Chapter 577: Alais!

No one had any doubts about Parrick’s words.

Do as the locals do, nothing more than the same.

The sacred mountain of Northern Europe is the belief of the local people in Northern Europe.

Besides, everyone is a warrior, no matter how high the holy mountain is, they can’t help it at all.

Everyone picked up the steps, the brown stone steps were simple and primitive, exuding a sense of vicissitudes.

Parrick led the way, stepped on the stone steps but walked flat on the ground, talking with Tan Taixuan in a flat expression.

Suddenly, he turned his head to look at Wang Teng, and asked with a smile: “Major General Wang Teng, you should be under twenty years old, right?”

“Actually, I’m twenty-five years old, but I grow too slow, a little tender.” Wang Teng said nonsense seriously.

Parrick: “…”

If he hadn’t read Wang Teng’s information, he would almost believe it!

The Xia Guotianjiao in front of him seemed to be a little inconspicuous.

Tan Taixuan rolled his eyes at Wang Teng without a trace, and this guy was embarrassed and thrown to a foreign country.

People like Ren Qingcang, Ji Xiuming, Yan Bo, Zhu Yunshao were completely speechless to Wang Teng, and this sudden act of acting almost buckled their waists.

Parrick, who secretly tagged Wang Teng, said haha, “Major General Wang is really humorous!”

“It’s okay!” Wang Teng laughed.

When Parrick saw his heartless look, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times. This kid was really fooling him.

“Your Excellency, tell us about the myth of the holy mountain, I’m very curious about these?” Wang Teng didn’t care, as he changed his voice, he said.

Parrick’s eyes flashed and he reacted immediately.

Originally wanted to inquire about some news, he was unknowingly led by Wang Teng as soon as he spoke.

He smiled bitterly in his heart, but did not show the slightest on the surface, and said with a polite smile: “Okay, then I will introduce to you. The origin of the holy mountain myth has to be talked about more than a thousand years ago. At the beginning, it was only a folklore, and it has been passed down orally for a long time. Gradually formed a basic scale, which was later recorded by poets, writers, etc. in poetry, drama, history, philosophy and other works, compiled into books, and gradually formed the current mythological system…”

Ji Xiuming and others actually don’t know much about the myth of the holy mountain. At this moment, following Parrick’s explanation, they gradually became a little fascinated.

Myth is actually a manifestation of people’s good wishes.

Of course, it may also be what people see and feel, and thus imagine something that does not exist in reality.

Wang Teng felt that the primitive gods, titans, giant snakes, etc. mentioned in the mythological system of the holy mountain, could it be that there was a huge star beast, or a star race set foot on the earth star, and left a trace The footprints were seen by the ancestors, so they were passed down orally and gradually became legends.

What Wang Teng doesn’t know is that in recent years, such a statement has been raised by some people, and it has been recognized by many people.

Everyone climbed all the way, and it didn’t take long for them to reach the mountainside.

They did not reach the top!

When stepping into the last step located halfway up the mountain, everyone seemed to have stepped into another world.

The mountainside in front of you is extremely wide, as if it has formed a unique western town.

There are many cultural buildings from different eras gathered here. Those who have studied history will find that these buildings span at least thousands of years of style.

The amphitheater, arena, clock tower, column colonnades, residences and other unique Western architectural forms, like a scroll of paintings, slowly unfold in front of everyone.

Everyone didn’t expect to have such a peculiar existence halfway up the mountain, and all of them showed surprise in their eyes.

Wang Teng seemed to have discovered something, looking like it was on the ground.

Others couldn’t see much, but his eyes seemed to penetrate the stone slab under his feet and saw the runes hidden under the ground.

“That’s it!” Wang Teng’s mouth showed a curve.

This town is hidden by the rune formation, and what ordinary people see may be different from what they see at this time.

Wang Teng felt it carefully and noticed a trace of spatial fluctuations.

This formation actually involves the realm of space!

Wang Teng was amazed. Looking around, he was a little surprised. No wonder there is such a huge space halfway up the mountain.

This place has been “expanded”!

“Everyone, we have arrived at the place. The accommodation has been arranged. You will live here tonight.” Parrick didn’t know the details of this town had been seen through by Wang Teng. He was still proud in his heart and smiled. Lead the way ahead.

