Chapter 555 Is the painting ugly?

Back to the topic, everyone suddenly became serious.

After Wang Teng took his seat, he didn’t speak immediately. He felt that these people were all rune masters, and they must have their own opinions on the rune formation. He just came here, so it’s not easy to interrupt.

Sure enough, everyone didn’t ask his opinion, and started to express their own opinions.

“In my opinion, the three mountains that Major General Wang transported can be used to set up the’Three Mountain Giant Spirit Array.’ There is no other formation that is more suitable.”

The one who spoke was a rune master who was in his forties and looked a little thin.

After everyone heard his suggestion, many people looked thoughtful.

The senior runeman continued: “In this period of ten percent, the three mountains are like three giant spirit gods guarding the coastline of the East China Sea. They can withstand the invasion of sea beasts, and the defense is definitely not weak.”

“No! No! The guard range of the Three Mountains Giant Spirit Array is extremely limited, only the area where the three big mountains are located, and the sea beasts can still enter from both sides of the three big mountains.”

“They returned without success this time because Major General Wang moved the mountain and reclaimed the sea with one hand that was too unexpected, and the sea beasts did not make any response.” Another rune master couldn’t help but shook his head.

“With the wisdom of the sea beast, you may not be able to think of any roundabout tactics, so I think that it is enough to guard the range of the three mountains. In other areas, you only need to send more people to keep an eye on it.” The senior rune master said. .

“With human monitoring, it is inevitable that there will be omissions, Chu Yongnian, your idea is too naive, isn’t this sea beast riot enough to learn the lesson?” Situ Jun retorted relentlessly.

As the dean of the Rune Academy of the Yellow Naval Academy, his attainments in runes are naturally not low, so he is also on the list at the moment.

“According to what you said, a rune formation that can cover the entire East China Sea is necessary to be considered insurance. But the question is, can we do it?” Chu Yongnian sneered.

He paused, seeing everyone falling into silence, then said: “The ordinary magic circle cannot stop the lord-level sea beast attack. Even if it is arranged, it will be useless. Concentrate all the manpower to arrange a formation that can withstand the impact of the lord-level sea beasts.”

Everyone hesitated, and they had to admit that Chu Yongnian’s statement was extremely reasonable, the coastline was the most critical point of defense in the East China Sea, and holding there was holding most of the East China Sea.

But the question now is not which one is better, but whether they can do it.

Although very helpless, it is an indisputable fact.

On the rune, the background of the earth star is still thinner. The formation covering the whole city can be arranged. There are still a few rune masters here, but the formations are strong and weak, and the formations are too powerful. They may not be able to master the law.

“Why don’t you ask a rune master from another world for help?” Someone hesitated.

Everyone was startled, and immediately thoughtful.

“This… can be regarded as a way. Now the relationship between Earth Star and the alien world is getting closer. Let them provide some assistance. If they want to come, they won’t refuse.”

“That’s hard to say, the top-level formations are still tightly hidden in the other world. Unless it is the inheritance of the rune master, it is almost impossible to get it, and they will not easily show it in front of us.”

“We help them so much, these people from other worlds still guard us so tightly.” Someone angered.

“Hey, it’s not the same with us.”

After some discussion, it was fruitless.

Wang Teng’s expression was a little weird. These people said it was so difficult, so what was the rune inheritance he got from Goring?

He doesn’t think it seems so difficult…

Isn’t the rune inheritance they said the same thing?

Besides, in fact, he doesn’t need the help of people from other worlds, he alone can handle the rune formation of the East China Sea.

After all, his rune attainments have reached a fairly advanced level.

It’s just that he said it himself, it is inevitable that some pretending to be suspicion, and they may not believe it!

Wang Teng fell into deep thought, how could he speak to make this pretending to be rounded?

“You were discussing there for a long time and there was no result. Why didn’t you ask the person concerned that the three mountains were moved by Wang Teng, he must have already had an abdomen.” At this time, Tan Taixuan’s impatient voice rang.

She thought that these rune masters could discuss one, two or three, but in the end, she even released an empty cannon, which was simply speechless.

The runemasters present were a bit impressive, and it was quite embarrassing to think about it.

But they quickly looked at Wang Teng again. What was meant by Tan Taixuan’s words, could Wang Teng have a way?

Situ Jun’s complexion moved slightly. He knew that Wang Teng’s rune talent was quite good, but it was limited to this. After all, Wang Teng spent too little time in school. In a blink of an eye, Wang Teng’s rune attainments surpassed him. I’m afraid he couldn’t believe it.

But he also knew that Tantai Xuan would not aimlessly, it seems that Wang Teng is still a little bit tricky here.

The other rune masters didn’t know Wang Teng’s rune attainments, or even that he was a rune master, and they all seemed very hesitant.

But after all, someone asked, “Major General Wang, do you have any idea?”

“Please give me a topographic map around the East China Sea.” Wang Teng did not immediately explain, but said to Governor Jiang.

Governor Jiang was taken aback for a moment, and then he didn’t hesitate, and immediately asked people to fetch the map and spread it out in front of everyone.

“What is this going to do?” The crowd was curious and gathered around to watch.

Wang Teng first drew the locations of the three big mountains on the coastline, then marked out their original locations, and finally outlined the area around the East China Sea.

“Did you see anything?” Wang Teng finished drawing and dropped the pen on the table casually, with a confident expression on his face and a slight smile.

“…” Everyone was dumbfounded, looking at Wang Teng confusedly.

So what is this painting? Excuse them for their limited vision, they really can’t see why?

“…” Wang Teng saw the faces of everyone, and the smiles on the corners of his mouth gradually stiffened. He looked down at the map and asked carefully: “Is the painting ugly?”

“Ha ha!”

“Ha ha ha!”


Everyone laughed. If Wang Teng was just a junior, they would definitely have to scold his head and curse, what kind of ghosts he painted.

Unfortunately not.

Wang Teng is so strong that he can pinch them to death with one hand, and he can’t afford to provoke them…

Tan Taixuan did not have any worries, and straightened his lips and said: “What kind of ghost symbol and level, don’t you have any points in your heart?”

“…” Wang Teng.

“How about Major General Wang explain to us?” Chu Yongnian said.

“Don’t you think this pattern is like a lifelike mysterious tortoise?” Wang Teng took a deep breath and said helplessly.

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