Chapter 466 You don’t want to change the host? ? ?

[Earth System Force]: 2807000 (8 stars)

Feeling a breakthrough in his realm, Wang Teng immediately called out the attribute panel.

Unexpectedly, among the various attributes, the original force of the earth element was the first to break through to the 8-star warrior level!

You must know that his original fire force was the original force attribute that was far ahead.

At this time, he glanced over, and found that the Fire Force was actually very close to the 8th-Star War Soldier level…

[Fire Force]: 49995000 (7 stars)

It’s really close, just 1 point!

Wang Teng’s face was a bit dark, and he felt the malice from the system in an instant.

If he hadn’t opened the attribute panel at this moment, he would not have discovered that the Fire Force was so close to the 8-star warrior level!

If he knew it, he would hunt down one or two fire star beasts, even if it was only 1 star warrior level, it would be enough for him to improve his realm.

He looked at the other elements of the Force Attributes. Except for the relatively rare Force Attributes of the four elements of Wind, Thunder and Ice Poison, the other elements of the Force Attributes were also greatly improved, and he was only close to breaking through to the 8-star warrior level. , And the difference of the original force attribute will not exceed one hundred points.

Wang Teng felt that this was malicious from the system boss!


Among all the force attributes, the one that surprised Wang Teng the most was… the dark force attributes!

I don’t know when, his dark force attribute has been quietly upgraded to 9-star warrior level! ! !

And it’s not far from the general class…

[Dark Force]: 85609000 (9 stars)

Wang Teng’s expression was a little ugly, he didn’t even feel the breakthrough of this dark force attribute.

Although the increase is huge, it is not unreasonable. After all, the number of dark seeds on the battlefield is the most, and the original power attributes of the dark seeds are naturally the most dropped.

But this time it was too weird. The Dark Force broke through from the 7-star warrior level to the 9-star warrior level, spanning two full realms, and he didn’t even notice it!

How could this be?

He couldn’t find the reason for a while, and he felt that something was beyond his control.

This feeling is very bad!

Generally speaking, every time the realm rises, the force rises from within the pronucleus, and passes through the human spine into the next pronucleus. This change is so dynamic that he can’t be aware of it.

Wang Teng sank into his body, sensing the 9 pronuclei that had been lit in his body.

Soon he discovered the problem. His dark force was not stored in the pronucleus, but had been integrated into his pronuclear body without knowing it, making the surface of his 9 pronuclei appear densely black. Lines!

If the pronucleus is taken out of his body, others might think he is a dark species!

This pronucleus looks extremely contaminated.

The corners of Wang Teng’s mouth twitched. Although he didn’t feel the slightest sign of transforming into the Dark Seed, this feeling of being out of control was not good at all.

System boss, is it foolproof? ?

You don’t want to see me, and I want to change my host? ? ?

System boss, you have changed! !

Wang Teng shouted in his heart, but it is a pity that the system boss, as always, Gao Lengfan, has never spoken of him.

“Got you!”

Suddenly a sneer came, and at this moment the werewolf warlord-level existence culled.


It waved its sharp claws, and all the trees in Wang Teng’s hiding place were cut and opened by two black claw blades, and then the claw blades continued to rush towards Wang Teng.

The pupils in Wang Teng’s eyes shrank, and he secretly said to himself that it must be the sudden fluctuation of the force that attracted the attention of the werewolf war commander just when he broke through.

He didn’t even think about it, but directly used his spatial talent.

There was a slight fluctuation in the space behind him, and at the same time the claw blade struck him, the sharp wind made a few small scars on his face, and blood flowed out.

Wang Teng fixed his eyes on the black claw blade, kicked his feet, and suddenly fell backward.


At the next moment, the black claw blade cut the afterimage left by Wang Teng straight away.

On the other side, Wang Teng’s body appeared, a cold sweat appeared on his forehead, and then he fled away without looking back.

“That’s… the power of space!” Siller’s face was gloomy, with an incredible expression in his eyes.

Because of the extreme distance, this time he felt the source of that secret power, which was indeed the power of space.

This human kid has mastered the power of space! !

But he was only 7-star warrior level, even if he had just broken through to the 8-star warrior level, he was still far away from the warlord level, and even the warrior-level powerhouse would rarely be able to master the power of space.

Only those pinnacle warlord-level existences can touch the threshold of the power of space. As for the human kid like this, it is simply impossible.

Xiller’s eyes flashed, he gave a cold snort, and stepped forward, turning into a shadow to chase Wang Teng.

No matter what, as long as you catch it, all the answers will be revealed.

It doesn’t believe that this human kid can use the power of space without restriction, and when he reaches the limit, it will fall into its hands.

Wang Teng felt the werewolf warlord getting closer and closer behind him, and his heart was awe-inspiring. Because of the mistake just now, the distance between the two sides had been shortened too much, and his advantage no longer existed.

It can’t go on like this, or it will be overtaken sooner or later.

He gritted his teeth and quickly made up his mind. With his current strength, if he worked hard, it might not be possible to kill him by one or two points.

He must do this even if there are only one or two points, otherwise there will be a dead end.

At this time, half of his vision was on himself, and the other half was converted to Xiao Bai in the sky.

Few people knew about Xiao Bai’s existence, and in the mountains and jungles, it was a great help for Wang Teng.

He was able to accurately find the location of each powerful star beast before by sharing his vision with Xiaobai.

And now he is going to make a big one!

Not long after Xiaobai had absorbed the 4-star fire system core last time, Wang Teng had eaten another 5-star star core together.

And Xiaobai’s own talent is excellent, coupled with desperate fighting, and Wang Teng’s help, it successfully broke through to 5 stars.

Although the level does not seem to be high or low, but thinking about how long it has been with Wang Teng, it has reached such a point, and the speed is already very fast.

As its strength increased, the distance between it and Wang Teng increased several times.

At this time, Wang Teng used the power of the contract to make it fly towards the depths of the mountains, looking for something in the mountains.

It didn’t take long before he finally saw an extremely dazzling group of Fire Elemental Force light through Xiao Bai’s vision.

You are the one!

Wang Teng looked happy and suddenly turned around and rushed towards the jungle on the left.

The werewolf warlord behind him was taken aback and frowned. It was not stupid. Naturally, it was obvious that the human kid seemed to be very familiar with this jungle, and he could always find the location of the star beasts every time. Then it caused great trouble.

What does the human kid want to do this time?

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