As everyone walked into this western town, the noisy atmosphere came over, and the streets were crowded and bustling.

This is the first time that Wang Teng has tasted foreign customs. He looked around curiously and saw many interesting things. There were shouts from various vendors, including fruit sellers, small gifts, and the richness of local delicacies. The fragrance floats in the air…the variety is dizzying.

“Does it feel strange?” Parrick couldn’t help laughing when he saw his look.

“Very interesting!” Wang Teng nodded without denying it.

“During the exchange meeting, you can walk around, the night here is more beautiful.” Parrick chuckled, “If you are lucky, guys, you might have a beautiful encounter!”

“Oh!” Wang Teng’s eyes lit up, he embraced Parrick’s shoulders with enthusiasm, and said slyly: “Brother Parrick, tell me quickly, there must be some places here that are most suitable for encounters. Give me some advice!”

Parrick was a little dazed by Wang Teng’s sudden move.

When did he know this kid so well?

But I didn’t see it, this kid is still a fellow man!

Parrick stiffened for a while, then relaxed, looked around, and whispered with a smile: “You can go to Soraka area to see, there is a famous shopping area with very lively old streets. It’s boutiques, souvenir shops, specialty shops, individual shops, stalls, restaurants, cafes, pubs, etc., as well as theaters, museums… beautiful girls always like to go to these places.”

The more Wang Teng listened, the brighter his eyes became, and he nodded his head humbly, accepting the experience of the elders.

Yan Bo, Zhao Yuanwu and others couldn’t help but prick their ears, wanting to hear something.

Even Ji Xiuming and Mu Zhiguo were attracted to the sorrowful man, and seemed to be a little eager to move.

Several girls couldn’t help but roll their eyes, despising these stinky men who are addicted to beauty in their hearts.

“You two are enough!” Tantai Xuan was full of black lines. These two bastards were discussing this kind of thing like no one, when they didn’t exist?

Wang Teng and Parrick suddenly coughed, and they separated tacitly, making eye contact, and a meaningful smile appeared at the corners of their mouths.

“Brother, get up tonight!”

“Brother, just say what you like.”

Parrick took everyone to an official hotel with local characteristics and arranged for everyone to stay.

One room per person, luxurious and comfortable, with high treatment.

The hotel is built on the edge of a mountain cliff. When you open the curtains, you can see the azure blue ocean in the distance and the scenery is unique.

Everyone had dinner at the hotel. Before leaving, Tantai Xuan said, “Everyone can go out at night, but don’t ask me anything.”

When she said this, she looked directly at Wang Teng.

“Look at what I am doing, I’m so honest, I never make trouble.” Wang Teng said angrily.

“There are geniuses from all over the world. These days will be chaotic. Even if you go out, you must keep in touch.” Tan Taixuan made no comment, and left alone.

“Wang Teng, what did that Parrick told you just now?” Zhao Yuanwu couldn’t help asking when Tantai Xuan walked away.

“Want to know?” Wang Teng glanced at him, hehe, “Go and ask yourself!”

After he finished speaking, he ignored him and left sternly, regardless of whether this guy gritted his teeth behind him, his face turned blue in anger.

“This guy, eating alone, it’s good not to share it with everyone!” Zhao Yuanwu said angrily.

Everyone glanced at him like idiots.

I am embarrassed to say such a thing?

Even if he eats alone, he asks it himself. You are embarrassed to ask, but now he blames him.

Although they wanted to know, they couldn’t tell the truth.

Shaking his head, everyone left.

Zhao Yuanwu was furious, but helplessly, his liver hurts with anger.

In this exchange meeting, he was fortunate to be selected. He also thought about the recent improvement in his strength. He must perform well in the exchange meeting, defeat the geniuses of various countries and become famous abroad.

It turned out that Wang Teng had also come and became their team leader, and he lost his voice all at once.

Let him and Wang Teng hard steel, he really dare not now.

The night falls, the stars are a little bit.

The town is already brightly lit, but it is still lively, but it is a little different from the daytime.

The atmosphere at night seems to be better.

Wang Teng strolled on the street, eating a few skewers of barbecue in his right hand and a burrito in his left, eating happily, his eyes fluttering everywhere.

