Chapter 579: The Secret Inside the Crystal Skull

After the black shadows left, Wang Teng’s figure appeared again.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, thoughtful in his heart, it seemed that Alais’s identity was not simple.

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it, his figure sank into the darkness again.

Wang Teng returned to the museum, but this time he sneaked in secretly, and he appeared in front of [Crystal Skull] again.

This [Crystal Skull] is more mysterious than the ancient sword before, and it can directly drop the imperial spirit and understanding.

Wang Teng decided to sleep here tonight, instead of swearing to leave this [Crystal Skull] bald.

【Emperor Realm Perception*2】

【Imperial Spirit*3】

【Imperial Spirit*1】

Attribute bubbles came out one by one. Although he needed to wait, Wang Teng was very patient, his body melted into the darkness, sitting in the corner, closing his eyes and resting while picking up the attribute bubbles.

Soon it was ten o’clock in the evening, and the museum was about to close.

The security personnel of the museum came in for a routine inspection. They were all warriors, but in front of a warrior like Wang Teng, they naturally couldn’t find anything.

When the security personnel left, Wang Teng thought for a while and followed him, knocking him stunned while one of the security personnel went to the toilet, then turned into his appearance, and walked into the monitoring room swaggeringly.

“After going for so long, we thought you fell into the toilet.” The security guard in the surveillance room laughed.

With a weird smile on Wang Teng’s face, he didn’t say a word, his eyes flashed with strange light, and he scanned these people’s eyes.


The security personnel in the surveillance room suddenly showed a trace of confusion.

“You didn’t find anything tonight.” Wang Teng said lightly, turned and left the monitoring room.

“Yes!” the security personnel in the monitoring room responded in unison.

Afterwards, Wang Teng went all the way back to the window where the crystal skull was placed, covering the monitor with the dark force, and then his mental power penetrated into the keyhole and opened it.

Such a high-end and concise method of stealing, I am afraid that only his spiritual master can do it.

However, if other spiritual masters knew that he was stealing with his mental power, I wonder if he would pick up a forty-meter knife and chase him down ten streets.

Wang Teng laughed at himself, looked at the crystal skull in front of him, his eyes flashed, instead of touching it with his hands, he held it up with his mental power.

The crystal skull floated in front of him, his hollow eyes facing Wang Teng’s.

For some reason, when he stared at the hollow eye sockets of the crystal skull, Wang Teng seemed to be looking at a real person, making him frown.

“What a weird feeling!”

Wang Teng took a deep breath and sneered: “I want to see what secrets you have?”

The next moment, his mental power suddenly seeped into the [Crystal Skull].


Wang Teng’s mind was shocked, and then his eyes brightened, and a starry sky appeared in front of him, dark and deep, starry, and a sense of mystery emerged.

“This is??”

Wang Teng’s heart was shocked, and there was a hint of incredible in his eyes.

He carefully looked at the starry sky pattern in front of him, and the disbelief in his eyes became stronger.

“It seems to be…a star map!!!”

The stars in front of you are outlined, forming a light path, complex but clear…

Wang Teng fell into silence. He felt as if he had discovered something extraordinary, which was actually a map of the starry sky.

real or fake?

“No!” Wang Teng soon found out what was wrong, pondered for a moment, and muttered to himself: “This seems to be only a part, this star map is incomplete.”

He suddenly thought of what Alais said, there are thirteen [Crystal Skulls]. Does this mean that only 13 skulls can be reproduced in a complete star map? ?

The more Wang Teng thought about it, the more he felt that the answer was this.

There is a big secret hidden in this crystal skull!

There was a strong interest in his eyes, and he wanted to explore it further.

But he soon got into trouble again, he couldn’t take this crystal skull away.

If he steals it tonight, the town will surely turn the sky the next day. If the strong man is dispatched and he wants to hide the crystal skull without being discovered, the chance is almost zero.

Especially since he has been here before, he will definitely be regarded as a suspect.

Wang Teng quickly rejected the idea of ​​stealing the crystal skull tonight. This matter was too urgent, so he had to go back and make a plan.

Even if you really want to steal, you have to wait for him to leave.

In this way, the degree of freedom is much higher. With his methods, he naturally leaves as he wants to, and is not afraid of being retained.

Wang Teng made up his mind and stopped staying.

He took a deep look at the incomplete star map in front of him, and his mental strength receded like a tide.

He had a hunch that when the complete star map appeared, there might be something unexpected for him.

Outside, Wang Teng opened his eyes and was suddenly taken aback: “My mental strength has increased a little!”

[Savvy]: 1353000 (Imperial Realm)

[Spirit]: 1583000 (Imperial Realm)

Before the spiritual power penetrated into the crystal skull, his spiritual strength and comprehension were 134 and 157 respectively. In other words, the moment he entered, both attributes increased by 1 point.

Wang Teng widened his eyes, looked at the crystal skull in his hand, and couldn’t help taking a deep breath.

He regretted it a little, and wanted to snatch this crystal skull right away.

Nima can improve the spirit and understanding!

It’s just against the sky!

If this is to constantly infiltrate the spiritual power to warm up, his spirit and understanding will definitely improve quickly.

It should be known that after his spirit and understanding reached the emperor realm, even by picking up attributes, it was not fast. After all, there were too few people who reached such a realm, and he simply didn’t have that many attributes to pick up.

Wang Teng took a deep breath and slowly calmed down his eager thoughts.

In the end, reason defeated greed, he put the crystal skull back in place, and then quietly retreated.

Before leaving, Wang Teng reluctantly glanced at the crystal skull.

He will come back again…

It was early in the morning when he returned to the hotel. He spent a night in the museum, and later picked up a lot of spiritual and savvy attributes.

In the hotel room, a figure sitting on the bed, exactly like Wang Teng.

Suddenly he opened his eyes and smiled: “You are back!”

Another Wang Teng leaped in from the window, nodded and said, “Thanks for your hard work.”

Wang Teng on the bed nodded, turned into a black smoke and plunged into Wang Teng’s body. He was just a clone.

The reason why Wang Teng has no scruples and is not afraid of those people’s exploration is because he has been prepared.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Tan Taixuan said outside the door: “Get up to eat, everyone is waiting for you.”

Wang Teng rubbed his face, opened the door, and said, “Let’s go.”

“With such big dark circles, where did you fool around last night?” Tan Taixuan asked suspiciously when she saw him.

When Ji Xiuming, Luo Cheng and others heard Tan Taixuan’s words, they couldn’t help looking at Wang Teng’s eyes, their expressions suddenly turned a little weird.

“Oh, I ran into a beautiful blonde girl last night. I wandered around the town with her, and I couldn’t sleep at night.” Wang Teng yawned.

“Edit, continue to edit!” Tan Taixuan rolled her eyes and didn’t believe it at all.

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