Chapter 481

In the sky, a torrent of weapons burning with flames circulated slowly around Xingfeng City, leaving this entire area under its cover.

All the dark species that broke into it were ruthlessly killed, and fell towards the ground.

The morale of the human warriors was greatly boosted, and they launched a fierce attack on them while the Dark Seed was still stunned.

Although Kong Li, Yu Wenxuan and others are young, they are all veterans of the Hundred Wars.

Although they were shocked by the strength that Wang Teng showed, they quickly recovered, as if to prove that they were not much worse than Wang Teng, their offensive suddenly became crazy.

The darkness around everyone suddenly looked dumbfounded.


Are these humans playing hormones?

One by one suddenly became so fierce!

Stupid humans, do you think they are counseled?

They can’t afford the same human beings above, but it doesn’t mean that they are afraid of other humans.

In an instant, the Dark Seed broke out fierce resistance.




The two sides are fighting again!

The weapons collided and the force roared. In this war, some dark species were killed, and some human warriors fell.

The blood stained the ground!

The sky was dark, and five huge spatial vortices slowly rotated, like the end of the world.

Wang Teng looked at all this with a heavy expression.

“Hahaha, die with me!”

At this moment, a heroic laugh resounded.

Wang Teng immediately followed the voice and saw that a human warrior was severely injured by the eight-armed demon general, his chest was torn apart, his arm was broken, and his body was bleeding.

Wang Tenggang wanted to command a flood of weapons to support, but it was too late.

“My fellow robes, I’m going one step ahead, take care!”


As soon as the voice fell, a huge roar spread throughout the battlefield.

He… blew himself up!

Wang Teng’s pupils shrank, and his heart was shaken.

That is a warrior-level warrior! ! !

“General Ho!”

Wang Yang and the others were about to split their canthus eyes, their eyes were blood red, and they roared loudly.

That was a warlord-level powerhouse on the Xingwu Continent, and the first human warrior-level warrior to fall in this war.

Because the human side had insight into the plan of the Dark Seed, they seized the opportunity to lay down two large formations, and Shengsheng Town killed several warlord-level Dark Seeds.

At the same time, Wang Teng was also risking a life of nine deaths, and tried all his best to kill a warlord-level Dark Seed.

It should have been an excellent situation, but because of the appearance of the Black Nightmare Demon Lord, the battle situation has been reversed, so that among the human warriors, there is finally a warlord-level fall.

We must know that any warlord-level powerhouse is a precious wealth of mankind, and they are strategic-level existences.

Under special circumstances, every commander-level powerhouse is worth an army!

But now, a human warlord has fallen!

I don’t know how much time and resources it takes to train a general-level powerhouse, and every one who falls is a huge loss.

Humans cannot afford such a loss!

At this moment, at the center of the explosion, a slightly embarrassed figure rushed out of it, and it was the first eight-armed magic general to bear the brunt.

“Crazy!” It looked ugly and said angrily.

The explosion just broke two of its remaining five arms, and now only three are left. It is bloodied and extremely terrifying.

The cold light in Wang Teng’s eyes flickered, and it was this eight-armed magic general. It was it in Yangcheng last time, and now it is it again.

A lot of human powerhouses died in his hands!

If it wasn’t for this time he was going to sit in the rune formation, he really wanted to try if he could fight it.

Wang Teng discovered that although his dark force had not completed the warlord-level transformation, it seemed that some changes he did not understand had taken place, making him possess the warlord-level combat power.

Coupled with the full burst of mental power, you can’t stand up to the general level if you don’t believe it!

Just thinking about it, the voice of the Dark Nightmare Lord came from the sky:

“Zulz, go and kill that human kid, and I’ll take credit for you when I go back!”

The eight-armed demon’s expression stiffened.

If it is normal, it must have gone, but now it is seriously injured. This situation still requires him to go straight ahead, which is very dangerous!

What’s more, this kid is no longer what it used to be. When he was in Yangcheng, he wanted to kill Wang Teng, but it was easy, cough…Of course, with the help of the power of the rune formation, another calculation.

It still hasn’t forgotten the scene of ecstasy and dying being abused by Wang Teng’s control of the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon Formation, that is really an unbearable memory.

But now even the warlord-level powerhouse of the werewolf clan, Xile, is suspected to have died in his hands, and judging from the mental power methods he just demonstrated, it is not easy to deal with.

All these reasons made him a little bit embarrassed…

Seeing that the Dark Nightmare was stunned in place, his face suddenly turned black. The dignified warlord-level powerhouse was so scared by the human kid that he didn’t dare to step forward?

What a shame!

It coldly shouted: “Zulz, don’t forget your last defeat. If you don’t perform well this time, you will know the consequences.”

The eight-armed demon’s face changed, and the balance in his heart finally fell to one side.

If the Dark Nightmare Lord does not speak, it can still find other opponents and continue hunting.

After all, this time it killed a celebrity warlord-level powerhouse, and it was considered a meritorious service, and no one could say anything when it came back.

But when the Dark Nightmare Lord speaks, the nature is different. If he doesn’t take action, it is timid, and this will become a stain on it.

These thoughts flashed in the Eight-armed Demon General’s mind, he couldn’t help sighing, and then looked at Wang Teng with a cold look.

Wang Teng also heard the words of the Black Nightmare Demon Lord, turned his head, his eyes were meeting with the Eight-armed Demon General.

In an instant, the atmosphere seemed to freeze!

What do you want?

It seems that before the big formation is completely opened, he still has to play with the Eight-armed Demon General.

Wang Teng glanced at it for a while, and the progress was just halfway through. Because it was an upgraded version, there must be some changes in it, otherwise it would have been done long ago.

But after all, he couldn’t get too far away from the thirteenth lightning pillar, otherwise he would not have time to return to his position when the big formation opened.

Then let the Eight-Armed Demons come over on their own initiative…

A trace of abuse appeared at the corner of Wang Teng’s mouth, and he lifted the magic weapon Moque in his hand and raised it at the eight-armed magic general.

“Death!” Sure enough, the Eight-armed Demon General was furious, staring at Wang Teng with murderous eyes, suddenly took out a bottle of black pills, and poured it into his mouth without money.


In the next moment, the dark force on its body completely erupted, and wisps of black smoke emerged from its body, causing its muscles to squirm, and the wound was forcibly healed quickly, and no blood flowed out.

At the same time, its aura suddenly skyrocketed, and its entire body seemed to have doubled, becoming extremely tall and burly, extremely oppressive.

“Oh roar, are you going to work hard!” Wang Teng raised his eyebrows, his tone was a little frivolous, but his eyes became serious.


The Eight-armed Demon General did not talk nonsense, stepped on the void under his feet, causing the air to explode, and then turned into a black light and shadow directed towards Wang Teng.

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