As expected, Parrick didn’t lie to him, there were beautiful girls everywhere.

Blond hair, blue eyes, tall body, that curvilinear arc…

Wang Teng sucked his saliva, the food in his hands was too fragrant and he couldn’t hold back.

I have to say that the food here is very distinctive, the methods are different, and the taste is naturally very different.

For a foodie, tasting delicious food is naturally a routine operation.

What’s more, as a master chef, this can be regarded as looking for materials.

【Spirit Kitchen*80】

【Spirit Kitchen*100】

Many vendors on the street are spirit cooks, and Wang Teng picked up a lot of attribute bubbles.

Wang Teng felt that when he came out tonight, meeting beautiful women was the second most important thing. The main thing was to appreciate the exotic customs, otherwise, wouldn’t it be a trip abroad for nothing?

He walked on and came to a museum.

This museum is extremely large, creeping in the darkness, looking a little gloomy.

But there are still some people coming in and out of it.

It is open even at night.

Wang Teng’s heart moved, and he took a bite of the barbecue in his hand, and then took a sip of a drink-his other hand had been replaced with a drink, and it was obvious that the burrito had been eaten before he walked in.

He is very curious, what will be displayed in the museum in this place?

Could it be something from myths and legends?

Wang Teng laughed at himself.

The interior of the museum is very large. Wang Teng walked all the way, admiring the antiquities in the display cabinets, and walking inside.

Most of the things outside are oil paintings, ancient works of art and the like. Although they are curious, they cannot attract his attention.

As he walked inward, Wang Teng found that the things he could see became scarcer, and some items would only appear after a long distance.

However, the collection behind this made Wang Teng a little interested.

At this moment, he stayed in front of an ancient long sword and had been watching it for three minutes.

As for why it’s been watched for so long, naturally it’s not because it looks good…

【The Meaning of Killing*50】

【The Meaning of Killing*95】

【The Meaning of Killing*70】

“This sword is said to be left behind by an extremely cruel monarch. It is stained with blood and full of ominousness. As long as ordinary people approach, they will feel uncomfortable and will leave soon. And I saw you have watched it for three minutes. , Why are you staring at it all the time?” Just as Wang Teng was immersed in his own harvest, a graceful voice came from behind.

When Wang Teng heard this voice, he could guess that its owner was definitely a beautiful woman.

But he didn’t pay attention to these at this time, but was surprised and turned his head to look.

He didn’t notice anyone approaching!

I saw a little bit on the left behind him, probably only three or four steps away from him, a girl with a black veil on her face stood quietly, as if she was in the air, if she didn’t come out on her own Voice, others may not be able to detect her existence.

The pupils in Wang Teng’s eyes shrank, countless thoughts floated by, he grinned suddenly, and asked, “How long have you seen me?”

“Five minutes!” The girl had long golden hair, deep black in her azure pupils, looked at Wang Teng with pure eyes, and said softly.

“After watching for so long, do you see anything? Am I very handsome?” Wang Teng asked with a smile.

Like a bad uncle who induces a little girl.

“You are very special. From my aesthetic point of view, you are handsome!” The girl thought for a while and said.

“It’s…” Wang Teng’s mouth twitched. He still heard this answer from others once, did he want to thank the other party for their approval?

“You haven’t told me, why are you staring at this sword?” the girl asked in an ethereal voice.

“Because… I think it looks good!” Wang Teng rolled his eyes and said nonsense.

“Where is it good-looking?” The girl stepped forward and stood side by side with Wang Teng, looking at the rotten sword in the showcase, frowning: “I think it’s ugly.”

“Sometimes beauty and ugliness do not necessarily lie in appearance, but in whether it is beneficial to the judge. This sword is a surprise to me.” Wang Teng said meaningfully.

The girl looked at Wang Teng, nodded, and said, “My name is Alais!”

“Hello, Wang Teng!” Wang Teng stretched out his hand.

The girl looked at Wang Teng’s palm, and then she seemed to understand. She also stretched out a jade-white palm and held it with Wang Teng.

The two knew each other, Wang Teng let go, and took a look at the sword one last time. After confirming that it had reached its limit today and would not drop any attribute bubbles, he turned and headed towards the depths of the museum.

A girl named Alais followed behind him and didn’t seem to intend to leave.

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