Chapter 507: The Heart of Heavy Rock!

Wang Teng looked at Xiao Ziye next to him and touched his chin with a thoughtful expression on his face.

The appearance of the lucky attribute gave him the illusion that he suddenly won the special prize when he bought the lottery ticket.

He pulled out the attribute panel, and saw a new column above it, just below the spirit and comprehension attributes.

[Lucky]: 10 (the upper limit for ordinary people is 10)

Wang Teng’s eyes lit up. The upper limit of luck for ordinary people is 10, and his lucky attribute is exactly 10, which means that he has reached the upper limit.

But he immediately recovered. This was obviously the result of adding the 1 point lucky attribute from Xiao Ziye, he should have been 9 points originally.

9 o’clock is actually very high!

It’s no wonder that his luck has always been good, and he thought that his handsome face was not so dark.

And now it’s 10 o’clock, luck is definitely better.


However, Xiao Ziye lost 1 attribute value, and I don’t know if it will affect her own lucky attribute.

He actually thought about this question.

The attributes of force, skills and skills are all learning growth attributes, which can be restored after being dropped, but attribute bubbles such as spirit and comprehension cannot grow on their own. If they are dropped, can they be restored?

Lucky attributes are obviously also within this category. Xiao Ziye drops the lucky attribute bubbles. Does it mean that her lucky attributes are permanently reduced?

This has yet to be verified!

Now that Xiao Ziye is by his side, Wang Teng has time and opportunity to observe and study.

Ahem, it’s a bit overwhelming to study something, he Wang Teng is not that kind of person after all.

He treats Zi Ye like a loving brother!

However, this setting is indeed a bit strange!

Wang Teng was puzzled, and then silently picked up the attribute bubbles dropped by the mixed-blood strong man.


Wang Teng was taken aback again.

In a short period of time, he picked up attribute bubbles twice, and he was stunned twice.

【Earth Force*50 (Black)】

【Heart of Heavy Rock*1】

The hybrid force that is unique to the hybrid species is second, mainly the latter [Heart of Heavy Rock]!

This is a good thing!

As the bubble of this attribute melted into his body, Wang Teng immediately felt his own change, and at the same time a trace of enlightenment was born in his heart.

The so-called “Heart of Heavy Rock” is an extremely rare special physique of the soil system.

People with this physique are very sensitive to the force of the earth element, and even possess the ability to manipulate the earth and rocks outside.

Picture after picture appeared in Wang Teng’s mind.

In that picture, there is a vast continent with very little vegetation and huge rocks everywhere.

The people there adapted to this environment and evolved their unique talents.

They are born strong and tall, and can even manipulate earth and rocks, condensed outside of their bodies, and transformed into rock giants, forming a very terrifying defense and possessing extremely powerful attack methods.

And the more condensed soil and rocks, the taller the rocky body becomes, and it is no longer a problem to reach tens of meters or hundreds of meters.

In those images, rock giants capable of supporting the sky appeared, possessing very powerful terrifying powers, moving mountains and reclaiming the sea, picking the stars and taking the moon…

After a long time, Wang Teng recovered, and there was still a shock in his heart.


He took a breath.

At this moment, Wang Teng only wanted to say two words… Niubi!

Real Nyima beef batch!

The ethnic group in those images is really an existence against the sky, but it’s a pity.

The final result can be imagined, their world was destroyed by the dark species, and then reduced to slaves.

Even the pure blood may not have been handed down, but now it is only a mixed blood mixed with the dark blood.

It’s really embarrassing.

Wang Teng looked at the brawny mixed race in front of him, and suddenly felt that this guy was actually quite sad.

He shook his head, no longer thinking about it.

Some things, he alone can’t change much.

But having said that, the talent of this mixed-race brawny should be okay, otherwise he won’t have the talent of [Heart of Heavy Rock]!

Wang Teng touched his chin, his eyes flickering.

The brawny mixed race was a little disturbed by the look in his eyes. The eyes of this pureblood were so permeating, as if he wanted to do strange things to his body.

I heard that some purebreds have some strange hobbies, could it be…

The face of the mixed-race strong man suddenly turned green!

Think about the unsightly picture, his sturdy body of two hundred and fifty jins can’t help but shake, shake again, shake again…

“Who, do you know that you have offended me, and the consequences are serious.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“Big, my lord, my name is Kunshan, how are you willing to let me go?” A drop of cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the brawny mixed race, he lowered his head and asked carefully.

Do you really want him to do that, is this pureblood willing to let him go?

“Well… I haven’t figured it out yet.” Wang Teng touched his chin, walked to the master of this strong mixed-race man named Kunshan, that is, the blood clan who was in a coma, and slapped him down. .

Wang Teng’s slap was so hard that it swelled its face.

“Huh?” The other party immediately woke up in pain, with a look of confusion. Seeing Wang Teng who was smiling in front of him, his eyes showed horror: “What are you going to do? Don’t come over!”

“That mixed race, I want it!” Wang Teng tilted his head to look at it, and said, “No problem, right?”

Kunshan’s face was gloomy when he heard the words.

Sure enough, this pureblood stared at his pure body.

“Take it! Take it! He is yours!” The blood race shouted without thinking about it.

“Hand over the key to the slave collar!” Wang Teng said.

The master of the blood family in Kunshan did not hesitate to hand over the key to Wang Teng.

It was a small rune key, nothing special, but Wang Teng, as a master of runes, naturally saw that it was not fake.

Wang Teng nodded with satisfaction: “Seeing you are so witty, I will let you go this time, and you are welcome to mess with me next time.”

The blood race was suffocated and itchy with hate, but did not dare to show the slightest.

Wang Teng ignored him, walked up to Zi Ye and asked, “Is anyone bullying you?”

Zi Ye nodded.

“Go, there must be a beginning and an end in doing things. Don’t take revenge overnight, otherwise you will not sleep well.” Wang Teng said.

Zi Ye’s eyes shone, and she nodded in all the way she thought.

She walked in front of the other mixed races. This time she didn’t move the knife, but everyone rewarded three small slaps.

Slap on the face!

Those mixed races didn’t dare to resist, and honestly beat this little girl.

Wang Teng was a little disappointed when he saw that there were no attribute bubbles.

However, these mixed races and Kunshan are obviously not the same race. The ‘Heavy Rock’ clan to which Kunshan belongs is characterized by tall and sturdy, with the muscles on the body like rocks, and they are all bald, very recognizable.

Wang Teng did not expect to pick up [Heart of Heavy Rock] from them again.

However, these mixed races are indeed a treasure. They belong to different races, and they may have some strange and rare attributes, which are worth smashing their wool.

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