Chapter 571 Fat Queen!

When Wang Teng was putting poisonous smoke outside the cave, his expression was extremely calm.

To be a reproductive tool of indescribable emotions, it is better to die early and resurrect, Wang Teng feels like he is doing good things!

Ding, a good person card!

Spontaneous success!

At this moment, there was a rustling crawling sound in the cave. Hearing this sound, it was not one head or two, but four or five ice ants crawling out of it.

A bright light flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes, and his punch-big fist was raised…

An ice ant had just emerged, and Wang Teng ordinary punched it down.

With a ‘poof’, the ice ant’s shell was vulnerable, and its head exploded in an instant.

【Ice Force*88】

【Blank attribute*56】

Wang Teng picked it up directly, this attribute value is good, 88 points… a good start!

The ice ant in front had just burped, and another ice ant in the back crawled out impatiently, and then two and three.

Wang Teng was full of interest, punching one by one…Bah, punching ice ants one by one, sending them a lunch box.

【Ice Force*50】

【Blank attribute*38】

[Intermediate ice talent*10]

【Ice Force*70】

【Blank attribute*46】

【Ice Force*66】

Each of the attribute bubbles was picked up by Wang Teng, his ice force was constantly improving, and his blank attributes were slowly increasing.

None of the ice ants that appeared before were very strong, at most they were 4 stars and 5 stars, exploding several intermediate ice talents, which was of no use to Wang Teng.

There were more and more ice ants crawling out, and Wang Teng’s heart was happily blooming. These are all moving attribute values!

He killed more happily, and with a punch, a lot of ice ant corpses quickly piled up at the entrance of the cave.

This virtual reality is extremely real. The corpses of the killed star beasts will not disappear directly, but will survive as in reality and blend into the natural environment.

So Wang Teng had to add another action, killing one head, kicking one foot, and kicking the ice ant corpse aside.

Otherwise the hole will be blocked.

At this moment, Wang Teng’s expression moved, and he felt that several stronger breaths were constantly approaching.

“It’s those quasi-lord-level soldier ants!”

Wang Teng knew that the highlight was coming. With so many young people dead outside, the boss inside would definitely not be able to sit still.

call out!

A figure suddenly rushed out and slammed into Wang Teng at an extremely fast speed.

Wang Teng’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he threw a punch.

Kongyue fist!


The ice ant that came out of the collision slammed into a halt, as if it had been frozen.

As we all know, ants are extremely powerful. They can move objects 400 times their own weight and drag objects 1700 times their own weight.

This is true for ordinary ants, not to mention these mutant ice ant star beasts.

Wang Teng hadn’t used his full strength just now, but he already felt a terrifying force from the ice ant in front of him, and he was in a stalemate.

At the same time, there were bursts of chill coming from the ice ant. If it weren’t for the fire martial artist, it would be easy to be hurt by this chill.

If your body is frozen, how can you contend with this ice ant?

Therefore, if ordinary warriors encounter this kind of ice ant, I am afraid that they will not get any benefit.

It is a pity that when encountering Wang Teng, a fully developed martial artist, the quasi-combat-level fire force force is enough to restrain the opponent’s ice force force.

At this time, the fire force in his body surged, turning him into a furnace, and all the chill was dispelled.

The ice ant on the opposite side felt the heat, and showed a trace of panic, wanting to stay away from the heat source in front of him.

At the same time, two quasi-lord-level ice ants rushed out of the hole and rammed Wang Teng.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and he grasped the tentacles of the ice ant in front of him with one hand, with a little toe, rolled over and landed on the ice ant’s head.

The two ice ants rushed out from both sides, and suddenly smashed into each other, making them dizzy.

Wang Teng laughed and punched the ice ant at his feet. The sapphire glazed flame wrapped his fist, carrying extremely high temperature, and invaded the ice ant’s body.

This ice ant raised his head frantically, trying to throw Wang Teng off.

But as the sapphire glaze flame invaded its body, the crystal shell of this ice ant gradually turned red, and heat emerged from its body… the ice ant was cooked!

Seeing the miserable appearance of their companions, the other two ice ants instinctively developed fear and couldn’t help retreating.

Wang Teng jumped from the top of the ice ant under his feet and landed in front of the other two ice ants, throwing out his fists.



The cyan flame erupted, enveloping the two ice ants, and blazing ablaze.

Two ice ants are rolling on the snow and want to extinguish them, but this sapphire glazed flame is not a normal flame and cannot be easily extinguished.

It didn’t take long for the two ice ants to burn into ashes in the flames.

Several attribute bubbles fell out.

【Ice Force*560】

【Ice Force 380】

【Blank attribute*720】

【Advanced Ice Talent*186】

【Ice Force*450】

【Blank attribute 640】

【Advanced Ice Talent*222】

Good guy, these quasi-lord-level ice ants are the big ones, and this wave of attribute values ​​has been overturned!

At this time, Wang Teng’s ice force has been promoted from the 7-star warrior level to the 8-star warrior level.

[Ice Force]: 22507000 (8 stars)

It took less than a few hours to upgrade from a 7-star warrior level to an 8-star warrior level.

At this time, his blank attribute has also accumulated to 6,300 points.

Don’t panic if you have a deposit in your hand!

Wang Teng once again became a treasure boy with savings.

It’s just that when he saw the last high-level ice talent bubble, his good mood disappeared instantly, 222 points…Are you serious about the system?

If it is not already picked up, such a painful value, you think I will accept it!

My Wang Teng has integrity!

Wang Teng accepted aggrievedly, and suddenly raised his head and looked at the entrance of the cave.

At this time, under the influence of the poisonous smoke, a bloated body slowly moved out of the cave.

Queen ant!

Wang Teng became a little alert, this queen ant has reached the middle lord level, don’t know how strong it is? It’s better to be careful.

He quickly discovered that the queen did not crawl out by herself, but was carried by a dozen ice ants and moved out step by step.

It’s like a fat man who can’t move by himself!

Wang Teng looked strange, he really couldn’t think of how this queen would fight?

Do you use its bloated body to hit people?

Wang Teng thought wildly that the queen ant finally came outside the cave under the transport of the ice ant.

A large number of ice ants also crawled out of the cave one after another, clustered around the queen, facing Wang Teng very vigilantly.

Without warning, a strange wave suddenly came out of the queen’s mouth, waved outward in circles.

“What is it doing?” Wang Teng didn’t feel a substantial attack, and frowned in doubt.

But the next moment, the ground suddenly vibrated, and a loud rumbling noise came from overhead.

Pieces of ice and snow fell on his head.

Wang Teng looked up, his eyes condensed slightly.



Wang Teng couldn’t help but explode, and looked at the queen in front of him incredibly. Is this caused by the wave of fluctuations just now?

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