Chapter 604 Let the surprise come more violently!

The aura of the strong is not simply a round of highs and lows.

The two seem to be competing with each other, but in fact, both of them are looking for opportunities to shoot.

In the momentum of the two sides, whoever has a flaw will be seized by the opponent, and the next thing to greet him is a thunderous attack.

At their level of power, every mistake is terrible.

The lower generals are already at the top of the Earth-Star Pyramid. Every blow is deadly enough to be taken lightly.

There was silence in the arena, and neither Gerald nor Su An took the first shot, staring at each other, their swords drawn at each other!

There is a sense of tranquility before the storm.

The warriors of various countries also held their breath and stared at the two people below without blinking.

In Xia Guo’s audience, Wang Teng touched his chin, and said, “The two people are full of affection, and I don’t know how long they will look at each other.”


Around him, Tan Taixuan and the others, who had originally looked extremely serious, collapsed in an instant.

God is full of love!

Others were in a serious game, but Wang Teng abruptly made the atmosphere very strange.

What weird things are in this bastard’s mind? ?

However, Wang Teng said that Gerald from the Great Eagle Nation and Su An from the Bald Eagle Nation really looked a little bit so…

“Does everyone think so too!” Wang Teng’s eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the expressions of everyone.

“…” Zhu Yunshao’s complexion suddenly changed.

That kind of thought just flashed through my mind, and was actually seen by Wang Teng.

Do this guy’s eyes belong to twenty-fourK titanium alloy dog ​​eyes!

But it’s all caused by him, okay? If he didn’t mention it, how could they think about it.

Obviously they are pure-minded people, and it is absolutely impossible for them to have that nasty thought.

Therefore, Wang Teng’s pot is right.

【True·King of Pot】jpg

“Shut up!” Tan Taixuan shouted in anger.

“…” Wang Teng felt a deep resentment, curled his lips, and muttered: “What? Women are really inexplicable.”

“You say it again!” Tan Taixuan’s ears were very sharp, and she gave him a hard look, and said coldly.

I wish Yunshao, Ji Xiuming and the others are a little gloating, this guy is really a tough guy, and he dare to say anything.

Don’t you know that women are very careful!

“Just say, who is afraid of who.” Wang Teng’s eyes widened, and he said righteously: “What did I just say, oh yes, I said that sister Xuan, you are really beautiful and beautiful, Chen Yuluoyan, yes Peerless posture, can be called a strange woman in the world!”

“Puff!” Ren Qingcang just took a sip of water and sprayed it directly.

Nima has seen a shameless person, but never seen such a shameless person!

Ren Qingcang suddenly realized that he finally knew where he had lost and why Wang Teng was so powerful, far surpassing his peers Tianjiao.

It turned out to be because of him… shameless!

Shameless people are invincible, and the ancients sincerely don’t deceive me!

Ji Xiuming and the others were dumbfounded, looking at Wang Teng with weird expressions, and a trace of admiration for him suddenly appeared in their hearts.

They can’t learn this kind of ability to lose morale!

Luo Cheng on the side gave him a thumbs up secretly.

This is really awesome!

Tan Taixuan glanced at him with a smile. Although he knew that this kid was talking nonsense, he was very happy to hear it.

“Calculate your knowledge.” Tan Taixuan gave him a glance, and sat lazily on the side.


At this moment, a huge roar suddenly came from the arena.

I didn’t know when, Gerald and Su An had already moved their hands, causing a fierce collision in the sky.

For a time, the sound of thunder in the arena exploded, and it was mixed with the sound of ear-piercing wind.

Thunder Force!

The force of the wind!

Wang Teng’s eyes suddenly narrowed, and there was a burst of joy in his heart.

These two people turned out to be thunder-type warriors and wind-type warriors!

Good guy, it really deserves to be the pride of the two countries!

Variation attribute warriors are very rare. Since Wang Teng has been a warrior for so long, he has not encountered a few mutant attribute warriors.

And in this exchange meeting, not only the ice martial artist, the spiritual teacher, but also the thunder martial artist and the wind martial artist.

At this moment, Wang Teng just wants to shout… Let the surprise come more violently!

In the sky, Gerald of the Great Eagle Nation turned into a blue light, his body light and agile, like an elf in the wind, which made people unable to catch.

But every time he attacked, he turned into the sharpest green light, struck Cangyu across, and cut clear traces in the surrounding sky.

And Su An of the Bald Eagle Nation is equally good, bathed in thunder, like a thunder light, moving fast in the sky, holding a thunder and lightning spear in his hand, fighting with Gerald.

With each collision, a silver arc splashed around, and the violent wind also swept all around, turning the tens of meters centered on the two people into a violent battlefield.

The fighting between the two was terrifying, which shocked the hearts of warriors from all countries.

But everyone looked up at the sky, unwilling to miss the slightest detail.

“So strong!” Zhao Yuanwu muttered to himself.

Luo Cheng, Ji Xiuming and others were also deeply shocked. They realized that there was still a big gap between themselves and these real top talents.

However, they are still young. When the next exchange meeting, their strength may not be able to reach that level, or even stronger than them!

“I didn’t expect that the Tianjiao of the Great Eagle Nation and the Bald Eagle Nation are all mutant martial artists.” Mu Zhiguo said solemnly.

“These two people have already developed the two attribute forces to an extremely high level, and they are very powerful.” Tan Taixuan said with a flash of eyes.

Ren Qingcang’s eyes flickered, and he clenched his fists, feeling a little unwilling in his heart.

He was also a Thunder Warrior, but he found that he was too far behind Na Suan.

I’m afraid the opponent can beat him with just one hand.

What happens if I change to Wang Teng?

He couldn’t help but glanced at someone, but saw that he was looking at the two fighting in the arena with excitement and surprise.

What the hell?

What does the surprise on this face mean?

Others are so powerful, what surprises you!

At this moment, even with Ren Qingcang’s indifferent state of mind, he felt powerless to complain, and he couldn’t figure out what Wang Teng was thinking.

This guy is an alternative!

He naturally didn’t know that the reason why Wang Teng was surprised was that Gerald and Su An were constantly dropping attribute bubbles.

One by one, purple and cyan bubbles fell from the sky, and then floated on the ground of the arena.

It’s harvest time again!

[Thunder Force *50][Thunder Force *30]

【Wind Force *45】

【Wind Force *25】

【The Meaning of Wind Spirit*10】

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