Chapter 562 Turns out to be…really cured!

When everyone turned their heads and looked around, they saw a group of people walking towards this side.

One of the elders had just walked out of an alchemy room, apparently hearing a few people talking, and his eyes fell on Wang Teng.

“Master Chen.” Cui Heng glanced at this person, pointed out his identity, and said: “Young people are always more confident, and Wang Teng is also out of kindness.”

“Kindness is kindness, but don’t treat it indiscriminately. Old Han is not optimistic. A little carelessness will aggravate the injury. I am afraid that even the remaining life will be shortened.” The master Chen said: “Not to mention we have not. Give up, have been looking up the classics, trying to find a way to cure Old Han, he intervened at this time, this is not a mess!”

Cui Heng looked a little ugly when he heard the words. Chen Ruifan’s words were a bit too ugly. What was adding chaos, and he hadn’t figured out whether Wang Teng could be treated, so he beat him to death with a stick, almost pointing to his nose and cursing.

Wang Teng sneered: “Master Chen, what you said seems like I must not be able to cure Old Han.”

“You are young, do you remember thousands of medicinal materials clearly? To what extent have you practiced alchemy? You dare to say that you can cure Han Lao. Your teacher didn’t tell you, do you need to be cautious about alchemy?” Master Chen Frowning, said coldly.

“When did alchemy come first by age?” Wang Teng looked at him and said lightly.

“Throughout the country’s alchemists, no one can reach the advanced alchemy stage, let alone master level, without a dozen or twenty years of accumulation. You are not very young and your tone is not small.” Master Chen scolded.

“You people, you didn’t learn the skills at home, but blame others for being too good. I think you have learned the way of alchemy for more than ten or twenty years. You say that it can be cured, but you are obstructing it in every way. What is your intention?” Wang Teng went back directly.

He didn’t look down on the Earth Star Alchemist. There was nothing to say about the difference in the background, but the Master Chen in front of him relied on the old to sell his old. If he didn’t say anything, others would treat him as muddled and bullied.

“You!” Chen Ruifan’s expression was pale.

A young man next to him saw that the teacher was humiliated, his eyes flashed hesitating, but he still stood up and said: “Wang Teng, I know that your strength has reached the level of a general. No one in the younger generation can match it, but with alchemy, my teacher He reached the master level many years ago, and he is already at the top of the earth star, so he is a senior, you insult him so much, right?”

“Your teacher ran over to scold me for no reason. Is that what the seniors call?” Wang Teng glanced at him and said with disdain.

“Needless to say, I want to see what kind of medicine you can practice.” Chen Ruifan’s expression was ugly, and he snorted angrily.

“I don’t know what to say.” Wang Teng glanced at him plainly, ignored him, and said to Cui Heng, “May I use Dean Cui’s alchemy room?”

Cui Heng sighed and nodded when seeing that the matter was over.

Wang Teng walked straight into the alchemy room.

Chen Ruifan and others did not leave, but waited on the sidelines.

Cui Heng approached Tan Taixuan and asked in a low voice, “Principal, is Wang Teng sure of reaching it?”

“Do you think he is the kind of untargeted person?” Tantai Xuan looked calm, glanced at him, and asked faintly.

“This…” Cui Heng understood what Tan Taixuan meant, but he still felt incredible, and couldn’t help looking at the alchemy room that had closed the door.

In the alchemy room, Wang Teng didn’t pay any attention to that Master Chen at all.

The mental power swept across, and several attribute bubbles scattered in the alchemy room suddenly flew towards him.

These attribute bubbles were obviously dropped by Master Chen just now when he was making alchemy, but now it is cheaper for him.


【Spirit of Spirit*10】



After picking up the attribute bubbles in this alchemy room, Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and his mental power swept out again, sweeping past the surrounding alchemy rooms.

Sure enough, a bunch of attribute bubbles passed through the wall, and they all gathered in the alchemy room where Wang Teng was at the moment.





【Spirit of Spirit*10】


【Wang Jing Spirit*16】



Wang Teng smiled. This wave of attribute bubbles was not small, but fortunately, he was not in a hurry to increase alchemy with blank attributes.

As this wave of attribute bubbles merged into his body, many related memories appeared in Wang Teng’s mind, filling his alchemy knowledge and his experience…In the end, his alchemy was promoted.

