Chapter 501 Destroy the history of the world!

When the mixed races were inquiring about the cracks in the space according to Wang Teng’s will, he himself was enjoying the heinously corrupt life of the blood viscount.

The blood female servants full of the castle, convex, curved, Yingying and Yanyan, excluding the identity of the dark species, at least they are very eye-catching.

At this time, Wang Teng was lying on the sofa. Two maids of the blood family beat his legs, the other two maids rubbed his arms, and one stood behind him, beating his back and rubbing his shoulders.

Anne, the housekeeper, stood beside her, pinching blood-red little fruits into Wang Teng’s mouth.

This kind of blood hoof fruit is a kind of spirit fruit very much loved by the blood clan. After Wang Teng tasted it, it tasted good.

Zi Ye was also sitting next to him at this time, picking the blood-hoof fruit and putting it in his mouth, eating happily, not interested in Wang Teng’s extravagant style.

Wang Teng flipped through a book and gradually understood the abyssal world.

These days, he did nothing but stayed in the castle waiting for the mixed race to bring the news he wanted.

“Unexpectedly, the world of this dark species is so vast, and there are even many incredible and powerful races, such as the blood race, the eight-armed demon race, the werewolf race, etc. are just a part of them. These races are extremely ancient, and they are even more unimaginable behind them. There is horror…” Wang Teng put down the leather ancient scroll in his hand, his eyes flickering, and he couldn’t help muttering to himself: “Is the so-called’devil god’ of the dark species?”

Then he sighed silently, this dark world is deeper than he imagined, and the human world is far behind it.

Those ancient races, as long as there is a terrifying existence that can descend across boundaries, there is probably only one way to destroy the human world.

This kind of worry is not impossible. In some ancient books, many histories of the destruction of other worlds are recorded, and the descriptions in them are similar to eulogizing.

A certain race destroyed a certain world, and so on, the Dark Seed seemed to regard it as a merit.

The so-called hybrid species are the descendants left by the remnants of the world and the dark species.

It is no wonder that mixed races have never received notarized treatment in the dark world. I am afraid that in the eyes of the dark races, the mixed races are simply slaves in their captivity.

When Wang Teng saw this, he couldn’t help taking a deep breath, his expression becoming very solemn.

Destroy the world!

What a…crazy!

The Dark Seed is regarded as a way to expand the territory of the dark world.


Wang Teng could only find this word to describe the actions of the dark species.

After a while, he sighed slightly. Although the news made him a little breathless, it was not without good news.

From the records of those ancient books, Wang Teng realized that the abyssal world was just the lower world of the entire dark world.

This is not the core of the dark world!

Wang Teng was shocked and surprised at this, but at the same time he was relieved.

This means that the powerful existence of the dark world may not be in this abyssal world, and if there is, it must be very few.

In this way, he is relatively safer.

At this time, a kinship maid walked in and said respectfully: “My lord, there is a mixed race outside the door, saying that she is here to look for you.”

“Oh?” Wang Teng’s thoughts returned from the depths of his mind. He raised his eyebrows and said, “Let him in.”


The blood female servant stepped back and soon walked in with the mixed-race old man before.

“You go down first.” Wang Teng waved his hand and sent away the maid, butler and others.

“My lord, don’t you need me to stay? In case this humble mixed-race is not good for you.” Annie glanced at the mixed-race old man and said contemptuously.

“Does my strength still need your protection?” Wang Teng said coldly: “Go on, don’t let me repeat it.”

“Yes!” A trace of panic flashed in Annie’s eyes, and she quickly stepped back.

When there were only three people left in the room, the mixed-race old man said, “Rodney has seen the Lord Viscount!”

“Your name is Rodney?” Wang Teng asked.

“Yes.” Rodney nodded, and said, “My lord, the news you want, the villain finally fulfilled his mission and inquired about it.”

“Let’s talk about it.” Wang Teng’s face suddenly became serious.

“The nearest space crack is in Black Rook City. It is said that there were signs of a buildup of troops there.” Rodney said.

Wang Teng touched his chin and asked, “How sure are you?”

“There is still a certainty of five or six points.” Rodney said seriously.

“It seems that I must take a trip to Black Raven City myself.” Wang Teng said thoughtfully.

Regardless of whether the news is true or false, he is going to take a trip there, otherwise he really doesn’t know when he will hope to return to the human world.

Wang Teng is a decisive person, and he made a decision right away: “I will leave tomorrow for the Black Raven City, and you will go with me.”

“As you wish!” Rodney was startled, and quickly bent over to salute.

Wang Teng took out a bottle of pill, threw it to Rodney, and said, “This is the antidote, enough for you to take it for a month.”

“Thank you, sir.” Rodney was overjoyed and quickly took the medicine.

These days, the poison pill was like a sharp sword hanging high above his head. Now that he got the medicine, although it was only a month’s amount, it at least temporarily alleviated the danger of the poison pill.

“Work well, both are mixed races, as long as you don’t turn back, I won’t let you die.” Wang Teng stood up, patted his shoulder, and said earnestly.

Rodney replied repeatedly.

“If it’s okay, you can leave first, and come back to Black Rook City tomorrow together.” Wang Teng waved his hand.

Rodney hesitated and stopped.

“Why, what else is there?” Wang Teng asked.

“My lord, our mixed race has formed a ‘Co-Aid Association’. Everyone wants to see you very much after hearing about your existence.” Rodney hesitated and said.

“See me?” Wang Teng said suspiciously: “Are you not afraid that I will take you down and threaten with this?”

“My lord, you don’t know our situation, our situation is actually not much better than this.” Rodney smiled bitterly.

Wang Teng showed a look of interest, thought for a while, and said, “Well, I will accompany you on a trip tonight.”

“Thank you, sir.” Rodney said with a slightly happy expression.

After Rodney left, Wang Teng thoughtfully, rushing to Ziye and said: “At night, we will go see your compatriots together.”

Zi Ye nodded ignorantly.

The night falls, and the blood moon hangs high.

Rodney arrived as scheduled and respectfully accompanied Wang Teng.

Wang Teng turned into a mixed-race, flying into the air with Xiao Ziye, turning around and said, “Lead the way!”

Rodney saw him walking away from the sky, a flash of shock in his eyes could not help, and he hurriedly walked ahead and galloped towards some place in Greystone Town.

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