Chapter 468

The armored flame scorpion is the overlord existence of this Fangshan Forest. This area is respected by it, and all star beasts do not bow their heads.

Therefore, it was naturally extremely annoyed by the sudden intrusion of the werewolf warlord.

At the beginning, he didn’t do anything, just because he was afraid of the opponent’s strength.

But the werewolf warlord didn’t mean to retreat at all, and the Iron Armored Fire Scorpion naturally launched an attack without fear of the opponent.


Xile greeted the fierce Ironclad Scorpion with a roar and brazenly greeted him.

It lifted its sharp claws and directly touched the pair of giant scorpions of the Ironclad Scorpion.

The two made a sound like a collision of gold and iron!

In front of the giant armored tank-like body of the armored fire scorpion, Siller’s figure looked a little small, but it blocked the powerful bombardment of the armored fire scorpion.

As a lord-level star beast, the iron armored flame scorpion has the same wisdom as a human being. After feeling the power of this invader, he immediately became cautious.

Xiller’s figure flickered, passing between the two giant scorpions of the Ironclad Scorpion. While leaping high, his two sharp claws swung their black claw blades towards the eyes of the Ironclad Scorpion.

The iron armored flame scorpion moved its two front legs, and its huge body suddenly retreated back with great agility.

The black claw blade fell on the empty space.

Siller was about to pursue it when suddenly a bad wind fell from above its head.

I saw that the body of the Ironclad Scorpion was bent into a half moon shape, and the undercut sting of the tail that was burning with cyan flames stabbed Xile fiercely.

Siller’s complexion changed, and when he saw the poisonous thorn with the cyan flame, he was extremely jealous.

Wang Teng hid in the dark and used his ‘Wind Hide’ skills to the maximum.

Even in order to avoid the perception of the Ironclad Flame Scorpion, he also specially spent a lot of blank attributes to improve the “wind hiding” to completion.

[Wind hiding]: 50005000 (Consummation)

A full 6550 points of blank attribute was used to improve Feng Ni’s arrogance to completion. If it hadn’t been for killing a large number of powerful star beasts recently, his blank attribute reserve might not be enough.

He couldn’t help looking at the attribute panel, with a wry smile on his face.

[Blank attribute]: 3200

There are only 3,200 points left in the blank attributes. It hurts to think about it. It is not easy to accumulate some blank attributes!

But then again, it seems that killing those powerful star beasts is borrowed from others.

In other words, these blank attributes are all for nothing!

Keke, this is not the point, the point is that his flesh hurts!

Of course, the benefits of Wind Concealment Skills after reaching Consummation are also revealed. At this moment, his whole person seems to have turned into a breeze, completely immersed in the air.

In addition, he also imposed concealed runes on his body, so that even the commander-level powerhouse would be difficult to find.

Otherwise, the Iron Armored Fire Scorpion would not trouble the werewolf warlord, but would come to him.

He raised his gaze and looked at the sky. As a lord-level existence, the Ironclad Scorpion naturally travels from the sky. Its battle with the werewolf warlords in mid-air is extremely astonishing, smashing countless trees and boulders below, and there is a lot of surrounding areas. Messy.

Wang Teng was secretly speechless, it was worthy of being a battle between the generals, and it was terrifying!

Because the Ironclad Fire Scorpion left its nest, Xiao Bai began to move around again, and it wanted to move its mouth to the cyan flame.

“do not go!”

Wang Teng reluctantly, solemnly ordered.

Now is not the time to steal, who knows if the Ironclad Scorpion has any other means of perception?

In case they steal the cyan flame and be detected, then his plan will not only fail completely, but will also be attacked frantically by the Iron Armored Fire Scorpion.

Originally the werewolf warlord was enough for him to eat a pot, if he added this iron armored fire scorpion, would he still live?

It was the first time that Xiaobai was reprimanded so severely by Wang Teng, because he dared not make a sound because of the special circumstances, and could only send him a feeling of aggrieved feelings.

“Don’t worry, when they both lose and lose, I will find another chance to kill them, and then you can swallow the blue flame with peace of mind.” Wang Teng calmed Xiao Bai down like a child.

The improvement of Xiao Bai’s strength is also a great help to him, and the cyan flame is obviously of great benefit to Xiao Bai, if there is a chance, he of course will not let it go.

At the other end, the clone of the Black Nightmare Demon slowly emerged, looking at the battle below, and shook his head: “This idiot!”

“Forget it, anyway, the deity just let me come and watch a good show, but didn’t let me act.”

Obviously, the clone of the Black Nightmare Demon perfectly inherited the lazy and indifferent character of his own deity, and he could not do anything if he didn’t do anything. Even the life and death of the dark species of the same race was extremely indifferent.

The battle between the Ironclad Scorpion and the werewolf warlords is very fierce, Wang Teng watching is full of enthusiasm, and wants to stand up and shout for cheer.

Unfortunately it is not the time.

He stared at both sides of you and me, waiting for the opportunity to shoot.

At this moment, the Ironclad Scorpion and the werewolf warlords were both injured.

There were many cracks in the iron shell of the Ironclad Fire Scorpion. One leg had been broken and twisted irregularly, which greatly damaged its combat power.

Siller was not much better. The hair on its body had been bald after the ravages of the rune array. Now, under the flame attack of the armored flame scorpion, there are many scorched black marks on its body, and this is just The appearance of the injury, its internal organs were shaken, and the fire poison penetrated into the body, making it uncomfortable at all.

By this time, Wang Teng’s plan was half successful.

In fact, this plan is very rough, but it is based on the pride of the warlord-level existence, and the nature between the dark species and the star beasts. The dark species are fierce and cruel. Even if the star beasts are not low in wisdom, there is still a certain wildness. When the two meet, and Wang Teng is on the sidelines, it’s not surprising.

Suddenly, Wang Teng’s eyes narrowed.

In midair, the Iron Armored Fire Scorpion roared, and the entire tail burst out with raging flames, as if a long flame whip swept toward the dark species of the werewolf race.

Xiller’s complexion changed drastically, and he didn’t expect the Ironclad Scorpion to have such a trick.

It felt a terrifying high temperature on the flame tail whip, and if it were swept, even it would be seriously injured.

And the stinger on the tail made it very jealous, that was the real deadly threat.

Even its dark force cannot withstand the flame poison of this lord-level star beast!

But the Iron Armored Flame Scorpion had been brewing for a long time, and when it was launched unexpectedly, how could it be possible for Xiller to avoid it.

Siller also realized this, and a very crazy look appeared in his eyes, suddenly opened his mouth, and a black force light ball quickly condensed.


Before the flame tail whip came, the black force light ball was completely condensed, and Siller tilted his head back, roared, and squirted it violently.

The black force photosphere turned into an afterimage and hit the ironclad scorpion’s tail.


The violent explosion sounded!

The black force light ball was very powerful, and instantly burst open on the iron armored fire scorpion’s tail, causing it to make a terrifying roar of pain.

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