Chapter 598 I’m a Tianjiao, can I be decent?

Tan Taixuan and others looked at the cyan dragon in the sky, although they also felt extremely awe-inspiring, they were very good for acting.

But why do you want to shout out some great mighty dragon! ! !

It is full of two feelings that will almost drown people, and I can’t bear it personally!

Everyone in Xia Guo was completely defeated by Wang Teng, this guy has never been righteous, and it is a headache.

“Too embarrassing!” Zhao Yuanwu said with a curled mouth.

“Ashamed to be together.” Ren Qingcang said with a look of disgust.

Although Ji Xiuming and others felt that Wang Teng had lost all of them, it wouldn’t be good to say this directly.

Several people glanced at Zhao Yuanwu. Everyone knows that these two guys don’t deal with Wang Teng, but it’s a bit too much to say so.

“Have you not noticed the expressions of crooked nuts?” Zhu Yunshao reminded Wang Teng when he glanced at the two of Zhao Yuanwu.

“What do you mean?” Zhao Yuan Wudao.

“See it for yourself.” Zhu Yunshao said in a bad mood.

Everyone looked around, and all the crooked nuts turned out to be unclear.

This is the so-called incomprehension, but it’s amazing?

Coupled with the cyan dragon, Wang Teng seemed to be able to pretend to be successful.

Zhao Yuanwu: “…”

Ren Qingcang: “…”

other people:”……”

This is also OK?

So Wang Teng was not ashamed at all, but pretended to be a force? !

Zhao Yuanwu’s mouth twitched and shut up completely.

The expression on Ren Qingcang’s face was also very exciting, and he snorted and stopped talking.

At this time, let alone them, even Mu Zhiguo and others were also convinced.

Think about it carefully, those crooked nuts don’t understand Xia’s Mandarin at all, how can they understand the second style of it!

Seeing everyone’s expressions, Zhu Yunshao felt ashamed in his heart, but he did feel that he was worthy of Wang Teng.

He helped me vent my anger, and I restored his image!

Otherwise, how could she say such things against her will.

Crooked nuts don’t understand, but they don’t understand, but Secondary Two is still Secondary Two!

Zhu Yunshao shuddered in his heart when thinking of the scene of Wang Teng yelling Dawei Tianlong before, and goose bumps came out again.

Hiss, Wang Teng is not human!

In the arena.

The cyan dragon hovered in the sky, looking down at Shieldsson.

The atmosphere is tense to the extreme!

When the game is here, there is almost no suspense.

So, how would Shieldsson choose.

Give up, or fight to the end?

The warriors of various countries actually understood his situation very well. He had just been selected by the temple, and it was when the spring breeze was proud, and the result was a disastrous defeat.

Who can stand it?

At this moment, some people sympathize, some are gloating.

Shieldsson’s face was pale, his lips squirmed, and he couldn’t utter the word admit defeat.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed and suddenly disappeared in place.

Shieldsson’s complexion changed drastically.

Wucao, this bastard is not particular, and he doesn’t even give him time for hesitation!

The next moment, Wang Teng appeared in front of Shieldsson, grinning at him, a golden light flashing in his hand.

Shieldsson was shocked, and finally remembered something, and opened his mouth to shout the word ‘Admit defeat’…


But it was too late.

The golden light directly stuck on his face, and it was in the center, blocking his mouth tightly.


Seeing this scene, the warriors of various countries took a breath of air.

It hurts!

He doesn’t slap people in the face, but Wang Teng of Xia State specifically slaps his face, making his hands darker.

And Shields Song will definitely give in, even if he is still hesitating, you can’t give some time to let the family do their mind building.

He finally got his head, and you stepped on him again, it didn’t make people feel depressed.

As a Tianjiao, is it okay to be decent?

No matter what everyone thought, Wang Teng didn’t keep his hands at all, and the bricks smashed down.

Shieldsson was already dumbfounded and wanted to admit defeat, but he was blocked every time. Who could understand that kind of despair?

If you knew it, you would give up quickly!

Why be so reserved, now it’s too late to regret.

Bang bang bang!

The dull sound reverberated over the arena, and the corners of everyone’s eyes were constantly beating.

The priest of the temple wanted to stop him, but he knew he couldn’t do this, otherwise he would be unjust, and he also complained about Shieldsson’s hesitation. Isn’t this looking for sin?

He shook his head and sighed helplessly.

When you meet someone like Wang Teng who is not particular, Shieldsson deserves to suffer!

Wang Teng still had a hint of kindness in the end, and he felt like he was almost there, and he suddenly increased his strength in his hands, preparing to end the battle.


Shieldsson’s whole body fell to the ground like a rag bag, and hit the ground of the arena with a loud noise, raising a large amount of dust.

“it’s finally over!”

Everyone squeezed their sweat for Shieldsson, and the crime finally came to an end.

After a while, the smoke dissipated, revealing Shieldsson’s brutally tortured body. He raised his arms tremblingly, his voice hoarse, and said with difficulty: “I…I give up!”

Everyone: “…”

So tenacious!

This is because you are afraid of being beaten. If you find an opportunity, you will admit defeat the first time.

At this moment, everyone seemed to be able to truly appreciate Shieldsson’s despair.

Really·Super desperate·jpg

“In this game, King Xia wins!” The priest of the temple also hurriedly announced the result. For fear of being a step late, Wang Teng caught Shields and beat him violently.

Wang Teng fell from the sky and couldn’t help but curl his lips.

These people made him seem like a violent maniac, and he didn’t bother to fight anymore. Is he so nervous?

Besides, is this his problem?

Obviously not!

Everyone is fighting for the country, with different positions, who is the blame.

The world is fair.

What you want to get, you have to give something.

When Shieldsson chose to use Xia Guowu as a stepping stone, he had to think that Xia Guowu would recover this account.

It’s just that Wang Teng, a kind-hearted, black guy he met, if he met Mu Zhiguo, he wouldn’t have to be so miserable.

Shieldsson heard the result announced by the priest of the temple, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

At this time, Wang Teng walked up to him, squatted down, and looked at him.

“You, what are you going to do? I have already given up.” Shields had a blue nose and a swollen face. He was shocked when he saw Wang Teng’s face, enduring the severe pain in his body, and struggling to stay away from Wang Teng.

“…” Wang Teng reviewed himself.

Is he really too much to scare this guy so that he won’t create a psychological shadow, right?

Wang Teng shook his head in his heart.

“Remember, I am Xia Guowu.”

Finally, Wang Teng took a deep look at him, his voice fell, and he turned to go outside the arena.

Xia Guowu Zhe!

Shieldsson watched his fading back, tears of regret suddenly appeared in his eyes, Mom, I will never provoke Xia again…

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