were all in a mess, and in the end they couldn’t change everyone’s perception of Xia Guo’s weakness.”

“I wish Yunshao, although Mu Zhiguo and the others are defeated, they have demonstrated very good strength. They can be seen in other countries. As long as they are not stupid, they will not be underestimated.” Wang Teng said.

“That being said, failure is failure after all, and no one can deny this fact.” Tan Taixuan said.

Wang Teng shrugged and had to admit that what Tan Taixuan said was that this world has always only looked at the winners, but no one cares about the losers. It is a normal phenomenon and psychology, and there is nothing to say.

He looked at the field, and his mental power picked up the attribute bubbles dropped by Qu Fei and the kangaroo national warrior.

【Wood Force *730】

【Wrap Snake and Stick*150】

【Spirit of Spirit*35】

【Water Force Force*760】

【Water Sword Intent*50】

【Spirit of Spirit*80】

【Spiritual Comprehension*48】

“Wrap the snake and stick!” All Wang Teng thought, this stick must be the meaning of the stick technique that Qu Fei just displayed.

Taking the meaning of wrapping a snake, the stick method is like a spirit snake. As long as it is wrapped, it is difficult to get out. I have to admit that this stick meaning does have its own uniqueness. without

The process of comprehension of the entanglement in Wang Teng’s mind emerged.

In the forest, a figure was fighting a snake-like star beast, imitating their habits and fighting skills, and gradually realized the meaning of winding snakes.

Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and he felt that he had benefited a lot.

It is not so much the meaning of wrapping snakes and sticks, as it is the meaning of wrapping snakes.

The stick meaning is only the most superficial harvest. What is really useful is the meaning of wrapping snakes. It can be used not only in stick skills, but also in swordsmanship, knife skills, and even fist skills and palm skills.

comprehend by analogy!

At this moment, the benefits of high savvy became apparent, and it made sense at all, without even needing to be taught by others. Wang Teng himself understood the other uses of the meaning of winding snakes.

Other attribute bubbles are very common. Wang Teng just swept them away and didn’t pay attention anymore. After the exchange meeting was over, he went to see the final harvest.

Next, warriors from other countries played one after another, presenting a wonderful game after another.

But Yan Bo saw that everyone had already compared it, but he had not yet played, so he stood up by himself, chose a country to challenge, and finally won.

Today, Xia Guo’s two wins and two wins can be considered to have restored the defeat of Zhu Yunshao and Mu Zhiguo.

Yan Bo won, was in a good mood, and returned to the audience happily.

Everyone was about to gather around and congratulate, but at this moment, the warriors of the Neon Kingdom suddenly stood up.

And the person who came out is amazingly Kannai Kiruki!

The female warrior of the neon country performed extremely well in the last game, not only defeated the warrior of the bald eagle country, but also almost drove the opponent crazy.

This is not what an ordinary warrior can do.

So people from all countries are very concerned about her.

Many people have already seen that Kannai Tongji is a spiritual teacher, and there is a glimmer of envy and solemnity in his eyes.

In this world, there are very few spiritual teachers, who are truly gifted.

Only people with excellent spiritual talents can give birth to mental powers and become spiritual teachers, which ordinary people cannot learn.

Many people can’t help but admire the good luck of the neon country.

What kind of luck is it that the small island nation has born such a gifted mental power!

Could it be that this god Nai Tongji’s mother stepped on shit while giving birth to her!

The warriors of various countries speculated maliciously.

“Who will Kannai Kiruki challenge?”

At this time, everyone was muttering in their hearts, the candidates were nothing more than those, Kannai Kiruki is already considered the top arrogant, and the one who can be her opponent is Suan, Gerald, Valeria and other celestial arrogances. .

However, after waiting for a long time, she didn’t see Kannai Tongji choosing her opponent, she just stood so silly and stupefied, with a loli face in a trance.

The priest of the temple couldn’t help asking: “Kannai Tongji, which country are you going to challenge?”

“Huh?” Shennai Tongji was obviously out of the sky, and did not hear the words of the priest of the temple.

“…I ask which country you want to challenge.” The priest of the temple was full of black lines and asked helplessly again.

“Oh…” Kannai Tongji suddenly said in a faint voice: “I don’t challenge anyone, whoever wants to play against me, I will fight against whoever!”


The priest of the temple couldn’t help being speechless, a little weak in his heart, and ranting frantically. Why are these arrogances of this year so weird and playing cards out of common sense?

He felt that being the host of this exchange meeting was simply broken.

“Then which Tianjiao is willing to fight against Shennai Tongji?” In the end, the priest of the temple still patiently looked around and asked.

The warriors from various countries looked at each other, some hesitated and some were ready to move.

“Haha, I wish you the bait, this little girl is still playing this trick.” Yan Bo sneered in the Xia Guo auditorium.

“But her way of fighting is incomprehensible and difficult to deal with!” Zhu Yunshao groaned, touching his chin.

Warriors from other countries are also discussing and hesitating.

But when Valeria of the Great Bear Nation decided to go to war, a figure suddenly appeared in the arena.

“Wang Teng!”

Qu Fei, Zhu Yunshao and others were stunned, and Wang Teng, who had just been leisurely eating food and watching the excitement, actually took the initiative to fight at this moment.

What is wrong with this guy? ?

Everyone was suspicious.

Not to mention the people from Xia Guo who knew Wang Teng’s temperament, even warriors from other countries were shocked.

Wang Teng’s strength has been recognized by everyone. Although this guy doesn’t know the specific strength, he is obviously not weak.

Moreover, he still has a bad personality that hits people and slaps people in the face. Once he comes on the court, something big will happen. Can you not pay attention?

The priest of the temple couldn’t help laughing.

“Wonderful flower meets the thorn head, it should be very exciting,” he thought gloating.

He was a little bit angry with Wang Teng. Shieldsson was the one he recruited to enter the temple, but Wang Teng did not show any face and beat him into a pig head. The face of the temple was embarrassed.

May I ask, can he not get angry?

Wang Teng stood opposite Kannai Tongji, and looked at the loli of the neon country with interest.

And Kannai Tongji took a serious look at him, and then looked at the priest of the temple.

The priest of the temple understood what she meant, and immediately announced: “Since you have no doubts, then…the game can begin.”

As soon as the voice fell, the two moved at the same time, Kannai Kiruki disappeared in place, and suddenly a huge violent ape appeared where she was just now.


The violent monkey roared up to the sky, punched his chest with both fists, and then rushed towards Wang Teng.

Wang Teng’s complexion was extremely calm, standing still, with a punch.


The body of that violent ape fell apart directly, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

“Small bugs!” Wang Teng snorted coldly, his figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared somewhere in the arena without warning, and then grabbed the air in front of him.

“Shoo!” A figure appeared, then turned into an afterimage and quickly moved away.

This figure is impressively Kannai Kiruki!

She actually didn’t know when she had already left the battlefield and hid in the outer area, I am afraid she was just waiting to watch Wang Teng fight the violent ape just now.

It’s a pity that Wang Teng doesn’t cooperate!

He could tell at a glance that the violent ape is just an illusion. If a person with insufficient mental power is easy to be recruited, he may actually have a shirtless battle with the violent ape. Thinking about the scene, it makes people shudder. .

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