Chapter 514 Three Kills!

Wang Teng was hiding in the darkness, frowning and thinking, all kinds of thoughts flashed in his mind.

Soon he made a decision!

“These three Dark Seeds must be taken down at the same time, and they must never have the slightest chance to react.” Wang Teng thought with cold eyes.

When he thought, the meteor cone silently sank into the darkness, the space fluctuated, and the meteor cone disappeared completely.

“Huh?” One of the dark species suddenly opened his eyes from the closed eyes, frowned, and his eyes swept around suspiciously.

“What’s the matter?” The other side of the dark species couldn’t help asking.

“I seem to feel a trace of additional spatial fluctuations.” The dark species said suspiciously.

The other two dark species were shocked, and they immediately sensed it carefully, and shook their heads after a moment: “We didn’t feel it!”

“Space cracks are inherently unstable, and occasional spatial fluctuations are also common!”

“Maybe I think too much!” The Dark Seed shook his head and said.

After that, the three dark species closed their eyes again, and the dark underground space returned to silence again.

Wang Teng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

MMP was almost discovered!

He didn’t expect these three dark species to be so sensitive to spatial fluctuations, and his ever-unfavorable spatial methods were almost exposed.

Wang Teng hesitated a bit. With these three dark species’ sensitivity to spatial fluctuations, even if the meteor cone cooperated with the spatial talent, they might not be able to kill each other unexpectedly.

In the event of a miss, he will inevitably be stunned, and he will have to be hard-headed.

“Wait!” Wang Teng felt helpless, there was no other good way, and he could only wait for them to completely relax their vigilance.

As time passed, the three-headed dark species entered into concentration like an old monk, and Wang Teng was also extremely patient, hiding in the dark like a poisonous snake, waiting for an opportunity to launch a fatal blow.

At this moment, Wang Teng’s eyes condensed, his whole body suddenly moved, and he rushed towards one of the dark species.

At the same time, another black figure separated from his shadow and rushed towards the second dark species.

On the other side, the meteor cone shuttled out of the void and suddenly pierced the eyebrows of the third dark species.

At this moment, Wang Teng actually launched a fatal attack on the three Dark Seeds at the same time.


The third dark species felt the spatial fluctuations. It opened its eyes and first saw the cold light that was close at hand. It felt death right in front of its eyes, and suddenly let out a roar.

It slapped the ground with its palm and retreated violently.

But the meteor cone appeared too suddenly, and the distance was very close, it pierced into the center of its eyebrows in an instant.

“Do not!”

It was full of anger, and an invisible force surged from the center of its eyebrows to resist the intrusion of the meteor cone.

“Spiritual power!”

While Wang Teng threw himself at the first dark species, he was distracted and manipulated the meteor cone, feeling the resistance from the meteor cone, he couldn’t help being surprised.

“Dead!” But then, the killing intent burst into his eyes, and the imperial mental power burst out.

Driven by the imperial mental power, the meteor cone suddenly pierced into the opponent’s head.

“Ah!” The scream suddenly sounded.

A head of darkness is dead!

It’s a long story, but it’s just a short moment.

Wang Teng didn’t pay attention to that side anymore. At this moment, he had already rushed in front of the first dark species, his hands flickered with black light, and grabbed the opponent’s heart and temple.

On the other side, the black shadow separated from Wang Teng’s shadow is the Thunder clone he created.

In order to create this avatar, he has scattered the human avatars far outside the city.

In other words, the three-headed warlord-level dark species will soon find that something is wrong and rush back.

This Thunder avatar was filled with the power of Thunder in the palm of the hand, forming a palm knife, and at the same time condensing the horrible meaning of killing, it was cut off from the head of the third dark seed.

After picking up countless soldiers’ killing intent during the Battle of Star Maple City, his intention to kill has unknowingly reached 50% of killing.

At this moment, all the explosions and shocks caused the third dark species to fall into a terrifying killing mood, as if it were in a sea of ​​blood, even as the dark species, it was shocked.

However, its consciousness recovered in an instant, and a mental power surged crazily, facing the sword of Thunder Clone.


The power of thunder broke out on the palm of the sword, cutting open the opponent’s mental power, and then slashed on his neck.

Blood splashed, and a blood family head flew high!

This kinsman can’t stand his eyes!

On the side of Wang Teng’s deity, he was also shocked with the intent of killing, but this time it didn’t work.

His dark claws were actually blocked by the opponent!

The mental power of this blood race dark species reached the king level, and its strength was even at the warlord level. It recovered in an instant, hit Wang Teng against it, and retreated violently with the momentum.

Wang Teng’s face was solemn, his eyes flashed with cold, he stepped on his foot, and threw himself at the opponent again.

After the Thunder clone solved the second dark seed, it also killed it, and Thunder palm slashed towards the opponent’s back.

“You are that human!” The dark species suddenly turned sideways, avoiding the attack of the Thunder clone, and said in amazement.

“You guessed it, the reward is… to send you to death.”

Wang Tengchong slammed in front of it, his eyes condensed his mental power, and he pierced the opponent’s eyes.

Eight-pole magic power-open!

Black Wing Demon Slash!

kill! ! !

With a low and violent roar, Wang Teng tried his best, and his body was filled with black light, cutting out a sharp black sword light.


The dark species was horrified and madly resisted.

But under the joint hands of Wang Teng’s deity and Thunder Clone, it was simply hard to resist.


Suddenly, its body became stiff, and a cold light penetrated from its heart.

Meteor cone!

“Why, how is it possible?” It had an incredible face, and slowly looked down at the hole in the heart, with a deep resentment in its eyes.


Wang Teng looked at the fallen figure of the blood clan in front of him and let out a long breath.

Three kills!

Finally, all the three-headed blood dark species guarding the space crack were killed.

Several attribute bubbles were scattered on the ground, and Wang Teng’s eyes flashed and he picked them up immediately.

【Wang Jing Spirit*105】

【Dark Force*230】

【Spirit Piercing*1】

【Wang Jing Spirit*80】

【Wang Jing Spirit*90】

【Space Rune Knowledge*50】

【Dark Force*320】

【Dark Force*260】

Wang Teng never expected that he would encounter three dark seeds with mental powers here.

So far, apart from Goring, he has never seen anyone possessing mental powers, which shows that spiritual teacher is rare.

But now one encounter is to meet three!

If placed in a face-to-face battle, he would certainly not be able to solve these three dark species so easily.

At this time, as the memories merged into Wang Teng’s mind, he couldn’t help being overjoyed!

Mental piercing!

This turned out to be an extremely rare method of mental attack, capable of attacking directly on the spiritual level.

You must know that no matter what kind of creature’s spirit is, it’s extremely fragile.

It can be seen the horror of this mental attack method.

There is also the knowledge of space runes. With the fusion of memory, Wang Teng immediately acquired a lot of ancient knowledge about space runes. These were originally learned in the life of the three-headed dark species, but now they are cheaper…

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