Chapter 568…This human being is not a trembling M! (2 in 1 4000+)

“A thousand contribution points!”

Wang Teng couldn’t help but froze for a moment, and he made a thousand contributions in ten hours, which is quite a lot.

He looked at his identity watch.

With his current status, this watch is naturally no longer the one given by the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall, but a new watch given to him by the military. It has more complete functions and is also the most top-notch new watch on a global scale. A generation of rune implements.

There is a record of Wang Teng’s contribution points, total…56,000 points!

After seeing his contribution points, Wang Teng was stunned again.

This contribution point is quite a lot, on the contrary, it is a bit too much. If he hadn’t made many contributions, he would definitely not have so many contribution points.

That’s good, now these contribution points are enough for him to squander for a while.

So he immediately made a choice.


The voice fell, and the hatch in front of him opened slowly.

“Please enter the virtual cabin, put on a virtual helmet, and connect to the virtual reality!” The ethereal voice sounded again.

Wang Teng glanced at the inside of the virtual cabin in front of him, smiled slightly, and Yiyan entered the virtual cabin and put on the virtual helmet.

“In the virtual reality connection, please concentrate…”

Wang Teng closed his eyes and concentrated his spirit a little.

Suddenly, a light spot appeared in the sea of ​​his consciousness, and his spirit was instantly sucked into it.

The next moment, Wang Teng felt that the light in front of him was so bright that he couldn’t see anything.

However, his mental perception still exists, and the spiritual power of the emperor realm is not comparable to ordinary people.

The mental power slowly extended, Wang Teng was extremely surprised. He found that the surrounding environment seemed to be real, and all the feelings that the mental power passed through were substantial, completely different from the previous experience in the virtual combat cabin.

He opened his eyes abruptly and looked around.

At first sight is a slightly quiet street, on both sides of the street are high-rise steel buildings, and the metal surface reflects dazzling light.

“How?” Tan Taixuan’s voice came from the side at this time.

“This… is virtual reality!!!” Wang Teng said in astonishment.

If he didn’t know in advance where it was, he would almost think he was in reality.

“Yes, don’t you think that one thousand contribution points are not in vain?” Tan Taixuan said with a smile.

“With this sense of reality, there is really no white flower.” Wang Teng was speechless, nodded, frowned slightly, and asked suspiciously: “Is this virtual reality researched out by us?”

“You think too much, it will take at least a few hundred years to research it out based on our current technology.” Tan Taixuan said.

“Then where did this come from?” Wang Teng’s heart flashed, and he said repeatedly: “It’s not the technology brought by those alien creatures, right?”

“Hey, you guessed it.” Tantai Xuan gave him a surprised look. As he walked forward, he nodded and said: “Go out first and talk while walking.”

“Back when alien creatures landed on the land, most of the spacecraft they rode in was destroyed, but some of the technology and equipment were survived by chance. This virtual reality capsule is one of them.”

“Spaceship!” Wang Teng was attracted by the content of Tantaixuan’s words, his eyes gleaming, and he asked curiously: “What kind of?”

“After you go out, I will take you to have a look. With your and my authority, you can enter that place.” Tantai Xuan said.

Wang Teng nodded, did not ask any more, and said with emotion: “It seems that the technology of alien creatures is much higher than ours.”

“Yes, so all countries are very worried, even… panic!” Tan Taixuan frowned and said: “The universe is too vast, and the earth and stars are just a drop in the ocean. It may only be the corner of life planet. No one knows. What does it look like outside the solar system.”

“Now that there are alien creatures with scales attached to their bodies, there is a high possibility that other life races will exist. They are stronger than us, technology is more advanced than us, and the earth and stars are fragile like a newborn child!”

“Everyone is very worried. If one day other alien life locks the Earth’s position and descends again, what will happen?”

When Wang Teng heard this, his expression became a little solemn. In fact, he didn’t even need to think about it. If that day comes, Earth Star will probably face great changes.

There are no eggs under the covering nest!

The earth planet is the home of all human beings, and all other alien life are aliens.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

This sentence is not groundless and worrying.

Besides, the weak will inevitably be bullied, and no one will treat you nicely for no reason.

The earth star is too weak now!

“Judging from the current situation, those alien races have not discovered the existence of the earth star.” Wang Teng said.

