Chapter 543 You have crossed the boundary!

Above the sea, the beasts surrender!

The terrifying giant ape stands far away, accompanied by thunder and storms, like a wild beast that has crossed over from ancient times.

The atmosphere suddenly solidified!

The commander-level powerhouses looked extremely solemn, and they gathered together unconsciously, looking at the great apes in the distance as if they were facing a great enemy.

“What to do? This sea beast is a little beyond my imagination!” Governor Jiang said in a low voice with an ugly expression.

Everyone shook their heads, all speechless.

“Why don’t we admit it?” At this moment, a bashful voice rang.

“…” Everyone looked at Wang Dapao who was talking.

Wang Dapao shook his whole body and was watched by the eyes of a few people. Suddenly there was a sense of osmosis. His face suddenly showed a jealous look, and he coughed dryly: “Just kidding, kidding!”

In this situation, they actually have no good way, either to surrender or… to fight to the death!

But no one would be willing to let them surrender to the sea beasts.

This is a contest between humans and star beasts, and it is also the first large-scale collision between the two sides, and countless pairs of eyes across the country are watching here.

If they choose to surrender, the impact will be too great!

This is not only the humiliation of Donghai, but also the humiliation of Xia Guo!

At this moment, the giant ape’s gaze scanned, an unprecedented pressure seemed to be pressing down from the top of his head, making everyone stiff.

“Spiritual coercion!” Wang Teng’s expression changed slightly.

Sure enough, a group of these great storm apes, just a look in their eyes made the generals of the generals into such a difficult situation.

Even if it is a deadly battle, the chances of humans winning are low and pitiful, unless they are really lucky.


Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and the imperial realm’s spiritual power swept out, instantly defeating this spiritual coercion.

“Huh?” A trace of surprise flashed through the huge eyes of the Great Storm Ape, his eyes fixed on Wang Teng.

Wang Teng was not afraid at all, staring directly at the indifferent pupils above him.

He never persuaded him to be stronger than mental power!


A cloud of brilliant light burst out of the eyes of the Great Storm Ape, which pierced Wang Teng’s eyes.

“Humph!” Wang Teng snorted coldly, and the imperial realm’s mental power rushed out of his eyebrows without any reservation.


It was as if a sleeping dragon suddenly recovered, let out a terrifying roar, and crashed towards the mental pressure from the opposite side.

Boom boom boom!

The collision of mental power set off an invisible wind, and even the shock only echoed in the mental power of both parties.

In the eyes of outsiders, it just feels that the atmosphere is completely solidified, and a very depressed breath permeates, making people breathless.

Only some people with stronger mental power seem to have discovered the clues.

“This is……”

Tantaixuan, Ye Jixing and other general-level powers are naturally not weak, and they immediately noticed something, and their eyes fell on Wang Teng involuntarily.

“Clash of mental powers!” Wang Dapao’s eyes flashed, and he couldn’t help but lose his voice.

“What!” Tan Taixuan, Ye Jixing and the others suddenly changed their complexions.

Before they noticed it, Wang Teng had already started a mental force confrontation with the Great Storm Ape.

And looking like this, Wang Teng’s mental strength is not weaker than that of the Great Storm Ape.

Tan Taixuan and the others couldn’t help but glance at each other, they all saw a hint of shock from the other’s eyes.

Among these people, Tantai Xuan knew that Wang Teng’s spiritual talent was not weak, but he did not expect that Wang Teng could actually contend with that unfathomable storm great ape.

This kid’s spiritual talent is probably no better than martial arts talent!

Ye Jixing, Governor Jiang and others didn’t know that Wang Teng was not only extremely talented in martial arts, but also very comparable to his spiritual talent. At this moment, they were all incredible.

What kind of evil is this guy!

They really have never seen such a talented person. Thinking about the trump cards that Wang Teng has shown before, ordinary martial artists can be called geniuses if they have the same, but Wang Teng has all of them.

Does he have an unknown relationship with God? For example, godmother and son…

At this moment, the mental power confrontation between Wang Teng and Storm Great Ape came to an end.

The mental power of the Great Storm Ape had obviously reached the imperial realm, and the two sides were similar, but Wang Teng was better at one point.

He has hung up!

By picking up attribute bubbles, Wang Teng’s mental power continued to flow, regardless of whether the storm great ape was big or not, in terms of long-lasting, he was better.


Amidst the roar, the mental powers of both sides receded into their respective eyebrows.

“It’s over!” Tan Taixuan and others flashed their eyes, and a heart suddenly raised: “Who won?”

A trace of irritation flashed in the eyes of the Great Storm Ape, his mental power was actually lost to the little human in front of him, and it was unbearable.


A roar came from his mouth, and the huge body of the Great Storm Ape suddenly moved, set off a huge wave, and stepped in the direction of the East China Sea.

Everyone’s complexion changed drastically, their bodies were tight, and they were on guard.

“Brother Wang, what did you do? It irritated him.” Wang Dapao yelled.

“Damn, this silly ape can’t afford to lose, and his mental strength is not better than me, so he has to harden steel with me!” Wang Teng’s face was green, and he wanted to run away.

His mental power is indeed not lost to the Great Storm Ape, and even by opening up, he can win slightly, but he is better than martial arts cultivation, only to be abused!

Now that he has angered the other party, this Great Storm Ape will certainly not let him go easily!

Wang Dapao, Tantaixuan and others were all stunned. The mental power confrontation just now turned out to be Wang Teng’s victory. What level of mental power has this guy reached? ?

However, it was not the time to think about these insignificant things. Several people looked at the Great Storm Ape who came straight forward, their complexions were extremely dignified, and the force of the whole body was stimulated, and they were ready to fight to the death.

They knew the horror of this Great Storm Ape, but they had no alternative. As a warlord-level powerhouse, anyone could retire at this moment, but they could not.


The Great Storm Ape opened his mouth and roared, and his hideous fangs appeared.

The thunder fell, the storm came, and the terrifying power was crushing toward everyone.

It was shot with a single palm, and the palm prints on the huge rough palm were clearly visible, casting shadows like the sky, covering everyone.

The pupils of the crowd shrank, shocked, and felt extremely fragile in front of this huge palm.

However, they will not sit still, each using their strongest means, blasting at the huge palms above their heads.

Bang bang bang!

All the attacks fell on the palm of the hand, but they were instantly crushed, and there were bursts of roar.

Immediately, the palm of the hand was pressed down at a faster speed, and everyone was at stake…


At this moment, a cold snort suddenly sounded, like thunder, coming from afar.


As if the sound of the unsheathing of a weapon, a bright sword light across the sky, carrying an unmatched potential, came to the front in an instant, and blasted on the body of the Great Storm Ape.

The horrible sword light did not immediately dissipate, but pushed the body of the Great Storm Ape back several steps.


The huge body of the Great Storm Ape suddenly couldn’t stand firmly, fell backward, and smashed into the water fiercely.

“You have crossed the line!”

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