【Alchemist】: 3603000 (Master)

At this moment, his alchemy has truly reached the master level.

It was only a short moment, from the senior alchemist to the alchemist master. If that master Chen knew, he would vomit blood out of anger.

This is why Wang Teng is still a senior alchemist and dares to challenge the alchemist master.

He is young, but he is dead!

Hit me if you refuse to accept it!

Wang Teng sneered, then stepped forward, picked up the pill furnace in the middle, and threw it aside, then took out the ‘black meteor’ pill furnace to prepare for alchemy.

With a thought on his mind, the sapphire glaze flame surging out, wrapped the black meteor furnace, and the temperature in the alchemy room slowly increased…

He took out the medicinal materials that Tantaixuan prepared one by one, and floated into the pill furnace under the control of mental power, some turned into liquid, some turned into smashed pieces…and so on.

Outside the alchemy room, Cui Heng, Chen Ruifan and others suddenly felt a hot temperature coming from the alchemy room where Wang Teng was located, and they all showed surprise.

“How can the temperature be so high? The material and runes of the alchemy room are the temperature that can withstand the ground fire.” Cui Heng muttered, and suddenly his whole body was shaken, and he was shocked: “Is it the fire of heaven and earth?”

Chen Ruifan obviously thought of this possibility, and his complexion suddenly became very exciting. Did Wang Teng really get that kind of flame?

At this moment, many alchemists walked out of their alchemy rooms, cursing:

“Damn it, what the hell is going on, the temperature suddenly rises at the critical moment when I am refining alchemy, and now all my achievements have fallen short!”

“What, you too?”

“Yeah, so am I, what’s the matter?”

“I do not know either!”

“Master Xu, Master Ji!” As the host, Cui Heng naturally had to go up and explain, and quickly said: “Several masters, stay calm and not restless. It should be caused by an alchemist in the East China Sea. I didn’t expect to interrupt. Alchemy everyone, don’t blame! Don’t blame!”

“Oh, who can disturb us in alchemy?” The two alchemy masters asked curiously.

“Yes…” Cui Heng suddenly didn’t know how to introduce Wang Teng, and said with a wry smile: “Masters should wait for him to come out and see for yourself.”

His words made the two alchemy masters more curious, but they didn’t ask much, but fortunately they waited outside.

“Hey, this temperature doesn’t seem to be an ordinary flame?” The Master Xu couldn’t help asking.

“If I guess it’s right, it should be some kind of strange flame.” Another master Ji is not young, stroking his beard thoughtfully.

Master Xu saw Chen Ruifan on the side and asked, “Master Chen, you came out first. Do you know which master of the East China Sea is doing alchemy inside?”

Chen Ruifan’s face turned dark, and a bad premonition emerged from his heart. At this time, when he heard Master Xu’s question, he didn’t give a good face at all, and said with a cold face: “I don’t know!”

Master Xu’s face was inexplicable, he curled his lips, and stopped asking more.

As a result, Chen Ruifan couldn’t help himself, and said, “The one inside said that he can cure Old Han!”

“Oh!” Master Xu and Master Ji were both taken aback: “Are you sure?”

“I don’t know what he said.” Chen Ruifan said with a look of disbelief.

“Let’s wait and see.” Master Ji smiled and said noncommittal.

Time passed slowly, and everyone waited for half an hour. A strange picture formed outside the alchemy room. A group of people guarded a closed alchemy room, as if there was a peerless beauty inside.

“It’s over!” Master Ji suddenly said.

“Oh!” Master Xu moved in his heart and said with a smile: “I smell a trace of Danxiang, it seems that this master has succeeded!”

Wang Teng refined the One Yuan Blood Replenishing Pill and Purple Jade Spirit Ointment in a single pass, and a satisfactory arc appeared at the corner of his mouth. He put away the black meteor furnace, opened the door of the alchemy room, and walked out.

The next moment, he was taken aback.

Why are so many people surrounded outside the alchemy room?

What are these people doing, are the vegetable markets onlookers?

And Master Xu, Master Ji and the others were also stunned, staring at Wang Teng’s young and disrespectful face for a long time, as if to see the flowers coming from his face.

They were extremely puzzled. Could it be that this master is an old fellow with a good face?

I have long heard that there is a panacea in the other world that can maintain a young appearance, and even rejuvenate the old. Did they run into it today?