“The universe is too big, and it’s normal if I haven’t found it yet.” Tan Tai Xuan nodded: “Maybe the alien creatures we captured were just too unlucky and strayed into the Earth. Everything was just an accident.”

“Is it possible for them to send a signal before falling?” Wang Teng was not so optimistic, thinking of a possibility in his heart, said.

“We don’t rule out this possibility, but we can’t help it, can we?” Tan Taixuan said helplessly: “What we can do now is to improve ourselves to deal with the powerful enemies that may come at any time.”

“Heh~ the world is getting more and more interesting!” Wang Teng took a deep breath and laughed.

“You can still laugh?” Tan Taixuan rolled her eyes. Even with her big heart, she felt heavy, and Wang Teng could still laugh. Even she thought Wang Teng might have a brain circuit. It’s really different from ordinary people.

I don’t know if it is a lack of roots, or an excess of roots?

Wang Teng suddenly realized that Tan Taixuan’s eyes had become a little weird, and he was speechless: “Are you thinking about something bad again?”

“No.” Tan Taixuan denied directly, and then reacted: “Why do you say it again? What is my image in your heart?”

“Then you have to ask yourself.” Wang Teng shrugged.

While they were talking, the two turned a corner on the street in front and came to another street, where some figures appeared.

And there are also various shops, and some people actually set up shops in virtual reality!

“Are you surprised?” Tan Taixuan smiled.

“What’s the point of opening a store in a virtual world?” Wang Teng couldn’t help asking.

“Only things produced in virtual reality can be used in virtual reality. If you don’t believe me, look at your watch.” Tan Taixuan explained.

Wang Teng lowered his head and operated it, and he realized that the watch had become a decoration completely and could not be used at all, only time was still moving.

“Now you know why.” Tantai Xuan said with a smile: “This virtual reality is very wide. Although there are no other humanoid races, there are countless strange star beasts. The strong can experience and improve quickly. Self, and battle always needs weapons, and the materials of weapons come from virtual reality… It’s a bit complicated to explain, anyway, a set of self-contained trading system has been formed here.”

Wang Teng thoughtfully, suddenly said: “Wait, why are there only star beasts here, but there is no humanoid race? In addition, are the buildings here built by us, or do they exist by themselves?”

“It seems that you have discovered the problem again.” Tan Taixuan was surprised by Wang Teng’s keenness and said: “Some people suspect that we lack a technology.”

“Lack of a technology?” Wang Teng faintly grasped something in his heart, but he couldn’t figure it out for a while, and his heart was like thousands of ants crawling, making him extremely uncomfortable.

“Have you seen a sci-fi movie? Skynet among them understands?” Tantai Xuan said.

“You mean…” Wang Teng’s eyes burst out, looking at Tantai Xuan in shock.

“Many people speculate that we, who have only mastered the virtual cabin, actually only have an empty shell, so the virtual reality we enter has only the most basic things, and if we can connect to the’Skynet’ of alien life, maybe it will There has been an unexpected situation.” Tan Taixuan said slowly.

“Skynet!” Wang Teng muttered to himself.

“Skynet is just a name we give it, maybe what it is.” Tan Taixuan said: “But it must be something more advanced than Earth-Star Network.”

“Unimaginable!” Wang Teng smiled bitterly.

“What is unimaginable? The creators of those science fiction movies have thought about it for us. No one has seen it before. Naturally I think it is too far away, but now, do you still think it does not exist?” Tan Taixuan road.

“Maybe.” Wang Teng was noncommittal.

“Let’s go, go outside the city to kill two star beasts and feel.” Tantai Xuan was about to rise into the air, and suddenly stopped: “Do you want to buy a weapon first? I saved some virtual currency and bought it. Weapons are still okay.”

“No, you can kill star beasts without weapons.” Wang Teng shook his head.

Tantai Xuan said nothing, ascended into the sky and galloped out of the city.

Wang Teng stepped on his foot, turned into an afterimage, followed behind him, and disappeared in place.

The two flew directly out of the city, and no one stopped at the city gate.

This city is obviously just an empty city. Although some humans have settled in it, the virtual reality has not been promoted. Therefore, there are not many people in it, which is not enough to turn the whole city into operation.

Tantaixuan and Wang Teng went deep into a mountain range, looking for prey.

