Chapter 524 The Difficulty of the East China Sea! (4000+ big chapters!)

what happened? ?

Wu Feiying, Guo Long and the others looked at the six-eyed poisonous spiders lying on the ground all around, with their faces confused and confused.

They all thought they were going to die, this time it was absolutely impossible to escape.

Unexpectedly, the situation reversed suddenly.

So the question is, what happened to these six-eyed poisonous spiders?

Mass paralysis?

Is there such a good thing?

Just as Wu Feiying, Guo Long and others were stunned, Wang Teng shot again, and his mental power rushed into the minds of these six-eyed poisonous spiders.

Mental piercing!

The mental power formed a spike-like existence, pierced into their minds fiercely, and destroyed all of their brains.

The remaining six-eyed poisonous spiders were relatively powerful, but facing Wang Teng’s imperial level mental power, there was no resistance at all, and they died on the spot.

【Poison Force*65】

【Poison Force*120】

【Poison Force 80】

【Poison Silk*】*30

【Poison Force*210】

Attribute bubbles emerged one by one and were picked up by Wang Teng.

These attribute bubbles have much more attribute points than those before, allowing Wang Teng’s poison system force to directly break through the 4-star warrior level and reach the 5-star warrior level.

[Poison Force]: 2503000 (5 stars)

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed and nodded to himself.

He now has the Five Elements Force and the Thunder Force both reached the 9-star warrior level, and it is naturally much easier to go back and improve the Force of other attributes.

For example, killing a group of six-eyed poisonous spiders just now was definitely not an easy task before, but now it is just a backhand.

And people like Wu Feiying and Guo Long, they are not weak, they are still two small teams, but facing these six-eyed poisonous spiders, they almost wiped out the entire army.

It can be seen that these six-eyed poisonous spiders are not something to deal with.

Therefore, it is not incomprehensible for Wang Teng to forcibly raise the force of the poison element to a level in a short moment.

After all, his current strength is very strong!

Of course, if you say it, outsiders will definitely be surprised.

In addition to the Poison Force, Wang Teng also gained a lot of [Poison Silk] skill attributes again.

[Poison Department]: 30300 (Xiaocheng)

His Venom Silk skill reached the minor stage directly from the entry level, and he was able to use it extremely skillfully.

While Wang Teng was counting the harvest, Wu Feiying, Guo Long and others suddenly discovered that the six-eyed poisonous spiders that had survived were all dead inexplicably…

Is this violent? ?

They looked at each other, their heads full of question marks.

Is their luck so good? The group of six-eyed poisonous spiders died suddenly, which is obviously impossible!

Although Wu Feiying, Guo Long and others couldn’t see what caused this, they were not fools either. How could there be such an outrageous thing in the world.

The two captains glanced at each other and couldn’t help looking at the last remaining six-eyed Spider King Wang Teng.

“Your Excellency, did you just make it?” Wu Feiying asked cautiously.

“Can you answer my question now?” Wang Teng did not answer, but looked at everyone with a smile and asked.

Wu Feiying and Guo Long were taken aback, but they heard what he meant.

It really was this young man’s hands!

They are all gone!

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the two of them, and they gave Wang Teng a fist, and said gratefully: “Thank you for your help. This is a dark mist forest. I wonder if you are aware of it?”

“Dark fog forest!” Wang Teng was taken aback for a moment: “It’s actually here!”

He didn’t expect to be so coincidental that he actually teleported to the dark mist forest closest to Yongcheng.

That’s okay, at least the Star Return to Earth will be much closer.

“Are you Earth Star Warriors?” Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, seeing everyone’s clothing styles, and asked.

“Yes, I don’t know who you are?” Wu Feiying nodded and asked.

“That’s a coincidence, I am also an Earth Star Warrior.” Wang Teng smiled.

There was a hint of surprise in Wu Feiying’s eyes, and the faces of Tianjiao flashed in their minds, and they couldn’t remember any young Tianjiao so powerful!

Since they are both Earth Star Warriors, they couldn’t help but lack a trace of vigilance and estrangement in their hearts!

But when they thought of the emergency call order, they did not intend to delay any longer, and clasped their fists, saying, “Your Excellency, we have just received an emergency call order from Earth Star. We are about to rush back now. Can you please leave your name and contact information? When we have time, we will repay you for your life-saving grace.”

“It’s just a matter of repaying it, it’s just a matter of effort.” Wang Teng waved his hand and said indifferently.

He has gained the Poison Elemental Force and a Poison Element skill, which is already a pleasant surprise, and he didn’t expect these people to repay anything.

