Chapter 553 The King’s Choice!

When I woke up the next day, everyone’s mood improved a lot, and their physical exhaustion was slightly reduced.

In the early morning, the sun fell on the earth, and a faint mist floated over the ruined East China Sea.

There are already many people busy.

Governor Jiang and other leaders of the East China Sea woke up at four or five in the morning and ran around to organize various tasks.

General Chen and other military personnel also patrolled various places in the East China Sea to maintain discipline.

In today’s situation, people’s hearts are changeable, and no one can guarantee that some people will not be able to withstand the pressure and collapse, eventually doing something irrational.

In the middle of last night, support from various places has also arrived, medical workers, alchemists, rune masters, etc., are all devoted to their work.

In addition, there are architects, urban planners, designers, railway engineers and other high-tech talents drawn from all over the world.

It is unimaginable that so many people have gathered on the ruins of the East China Sea overnight, and more talents will come one after another in the future to contribute to the reconstruction of the East China Sea.

Wang Teng had noticed these movements last night, but they had nothing to do with him, so he practiced with peace of mind, and did not hear anything outside the window.

At this moment, everyone around him was waking up one after another.

The first thing Lin Chuhan opened his eyes was to look towards Wang Teng and see him sitting on a large rock, snorting the force between heaven and earth for cultivation.

A strong force formed around him, looming, lining Chenhui, floating out of dust.

Everyone in the Wang family also woke up, and soon they also noticed the situation on Wang Teng’s side, and they all showed surprise.

Is this the practice of martial arts experts?

It’s amazing!

Suddenly everyone’s heart moved. Looking at this posture, Wang Teng had been practicing for a whole night!

Sure enough, very hardworking!

Li Xiumei feels a little distressed. After all, it is her son, so I can’t bear to see him suffer.

What should I do if my legs are numb after sitting all night?

Mr. Wang, Wang Shengguo and others are pleased. With this achievement, I can not be arrogant or impatient, and I am immersed in spiritual practice. I am worthy of being my grandson (son)…

At the same time, Wang Teng felt that everyone was waking up and completing the force cycle of the last week, he slowly opened his eyes, and a bright light shot out from his eyes, which was fleeting.

Everyone was shocked and avoided his gaze one after another.

It’s not that Wang Teng’s eyes are too terrifying, but that the light caused by his practice makes people unable to look directly.

“Everyone is awake.” Wang Teng smiled slightly.

“I woke up early, just waiting for you.” Lin Chuhan said.

“…” Wang Teng was suddenly embarrassed.

He didn’t sleep all night, but turned out to be the last one to wake up. Who is going to make sense?

There is a feeling in my heart that it is difficult to raise only women and villains…

Then there was a hint of helplessness on his face, which was regarded as acquiescence. He was not so stupid to reason with a woman.

After everyone had breakfast, Wang Teng gathered with Mr. Wang and others to discuss the future development and settlement of the Wang family.

“Everyone has any ideas, let’s talk about it.” Old man Wang looked around and said first.

Wang Shenghong, Wang Shengjun and others subconsciously glanced at Wang Teng.

“According to me, the East China Sea is so dangerous now, why don’t we relocate with my family? When the time comes, I will bring my family with me. They must now look forward to the Wang family’s horse.” Wang Teng’s aunt Zhao Huili suddenly said.

Everyone looked at her immediately, with a hint of helplessness on their faces.

This Zhao Huili is not bad at all, but her vision is somewhat shallow.

If it’s really that simple, you don’t have to get together to discuss it.

“Shut up and don’t understand anything, so don’t talk indiscriminately.” Wang Shenghong glared at his wife.

Zhao Huili was aggrieved at once, and immediately wanted to refute it.

But Elder Wang spoke first and waved his hand: “It’s okay, it’s okay, isn’t what Huili said is also our final choice.”

“Look at what Dad said, I was right.” Zhao Huili immediately became proud.

“It’s okay, you don’t need to say a few words.” Wang Shenghong said impatiently.

“You…” Zhao Huili was not convinced, and wanted to say something more.

“Mom, let’s listen to what Wang Teng’s cousin said first.” Wang Yanan grabbed her and said.

Zhao Huili glanced at Wang Teng, and immediately disappeared.

At the time when she took refuge in the underground air-raid shelter, she witnessed Wang Teng’s toughness with her own eyes. It can be said that in the entire Wang family, she now fears Wang Teng even more than Elder Wang.

Wang Teng smiled slightly and said, “Actually, what the eldest mother said is correct…”

Hearing that Wang Teng actually agreed with her point of view, Zhao Huili straightened her chest and snorted softly at Wang Shenghong.

Everyone was a little surprised.

“Xiao Teng, this…” Wang Shenghong said suspiciously.

“Uncle, don’t worry, I haven’t finished speaking. The family relocation is indeed a good choice, but for others, for our Wang family, I think staying in the East China Sea is the wisest choice.” Wang Teng said confidently.

“Oh, what do you say?” Old man Wang asked with a smile on his mouth.

“Grandpa, you are testing me.” Wang Teng laughed, without entanglement, and continued: “You are not a martial artist, you don’t know some inside stories…”

This sentence made everyone move their hearts slightly and glanced at each other.

“In fact, any place in the world today is probably not as safe as everyone thinks. The star beast riot is one aspect, and there are other reasons that are more…terrible than the star beast riot!” Wang Teng said.

“What!?” Everyone couldn’t help being shocked, their faces pale.

What kind of reason, in Wang Teng’s mouth, was even more terrifying than the sea beast riot?

“Son, what is it? Can’t you say it?” Wang Shengguo couldn’t help asking.

“It’s not impossible to say, it’s just that there are more taboos, that’s all…” Wang Teng hesitated for a while, and in the end he was selfish and talked about the dark situation.

However, he used the means of sound transmission, and his voice sounded directly in everyone’s ears.

After listening to the Wang family, their faces were shocked. Although Wang Teng did not elaborate, the only part that was revealed made them feel extremely terrifying.

How could this world become like this?

For them living in a peaceful environment, such disasters are really unimaginable.

“So, staying in the East China Sea is actually the best choice, because my foundation is here, and only here can I best provide you with shelter, and if something goes wrong in the East China Sea, and I am not there, the senior leaders of the East China Sea will be the first Provide protection for the Wang family for a while. In other cities, the Wang family may not get such treatment.” Wang Teng said slowly.

Everyone couldn’t help falling into silence.

After a while, Mr. Wang let out a sigh of relief and said, “Xiao Teng is right. This is what I want to tell you. Instead of going to a strange place and entrusting the safety to someone you don’t know, it’s better to stay. Homeland, advance and retreat with this city.”

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