If there is a chance, you can ask the other party about the inconvenience of the transaction. They also want to refine one or two pills to eat.

“What is this for?” Wang Teng looked around and couldn’t help asking when he saw Cui Heng’s figure.

“You just made alchemy, the temperature is too high, it affects everyone.” Cui Heng explained.

“That’s it, I’m really sorry for that, it’s because I didn’t think about it.” Wang Teng reacted, arching his hands at everyone, and said apologetically.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, being so far away, and still being affected, it means that our alchemy is not at home, no wonder others.” The master Ji smiled.

“Yes, we can only blame us for not being skilled.” Master Xu also laughed, and didn’t mean to blame Wang Teng at all.

Chen Ruifan couldn’t help but curled his lips, his face a little unsightly.

Other alchemists heard the two masters say so, so naturally they couldn’t say anything more. Fortunately, it was better to expose the matter generously, instead, they could win the favor of the master in front of them.

“Wait a minute, why do I think this master is a bit familiar?” Master Xu said suddenly hesitantly.

“Let me introduce you to you.” Cui Heng smiled secretly, and stepped forward: “These two are Master Xu Heyu and Master Ji Xinshui.”

“And this one, his name is Wang Teng, and he is a student of my Yellow Naval Academy, but he is now a commander-level powerhouse.”

“Warlord level!” Xu Heyu and Ji Xinshui were both surprised, and then they seemed to think of something and lost their voice: “You are the Wang Teng!”

Obviously they also knew Wang Teng, but they had never seen him as a real person, so they didn’t recognize him at first sight.

“If there is no second Wang Teng, then I should be the Wang Teng that the two masters thought.” Wang Teng smiled.

“You are really young!” Ji Xinshui carefully looked at Wang Teng’s eyes and exclaimed.

“Can you take the liberty to ask, what level of alchemy have you reached?” Xu Heyu couldn’t help asking.

“Master!” Wang Teng said flatly without concealing it.

Ji Xinshui and Xu Heyu couldn’t help taking a deep breath.

“Sure enough, I didn’t smell it wrong. The pill incense just now must be a high-grade pill that only a master can refine.” Xu Heyu said.

Cui Heng on the side was also shocked, Wang Teng actually reached the master level, how exactly did this guy cultivate!

“Humph.” A cold snort came from the side, and Yin and Yang said strangely: “Pills are refined, but it is not certain whether Han Lao’s injury can be cured. Don’t be vain. There will be a joke at that time.”

Xu Heyu and Ji Xinshui suddenly heard that something was wrong, Master Chen and the young Master Wang in front of him were not dealing with it!

The two looked at each other and didn’t say much, thinking of watching a good show in their hearts.

Chen Ruifan’s popularity is not good, and they want to see if Master Wang can make him deflated.

Wang Teng didn’t even care that he barked incompetently on the side, and said to Tantai: “Now go to Old Han.”

“Success?” Tan Taixuan asked.

“Yeah.” Wang Teng nodded.

The two immediately rushed to Han Lao’s residence, Ji Xinshui and Xu Heyu looked at each other, and hurriedly followed.

“I want to see what you can do.” Chen Ruifan snorted and followed.

“You stay here, I’ll go and see.” Cui Heng gave an order to the alchemists around him, followed closely.

As a few people left, the alchemists who were present were talking and dispersing one after another.

The staff dormitory is in a small wooden house.

Wang Teng and Tan Taixuan knocked on the door of the room and walked into the room.

“You are here!” Old Han’s eyes lit up.

“Master, your panacea is here.” Wang Teng raised the two jade bottles in his hand and smiled at Old Han.

“Then hurry up, old man, I haven’t lived enough yet, and this appearance can suffocate me to death.” Old Han urged.

Wang Teng smiled and handed the two jade bottles to Mr. Han: “One is taken internally and the other is external. Father, try it yourself.”

After speaking, Tan Taixuan walked out of the house again.

Everyone waited outside for more than an hour, the door creaked slowly, and Old Han walked out slowly.

His body is still squatting, but his face has recovered a lot of blood, and he is no longer as lifeless as before, as if half his foot is stepping into the coffin board.

“Old Han, how do you feel?” Wang Teng smiled.

“Hahaha, old man, I finally took a sigh of relief.” Old man Han laughed.

“Unexpectedly… really cured!” Chen Ruifan muttered to himself in shock.

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