At their level, prey with insufficient strength will not feel it when they are killed, let alone the effect of experience.

They searched, and finally found a huge ice python dozing off beside a cold pool!

“Don’t you want to hunt down ice star beasts? There happens to be an ice python star beast here. Practice your hands first.” Tan Taixuan and Wang Teng hid in a big tree, looking at the other side entrenched from a distance. The ice python above the cold pool whispered.

Wang Teng’s heart moved, wouldn’t Tantai Xuan know that he was going to hunt the ice star beast, so she specially helped him find such an ice star beast to practice his hand.

He glanced at Tantai Xuan without looking for a trace, and found that her complexion had not changed, as if he had only found this ice giant python by accident, rather than specifically looking for it.

“Well, it may be that I am passionate!” Wang Teng laughed at himself in his heart, then his eyes condensed, and he looked at the python in front of him.

The huge body entangled around the cold lake, protecting the cold lake in it, ice-blue scale armor covering its body, exuding a strong cold air, its head has two raised sharp horns, a mass of lumps. The ice mist is floating above it.


This is the first feeling in Wang Teng’s heart.

Then he noticed that this giant python was a little different from the pythons on the earth and stars, and it seemed to be a different species.

Even if the animals on the earth and stars mutate into star beasts, they will still have their original characteristics, and this star beast has some essential differences.

Like two races, blacks and whites can be recognized at a glance.

The next moment, he started.

The figure disappeared in place, and instantly appeared on top of the ice-blue giant python’s head, with his fists clenched, like a cannonball.


The roar sounded, the terrifying force of the fist pressed the air, and a virtual shadow of the ape king emerged.

Really serious punch!

In his spiritual vision, this ice python was obviously a lower lord level, so Wang Teng didn’t have any ambiguity when he shot it.

The huge movement awakened the giant python instantly. It raised its head and screamed. It saw Wang Teng’s attack falling, a trace of humanity flashed in the cold vertical pupil, and then it didn’t even flash, and it slammed into it.

A thick layer of ice instantly condensed on its double horns, forming an arc, which looked very strong at first glance.

Truly an iron mallet!

It’s a long story, but in fact it was just a short breath. Wang Teng’s fist fell on the ice blue giant python’s head.


There seemed to be a short period of stagnation on both sides.

There was a trace of sarcasm in the giant python’s eyes, as if mocking the human being’s overpowering in front of him.

That’s it?


At this moment, cracks suddenly appeared in the ice layer above the giant python’s head, and they spread quickly to the surroundings.

A trace of astonishment was evident in the giant python’s eyes.


Suddenly, the ice layer was completely shattered, and Wang Teng’s fist bombarded down with huge power.

The giant python’s huge body was blown out by a terrifying force, and it fell to the ground, tumbling fiercely for several times.

The whole python was stunned by this punch!

Tantai Xuan in the distance almost didn’t smash his chin to the ground, how could this guy’s strength be so strong!

With one punch, the next lord-level star beast smashed into the air!

Wang Teng was also a little dazed at this time. Looking at the several attribute bubbles that suddenly fell from the ground, he couldn’t help but want to rub his eyes.

real or fake?

How can attribute bubbles appear in virtual reality? ?

He is really confused, what kind of existence does this virtual reality really exist, this is not martial arts!

With a worried mood, Wang Teng picked up a few attribute bubbles.

【Ice Force*130】

【Ice Force*99】

【Blank attribute*58】

After repeatedly confirming that the attribute panel has changed, Wang Teng is a little convinced that attribute bubbles can really be picked up in this virtual reality environment.

It’s not that this virtual reality is more advanced than the system, making the system virtual.

This is obviously impossible.

Wang Teng has enigmatic confidence in his own system.

So it’s only possible that there are some special circumstances in this virtual reality.

Anyway, this is a good thing!

Zhengchou has no place to improve the force of the ice element, and this is here, and it is simply God’s help!

Wang Teng’s eyes brightened and he looked at the python, as if he was looking at a baby with ice attributes waiting to be treated.

The ice blue giant python shook his head, his stunned eyes returned to coldness, staring at the human in front of him with murderous intent.

“Come, come, it’s this kind of look, come and kill me, kill me by all means, come!” Wang Teng said excitedly.

“…Is this human being a trembling M!” Ice blue giant python.

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