Wu Feiying and Guo Long twitched their mouths.

What a simple task!

How useless they are!

But they didn’t dare to say it after all. This young man looked young, but he was a real powerhouse, mysterious and unpredictable. It’s better not to talk nonsense, so as not to irritate the other party and lose out.

“What is the emergency convening order you just mentioned?” Wang Teng asked.

“There should be something wrong with Earth Star!” Wu Feiying said solemnly.

“Something happened!” Wang Teng raised his eyebrows: “Very serious?”

“Yes, once the emergency convening order is used, it is definitely not a trivial matter.” Wu Feiying nodded.

Wang Teng’s complexion changed, his eyes flickering, and he really couldn’t figure out what would happen to Earth Star.

Did the Dark Seed appear early?

But anyway, Earth Star is his base camp, and his parents and relatives are there. If something goes wrong, it will be too late to regret.

Alas, he is such a toil!

Obviously, as soon as he got out of the rift in space, he had to rush back to Earth Star before he even stopped!

Wang Teng’s feet shook, and he was about to kill the only six-eyed poisonous spider king under his feet, and picked up several attribute bubbles that it had dropped.

【Poison Force*185】

【Poison Silk*40】

Then he swept away his mental powers, and collected the corpse of the six-eyed poisonous spider with a star core into the space ring.

The muscles of Wu Feiying, Guo Long and others twitched unconsciously, and the 8-star powerful star beast was trampled to death! !


However, the last trace of doubt in their hearts was finally gone. With such a powerful strength, it was not impossible to silently kill all six-eyed poisonous spiders.

Besides, the methods of some powerful men are not what their ordinary warriors can speculate.

At this time, Wang Teng’s body rose into the air, glanced at Wu Feiying and the others, frowned slightly, and said, “I’ll take a step first, and you can go back to Yongcheng by yourself!”

Without waiting for Wu Feiying and the others to respond, it turned into a long rainbow and flew straight out of the dark mist forest, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Wu Feiying and the others were shocked and couldn’t help being speechless.

After a long time, someone finally opened his mouth and said: “Where is this strong man? I have never heard of it before.”

“Too young, it looks like it’s only twenty years old!”

“Did you say that his strength has reached…comprehensive level?”

“Warlord, it’s impossible, right?”

The members of the two teams couldn’t help whispering, very curious about Wang Teng’s strength.

“Captain, do you think he will be a commander-level powerhouse?” someone asked Wu Feiying.

“I’m also not sure. These six-eyed poisonous spiders are not enough for him to use his full strength. What can be done so easily. In addition to the commander-level powerhouse, there are also a few extremely powerful 9-star warrior-level warriors. The existence of more advanced beheading and general-level powerhouses is not absent.” Wu Feiying said.

“Even so, he is very strong, this young man is definitely not an ordinary warrior!” Guo Long said.

“Forget it, I can’t guess what I can guess here, so I come back, hurry back to Earthstar, maybe you can meet him again on Earthstar.” Wu Feiying said.

“That’s right.” Guo Long nodded.

The two warrior teams didn’t talk nonsense, cleaned up a bit, and rushed to Yongcheng where the crack in the earth and stars was located.

Earth Star, East China Sea!

An unprecedented crisis is sweeping this modern city made of steel and iron.

The East China Sea is close to the ocean. At this moment, storms are raging on the sea, dark clouds cover the top, and turbulent waves hit the coastline.

Looking from a distance, we can see that hideous sea beasts emerge from the ocean and converge towards the East China Sea.

They are numerous and terrifying.

This is… the sea beast riot! ! !

Since the earth and stars mutated, mountains, forests, and oceans have been places where humans are extremely defensive. There are too many wild creatures gathered there. If they mutate collectively and riots occur, the consequences will be very serious.

Therefore, human beings have long put in place various means to monitor the mountains, forests and oceans in various places.

However, there are always places that cannot be detected, among which the ocean is unpredictable, which has always been beyond human control.

Especially the deep sea, even with the current technological runes, it cannot be detected.

This time the sea beast riots, humans noticed the anomaly, but it was too late.

In the vast East China Sea, countless sea beasts landed on the coastline and launched an impact on the East China Sea.

The East China Sea air defense sirens sounded, and all ordinary citizens took refuge in underground air-raid shelters. Countless soldiers and warriors rushed to the front line to resist sea beast attacks.

Domestic personnel are deployed from various places to the East China Sea to provide support, and there are also many powerful warriors.

The three martial arts giants of Polestar, Thunder, Bailian, and many other forces have summoned the warriors outside to make them return urgently to reinforce the East China Sea.

