Chapter 531 Everyone, it’s been a long time!

Wang Teng rushed high into the sky, swept his eyes, and immediately sensed the battlefield area where Tong Hu and others were.

Several sea beasts with 7 stars and above are besieging them, making them hard to cope with.

His eyes flashed, and he galloped away.

“Damn, these sea beasts are so peculiar, I have never beaten them so frustrated.” Tong Hu was hit by a sea beast, blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and cursed.

During the battle, he seemed to have performed some kind of exercises, making him taller and stronger, like a violent bear.

But facing the huge sea beast, it was still blown out.

Su Jing, Cui Heng and other deans of other academies were overwhelmed by themselves, and they retreated steadily under the crazy offensive of the sea beasts.

“Hold on, Tiger, don’t die in front of us.” Ou Changsong, Dean of the Forging Academy of the Yellow Navy Academy, joked.

Although he is a blacksmith, his martial arts cultivation is not weak, reaching the 7-star warrior level.

“Bah, baah, I’m not that easy to die.” Tong Hu rolled his eyes sullenly, then turned his face, and roared at the sea beast in front of him: “The tiger doesn’t show off his might. I really think I am a sick cat!”

In an instant, a powerful momentum erupted from his body, and a huge phantom tiger was condensed on top of his head, crawling, as if encountering a prey, about to launch an attack.


A terrifying roar resounded, shaking the air and rolling endlessly.

Amidst this roar, the sea beast on the opposite side couldn’t help but stepped backward, with a trace of horror in his eyes.

“Kill!” Tong Hu exploded, crushing the sea beast in front of him, and slaughtered him like a tiger.

The force raged, the sea beasts were torn apart, and blood was spilled on the sky.

The situation reverses instantly!

Su Jing, Ou Changsong and the others got angry, and each used the strongest means to kill the sea beasts from all around.


The roar sounded, perhaps seeing a few people killing too many powerful sea beasts, the sea beasts under the sea were very angry, among them, three 8-star sea beasts jumped from the sea and pounced on Tonghu and others.

“Made, 8 stars, will anyone come over and fix them!” Tong Huguai yelled.

The strength of these sea beasts is extremely strong, the scales are hard, and it is difficult to deal with it. It is impossible to kill at a higher level.

But they can’t retreat after all. If they retreat before the other strong people rush over, the low-rank warriors in the rear can only be crushed.


Tonghu and the others instantly exploded into force and collided with the three 8-star sea beasts.

The light of the force shone in the sky, making bursts of explosions.

The people in the underground air-raid shelter can only see the collision of the Force rays at this moment, but they can’t see the figures in it.

But they could see that the Force Light Group, which represented Tonghu and the others, was always knocked into flight, and then rushed towards the sea beasts again.

Everyone squeezed a sweat for them, prayed silently, and must be blocked.


Several original force light groups collided, and were once again knocked into the air by the huge sea beast.

This time, they fell straight to the ground.


The sea beasts roared, some of them condensed the original force light ball in their mouths, and some condensed the original force claw blades on the claw blade… and they blasted towards the several force light groups below.

When the people in the underground air-raid shelter saw this scene, a trace of despair appeared on their faces, and many people couldn’t bear to close their eyes.


“The Dean!”

Han Zhu and the others below, as well as the Huang Haijun school students around him were distraught, but powerless, they could only watch the sea beast’s force attack rushing towards Tonghu and the others.

“not good!”

Peng Yuanshan was fighting with a 9-star sea beast, and the movement there finally caught his attention. His pupils shrank and punched the opposite sea beast, and immediately rushed towards Tonghu and the others.

But time was too late, and the attack of the sea beast was about to fall on Tonghu and the others.

In the light of Force, Tong Hu, Su Jing, Ou Changsong and other deans looked helpless and desperate, and sighed: “It seems we can only get here.”

“Those brats, I hope they… grow up sooner.”

They looked towards the ground, with expectations in their eyes.


The roar sounded…

But it was not the explosion caused by the sea beast’s force attack falling on Tonghu and others, but a flame blade light tens of meters long sweeping from a distance.

Fiery energy fluctuations sweep the sky!

The flames are overwhelming!

The original force attack of the sea beast disintegrated in an instant, and was wiped out by the flame blade light!

Everyone was taken aback!

Where does the knife mang come from? ?

This is… Has a general-level powerhouse made a timely move?

Han Zhu and the others had no time to think about it, their eyes were quick, and they quickly caught the Tonghu and others who had fallen from the sky.

“Dean, are you all right?” Wan Baiqiu rushed over and asked worriedly.

Tong Hu’s faces were a little pale, but at the moment they were also in a daze, waved their hands, and looked along the source of the flame blade.

I saw a long rainbow quickly approaching from a distance, slowly appearing in the sky above everyone’s head.

“Wang Teng!!!”

Tonghu’s faces were stunned, and then there was a hint of surprise on their faces.

Han Zhu, Wan Baiqiu and others rubbed their eyes in disbelief, and finally determined that the figure in the sky was indeed Wang Teng.

“Hahaha, I knew you couldn’t die!” Han Zhu didn’t think much about it. He was extremely pleased to see Wang Teng and laughed.

“Senior, dean, it’s been a long time!” Wang Teng stood in the air with the magic fault in his hand, smiling slightly at the bottom.

“Good boy, I’m willing to come back.” Tong Hu laughed.

On the other side, seeing that Tong Hu and others were rescued, Peng Yuanshan quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, after seeing that it was Wang Teng who saved the life, he was really taken aback, and his heart was extremely shocked.

“This kid, unexpectedly killed him from the dark world!”

The next moment, the corner of his mouth couldn’t help showing a trace of relief. Wang Teng was the student he valued most. To come back alive was the best news.

Then he stopped paying attention to that side, turning his head to concentrate on dealing with the 9-star sea beast in front of him.

He knew that Wang Teng had killed the warlord-level dark species in the Battle of Xingfeng City, so the three 8-star sea beasts did not pose any threat to Wang Teng.


Seeing that their prey had been rescued, the three 8-star sea beasts suddenly roared, their huge bodies crushed from the sky and rushed towards Wang Teng.

“Be careful!” Tong Hu and others’ complexions changed slightly, and they couldn’t help but remind them.

Wang Teng’s eyes narrowed slightly, a ray of cold light bloomed, and he didn’t even mean to dodge at all. The magical fault in his hand burst out with a strong light of force.

Seven Star Lishui Sword Art!


He didn’t even use the power of the artistic conception, just with the sword light condensed by the heavenly combat skills, he instantly beheaded three 8-star sea beasts on the spot.

The huge body sprayed a lot of blood, and then crashed to the ground.

Tonghu looked at each other and fell silent for a moment.

So the 8-star powerful sea beast who had just abused them to death was just assaulted by this kid!

As the deans of the academy, they were actually beaten by their own students, and they were also abused.

Is there something wrong with this script?

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