Chapter 575 Beat!

Phoenix King fighter!

After boarding the plane, Wang Teng and others took their seats.

This Phoenix King fighter looks flat and does not seem to have a lot of space, but in fact it is extremely spacious inside, enough to accommodate everyone, and does not appear crowded.

There is a comfortable and luxurious lounge in the fighter plane with all kinds of facilities. For the passengers, this is a kind of enjoyment!

This time, in addition to Wang Teng who went to the exchange meeting, there were also several logistics personnel, and Tan Taixuan also followed.

She has participated in this exchange meeting and is familiar with the situation there, so she accompanied as a consultant.

Only then did Wang Teng know the real purpose of her coming to Xiadu. Obviously it was not as simple as sending him.

At this moment, everyone was sitting around in the lounge, and the atmosphere seemed a bit silent.

The gathering of the younger generation of Tianjiao is not a joy, but a rivalry, but if one person jumps out of their comparison, then this so-called rivalry will become nonsense.

That’s why there is a scene at this time.

Ren Qingcang, Ji Xiuming, Luo Cheng, Zhao Yuanwu, the young talents who made their mark in the nation’s No. 1 martial arts competition, couldn’t even think of comparison in front of Wang Teng.

In addition to them, several other people are hidden martial arts inside the military. Their age is stuck at the critical point of twenty-five years old. Although they are considered younger generations, they are actually taller than Wang Teng and others. Out of a session.

These people are probably the geniuses of the past. After entering the military, they will receive key training before they can reach the rank of quasi-war generals and even the lower-ranking generals in their twenties.

They seem to have the same cultivation base as Wang Teng, but in fact they are five years away from Wang Teng’s age.

With Wang Teng’s current upward trend, let alone five years, even one year, these people can be thrown away.

So when several people heard that the marshal appointed Wang Teng as the leader of this exchange meeting, they didn’t say anything despite their dissatisfaction.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little dull, Tan Taixuan couldn’t help but glance at Wang Teng even if he knew the reason, feeling a little helpless.

But she was lazy and didn’t like to intervene in such things, so she didn’t say anything.

A female officer next to her in her early thirties smiled and said, “Major General Wang, as well as geniuses from various universities, let me introduce to you.”

“These are Yan Bo, Qu Fei, Zhu Yunshao, and Mu Zhiguo!”

The female officer pointed at the four people one by one and introduced them.

When talking about the last man named Mu Zhiguo, Wang Teng took a look at him.

Inferior warlord level!

Wang Teng was also quite surprised that there would be a lower general in the team this time.

Mu Zhiguo seemed to feel something, raised his head, and looked at Wang Teng.

This man was taciturn, plain-looking, restrained, and he looked so ordinary that he couldn’t be more ordinary. Probably no one would have thought that he was stronger than the other three.

Later, the female officer introduced Ren Qingcang and others, which gave the two sides a rough understanding.

Zhu Yunshao smiled at Ji Xiuming and said: “I also come from the first university, and I am also from the same school. It is also fate to meet here.”

“Sister Wish!” Ji Xiuming was a little surprised, then nodded at her.

“Ji Xuedi has extraordinary talents. He is eligible to participate in the global exchange meeting before he graduates. It is much better than we used to be.” Zhu Yunshao praised.

When Ji Xiuming heard this, he was a little embarrassed. He glanced at Wang Teng without a trace, and said, “I wish you a good sister, you are the main force in this exchange meeting.”

Zhu Yunshao was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted, and said with a smile: “Everyone is working hard together.”

On the other side, Qu Fei and Yan Bo looked at each other and smiled and said: “Wang…Major General, this time you, as the leader of these people, if you encounter a strong enemy from another country, it will be up to you, I listen. In recent years, many genius warriors have appeared in various countries.”

This is… Find the difference!

Ren Qingcang, Ji Xiuming and the others watched their noses and noses and didn’t say anything. They had long understood Wang Teng’s difficulties, and this guy was not good-natured.

The two want to find fault with Wang Teng, and I’m afraid they won’t be able to please in the end.

Wang Teng glanced at the two of them, knowing that they seemed flattering, but in fact they wanted to see him embarrassed. He sneered in his heart, but the surface was flat, and said: “The strength of the two has reached the rank of quasi-combat. , How come you are not even sure of this?”

The two were immediately questioned by Wang Teng.

I thought he would promise to come down, but who knew he would have them all.

This is not easy to answer. If they are not sure, doesn’t it appear that they are extremely incompetent. If they are sure, then Wang Xian will be asked to play. After all, as the captain, he must be the finale.

Their abacus immediately fell through.

Their eyes flickered, thinking about how to respond.

Yan Bo gave a dry cough and quickly said: “We are just a little worried. After all, this time our opponents are geniuses from all over the world. We are afraid that we will not be able to beat them and shame the country. But if we do encounter them, we will definitely go all out. ”

“It’s true, it’s a matter of state, don’t dare to neglect it.” Qu Fei echoed with a serious voice.

“It’s not bad for the two of you to have this thought. You must work hard at the exchange meeting to win glory for the country, and it is not in vain for the country to cultivate. If I can’t beat it, I will naturally not stand idly by.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“Uh…definitely! Definitely!”

The righteousness was suppressed, and the two of Qu Fei couldn’t tell the pain, so they could only nod their heads.

Wang Teng didn’t delve into it any more, he beat it, and it stopped when he clicked, which was considered to have saved face for the two of them.

Tantaixuan saw this scene and mourned for a second of silence for Qu Fei in her heart. Regarding the way of these two people, she also wanted to make Wang Teng shrunk, and it was far from embarrassing them. She was already king. Teng’s men are merciful.

Zhu Yunshao looked at Wang Teng with a smile on his face, and suddenly realized that if you treat this guy as a good bully, you might suffer a lot. Fortunately, she didn’t say anything just now, otherwise she would be the one who was beaten.

Mu Zhiguo was still silent, with no expression on his face, as if he didn’t care much about these things.

Qu Fei and Yan Bo suffered a depressed loss with Wang Teng, and found that their actions not only did not make Wang Teng into the set, but helped him establish the majesty of the team leader, not to mention how depressed they were.

The female officer came out again to make a round, and at the same time she was secretly surprised. The Major General Wang was young, but not so foolish. No wonder the Marshal asked him to be the leader of the team.

“Senior Mu should have come from Xiadu Military Academy.” At this time, Luo Cheng, who had not spoken next to him, looked at Mu Zhiguo with some fiery eyes and asked.

“Ah, yes!” Mu Zhiguo was taken aback for a moment, and realized that he was asking him, nodding dumbly.

“Sure enough, it’s you.” Luo Xiangxiang confirmed something, with a hint of surprise on his face, and said: “Senior Mu’s deeds, I heard the dean and them mentioned in the school.”

A trace of nostalgia flashed in Mu Zhiguo’s eyes, as if he was reminiscing, and then said: “The dean and them… are they all right?”

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