At this moment, the entire East China Sea is completely reduced to a battlefield. Countless huge sea beasts invaded the East China Sea, destroying cities, destroying buildings and buildings, and human warriors are fighting hard.

The sound of artillery fire resounded over the ocean and prevented the sea beasts from landing.

However, there are countless sea beasts, batch after batch rushing out of the deep sea, rushing to the East China Sea frantically, breaking through human defenses.

Pole Star Martial Arts Hall is located on the seashore, so naturally bear the brunt.

At the top of the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall building, Ye Jixing, the main hall of the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall, the Tiandao in the Donghai branch, Qin Hanxuan, the president of the Donghai Martial Arts Association, and even Tantai Xuan, Xiao Nanfeng, the commander of the Red Tiger Legion, and others. It is standing here, looking at the sea beasts crazily rushing in the distance.

“The situation is not optimistic, there are lord-level existences in the sea beasts, they don’t do anything, we can only do things here.” Ye Jixing frowned.

“How can these sea beasts suddenly attack the human world, is it really confusing?” Qin Hanxuan said.

“Isn’t this something that was expected?” Xiao Nanfeng said blankly.

Everyone fell silent, indeed. Humans predicted long ago that as the force’s influence on the earth and stars became stronger and stronger, one day the star beasts in the wild became powerful enough to attack the human world, but I didn’t expect this day to come so quickly and so suddenly.

Humans have blocked the wild star beasts through various methods, but it is impossible to completely exterminate them. If so, it may not be necessary to wait for them to become stronger, the star beasts will rise up and resist, and no creature will be willing to perish.

Some things, even if you can see the future, can’t be completely eliminated after all!

Star beasts need time, and humans also need time!

“It would be fine if Wang Teng was here. With his rune attainments, he played a more powerful role than ordinary generals!” A trace of anxiety flashed in the eyes of Tantai Xuan, and said regretfully.

“It’s him!” Ye Jixing’s eyes flashed with emotion, and he was full of emotion.

The young man he was optimistic about has grown to this point in a blink of an eye. It’s really an exaggeration!

Fu Tiandao and Qin Hanxuan looked at each other, and the young figure appeared in their minds, and their eyes became extremely complicated.

They all heard about the battle of Xingfeng City.

It can be said that Wang Teng has surpassed them at this time. Thinking about the past, that kid still needs them to take care of the younger generation, but now he is standing in a higher position.

Major General!

The military has already awarded this position. As long as he returns, he will be the youngest general in the country!

Ordinary people may not be able to know these news, but with the status of the two of them, they have naturally known it a long time ago.

It’s so embarrassing!

Xiao Nanfeng’s eyes flickered, and he felt a bit bitter at the corners of his mouth when he thought of the festival he had with Wang Teng, and then when he thought of Wang Teng’s achievements now.

I thought it was a younger generation like his disciple, but now he has caught up and can even talk to him on an equal footing. I’m afraid it would be difficult for anyone to accept it.

Especially the two had a festival!

“Can’t other rune masters build a powerful offensive array?” Xiao Nanfeng asked.

“They are very struggling to deal with defensive formations. How can we expect them to build attack formations again.” Tan Taixuan shook her head.

“I heard that Wang Teng is deeply trapped in the dark world, and his life and death are unknown. I am afraid I can’t count on him.” Ye Jixing said regretfully.

“Oh!” Tan Taixuan couldn’t help sighing: “It is fortunate that he can come back alive!”

In the underground air-raid shelter in the East China Sea, Wang Shengguo stayed with Li Xiumei, as well as the Wang family. They watched the situation of the outside world through video, showing their worries and dignity.

Elder Wang watched the buildings turned into ruins, with vicissitudes in his eyes, and sighed: “The East China Sea is over!”

“Dad, we must believe in the country, we will surely be able to overcome this difficult time, and we can still rebuild the East China Sea in the future.” Uncle Wang Teng said, Wang Shenghong.

“Difficult!” Elder Wang glanced at him, shook his head and said: “After experiencing this sea beast riot, the East China Sea is no longer safe. How many people are still willing to stay here. Without people, how can we rebuild?”

Wang Shenghong was speechless.

Elder Wang looked at Wang Shengguo and asked a little tiredly: “My dear grandson, is there no news yet?”

“No!” Wang Shengguo and Li Xiumei shook their heads with deep worries in their eyes.

“Major General! Major General! If my dear grandson can’t come back, what use does my Wang family want this major general?” Grandpa Wang hammered the ground with a crutches and said angrily.

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