Chapter 473


The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

Wang Teng stared blankly at the ‘Black Night Demon Lord’ who was hit by a punch in front of him and turned into a group of dark forces, with a sense of absurd unreality in his heart.

Really hit!

Although he could see that the’Black Nightmare Demon Lord’ is already a powerful player in the outside world, he is a warrior-level at any rate, and he was so ferocious before. He beat the Ironclad Scorpion so hard that he could not fight back. How could it become brittle in his hands? Skin off? ?

Wang Teng looked at his fist, then squeezed it, always feeling something abnormal.

On the other side, the Iron Armored Flame Scorpion looked at Wang Teng who suddenly appeared, his eyes full of horror!

This human being is such a terrible Yazi!

That devil was so cruel, she was hit by a blow!

The level of violence is simply exploding.

Knowing that it almost fell on the hands of that female devil, compared to this, isn’t it the only way to be abused in front of this human?

Can’t afford to provoke!

Fortunately, this human being shouldn’t be a bad person, and the just and awe-inspiring appearance was deeply imprinted in its mind.

This human resolutely took action when it was in desperation, killed the demon head, and pulled it up from the abyss of despair.

So there is no doubt that this human being must be a good person!

Well, yes, it must be so!

Ironclad Flame Scorpion looked at Wang Teng’s young face, which seemed to be enveloped in a layer of sacred brilliance, and felt that he was a good person no matter what.

Despite this, the young man in front of him is a strong man with war-level combat power and must be given a certain amount of respect. So he considered the wording and tried to make himself look respectful to him, and said: “Young Human powerhouse…”

“Wait a minute!” Wang Teng suddenly stretched out a hand and interrupted the words of the Ironclad Flame Scorpion.

“…” The feelings that had just been brewed by the Ironclad Flame Scorpion suddenly had nowhere to rest, and the words that were ready to speak for a long time got stuck in his throat.

Wang Teng ignored the Iron Armor Flame Scorpion, his eyes were fixed on the place where the Black Nightmare Demon clone disappeared.

There, several lacquer black bubbles with deep color properties floated quietly.

He couldn’t help but swallowed, wondering what kind of attribute bubbles this female Dark Seed would leave him?

At this time, Wang Teng had already seen that the’Black Nightmare Lord’ was not the main body, but a special existence condensed by the original force.

But even so, it is also the Black Nightmare Demon waiting for the strongest… let’s call it a clone for the time being.

As long as it is related to that Dark Nightmare Lord, this attribute bubble is worth looking forward to.

There was not much time, Wang Teng didn’t hesitate anymore and picked up a few attribute bubbles straight away.

[Spirit of Spirit*350]

【Dark Force*880】

【Dark Clone*1】

There are only three attribute bubbles, but the number of attribute points is extremely impressive, and even this spiritual realm spirit attribute is 130 points higher than the werewolf warlord.

The three attribute bubbles were all integrated into Wang Teng’s body. When the last bubble was completely digested, a hint of surprise suddenly appeared on Wang Teng’s face.

Diablo clone tactics! ! !

This is an extremely rare and special dark technique, it can use spirit and force as the cornerstone to condense a clone with some of its own strength.

At this time, Wang Teng finally understood why the female Dark Seed just now was exactly the same as the Black Nightmare Demon Lord, but the strength was so much worse.

As he had guessed, it was really just a clone!


Wang Teng was a little grateful. If the real Dark Nightmare Lord was present, how could he possibly survive.

That female dark seed is too powerful!

Suddenly, Wang Teng’s face became stiff. When he exploded the clone of Black Nightmare, it seemed to remember him? ?


Worried by such a strong man, Wang Teng didn’t know whether to be proud or to cry!

But think about the [Dark clone tactic], it can be regarded as a kind of comfort.

This [Dark Clone Secret Art], after all, came from the Dark Nightmare Lord, and it was naturally extraordinary.

In fact, the [Dark Clone Secret Art] is the unique sky-level secret of the Dark Nightmare Lord. It is extremely rare and precious, and other dark species, even at the general level, are impossible to learn.

But now, Wang Teng had obtained this secret technique of the heavenly level.

Surprise joy!

Wang Teng was too late to be happy. In his mind, a human-shaped light and shadow emerged, and the human body had the operation method of spiritual power and original power.

As the spiritual force and the original force separated from the body, after a series of indescribable magical changes, gradually beside him, another identical light and shadow condensed.

The whole process seems simple, but in fact it is very difficult. People without talents spend a lot of time in vain.

[Dark clone tactic] Not only requires the person who displays it to be extremely precise in the control of the force, but also has very strict requirements for the spiritual power.

The spiritual power level is not up to the standard, even if he obtains this technique, he is sighing and sighing, but he can only get back empty-handed when he comes to Baoshan.

But Wang Teng had no such worries. Spiritual power was his strength, and Wang Jing’s spirit was not something ordinary people could achieve.

To be unceremonious, I am afraid that the spiritual power of the Black Nightmare Lord may not be able to exceed him.

In addition, Wang Teng’s savvy and dark force talents are both extremely high, so it is natural to control the force.

All the conditions have been met, this [Dark Clone Secret Art] is no difficulty for him.

Wang Tengyue was eager to try, the role of the clone was too much, he couldn’t wait to test it.

But he also knows that now is not the time.

The armored flame scorpion didn’t say a word from the side, just observing Wang Teng secretly, seeing him crying without tears for a while, and then showing a silly expression again, inexplicably wondering if this human being is a bit neurotic.

It couldn’t help but took a few steps!

At this moment, Wang Teng just turned his head and looked at it. Seeing this scene, his head was suddenly covered with black lines.


Gangster, are you serious about being so afraid of me?

Wang Teng looked at the sky speechlessly, but the next moment he seemed to think of something, he smiled and said: “What did you want to say just now, can we continue now?”

Ironclad Fire Scorpion felt that his expression was weird, but it didn’t think much about it, and said, “Thank you very much for your shot. If possible, please let me do my landlord’s friendship. Although my place is simple, there are many spiritual fruits. The elixir must be very useful to your human warriors.”

Wang Teng’s eyes lit up. It seemed that this Lord-level star beast had a lot of good things. Before he even asked about it, the Iron Armored Flame Scorpion took the initiative to mention it.

Get on the road!

“Ahem!” Wang Teng gave a dry cough and said, “Don’t get me wrong. I’m not the kind of person who repays gratitude. Oh, yes, I heard that you have a blue flame, which is very magical. I don’t know if I am honored. Take a look?”

Ironclad Scorpion: “…”

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