Chapter 458 Big Brother Wrong Me! ! !

The dark complexion, who had escaped by chance, was shocked and withdrew and retreated. The moment just now was too weird. Before I can figure it out, it’s better to stay away.

The human warrior who was fighting with them before was taken aback for a moment, and a very annoying look appeared on his face.

Why don’t you hurry up!

A little bit faster, you can hack to death the dark seed in front of you.

It’s a pity to miss that moment of dullness.

Looking at other people, they took advantage of this opportunity to kill the Dark Seed. Every Dark Seed is a piece of military merit. They feel that they have lost hundreds of millions.

But at this moment, the Dark Seed that was exploding suddenly ‘downed’ again! ! !


Many human warriors directly exploded with excitement. This time they didn’t hesitate. Almost when the word’fog grass’ blurted out, they had already caught up with the Dark Seed in front of each other and swung their swords.

“I chop!”


The knife fell, the darkness was dead!

It’s that simple, so simple that even these experienced human warriors feel a little incredible.

Is this done?

They froze for a moment, and they didn’t know what expression to show on their faces.

Above the sky, Wang Teng could not help showing a wicked smile on his face when he saw this scene, let them wonder in their hearts.

He started to enjoy this feeling a bit, as if he was in control of the entire battlefield!

My heart is about to move!

Then he turned and left, rushing to the next area.

There are many dark species waiting for his luck.

After a while, the Dark Seed in another area appeared in the same situation, stopped inexplicably, and then was hacked on the spot, very miserable.

After that, Wang Teng repeatedly shot, and every time he reached an area, the dark species in that area had a large area of ​​death, which was extremely spiritual.

And because of the excessive consumption of mental power, his complexion was a bit pale, but he picked up a lot of attribute bubbles, among which the spiritual attribute made his spiritual power supplemented and gradually recovered.

At this time, the human side was caught in a puzzling victory.

Although the human warriors didn’t know what was going on, they noticed one thing in common.

The area where the Dark Seed crashed every time happened to be around Wang Teng.

And every time he transfers, this situation will also transfer.

As long as you are not a fool, you can see that this matter is definitely related to him!

Wang Teng didn’t intend to hide it from everyone.

There is no way to hide this from discerning people.

Now that he used his mental power, he never thought that he could continue to hide.

Besides, being able to save so many people and give the darkness a brutal blow, even if it is exposed, it is not a big deal.

What’s more, not everyone can tell that he possesses mental power in his body, which is an extremely rare innate ability, and not many people know it.

With Wang Teng’s assistance, everyone in the Black Sparrow Legion also experienced an easy slaughter. At this time, Niu Li and others looked at each other, and then looked at Wang Teng in the sky.

“What the hell did this guy do to turn the Dark Seed into autism?” Kong Li couldn’t help asking.

“Who knows, he is always unexpected.” Niu Li shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Yu Wenxuan’s complexion always felt very heartbroken.

When Wang Teng enlisted in the army, he had always been worried about it, and wanted to find another opportunity to compete with Wang Teng.

But Wang Teng didn’t give him this opportunity, every time he crushed him in a different way.

Take the current ‘downtime’ incident as an example, he definitely couldn’t do it anyway.

But Wang Teng did so, and helped everyone kill a large number of Dark Seeds.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. The better Wang Teng is, the more depressed he is.

On the other side, Xie Xueyan and Feng Shan also noticed the situation here, and they all showed confusion and looked at Wang Teng incredibly.

It’s unscientific to think about how one person affects the battle in an area!

They were shocked, but in any case, they couldn’t understand how Wang Teng did this.

The human warriors can perceive that Wang Teng did it, so the Dark Species will naturally not find Wang Teng as the culprit.

There are higher dark species of wisdom, whether it is the blood race, the troll race, or the goat head demons… all of them don’t care about the problem of arrogant face. After seeing Wang Teng, they don’t even want to immediately rush up. Throwing away in the opposite direction from him.

This human being is more like a devil than they are!

Wherever you go, you will die in darkness.

Who can stand this wow!

However, Wang Teng’s mental power was faster than them, and before they could run far, they caught their feet.

The mental power shrank inward, and their two feet were joined together, and their bodies fell forward because of inertia…

Froze and fell flat!

Well, very cute!

Especially the dark species of the troll race, all of them have big arms and round waists, and they are tall and big.

The surrounding human warriors looked weird, but they did not hesitate to seize the opportunity, and quickly rushed to the back of the Dark Seed, and the sharp blade in their hands pierced into the back of their heads.

White, red, and green sprayed all over the ground!


“Run, that’s a devil!”

The dark species farther away screamed, and before Wang Teng approached, they scattered and fled.

Some powerful dark species yelled at Wang Teng one after another:

“Stop him!”

“Kill that human!”

“Who dares to escape and kill without mercy!!!”

The dark species have distinct levels, the commands of the strong, and the low-level dark species dare not ignore them, but Wang Teng’s terrifyingness makes them jealous, and they immediately fall into hesitation.

The 9-star and 8-star warrior-level dark-species powerhouses were restrained by the human powerhouses, unable to free themselves, so they could only speak again:

“He is pale, he must have used the secret method to consume too much, now is the end of the force, it is a good time to kill him!”

“Kill that human being, get to three levels in a row, and reward the source of darkness!”

Wang Teng raised his eyebrows, and he secretly said that this dark kind of imperial means with a big stick and a radish was also very slippery.

He originally wanted to replenish his mental strength, but now he suddenly felt that he could take it off.

Hearing this, many dark species looked at Wang Teng one after another. When they saw that his face was indeed extremely pale and his body was hollowed out, they suddenly moved.

Coupled with the promotion of the position and the stimulation of the source of darkness, a warrior finally rushed towards Wang Teng.

The complexion of Kong Li and the others changed drastically. Wang Teng’s current appearance was extremely damaged. Wherever he could stop the attack of the Dark Seed, they immediately rushed to Wang Teng’s side, trying to help him resist the attack of the Dark Seed.

At the same time, other human warriors are also furious.

Wang Teng helped the human side kill so many Dark Seeds and made such a great contribution. If they let such a human hero be killed by the Dark Seed, wouldn’t they be sorry for him?

They will never tolerate this happening.

So many human warriors rushed toward here aggressively.

There were not a few dark species that came to kill Wang Teng, but most of them were overtaken by Kong Li and other human warriors. They were blasted into scum with a fierce attack!

However, there were still two dark species that were coming towards Wang Teng. They were not far away, and they were so fast that they rushed out of the containment of Kong Li and the others.

It was a dark species of two sheep-headed demons, with wings shaking behind them, and the speed was astonishing.

They were holding a huge sickle-like weapon in their hands, and they brought up the dark force during their swings. The figure was still far away, and the terrifying blade strike had reached Wang Teng’s head.

Kong Li and the others looked ugly, and they wanted to grab these two dark species and smash them into pieces.

But at this moment, Wang Teng suddenly raised his head and blasted out with a fist. The horror fist erupted, and the two dark blade blows suddenly collapsed.


The dark complexions of the two sheep-headed demons were shocked, and they stopped their wings abruptly and stopped in mid-air.

Damn it!

God is the end of the strong crossbow!

Punch them to blast their attacks. You told us that this is the end of the crossbow. Are you kidding us?

Wang Teng’s gaze fell on the two dark species, 6-star warrior level!

Very good, bold!

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he hooked his fingers at the two dark species.

Come on, go on!

The two sheep-headed demon dark species seemed to see the devil’s smile, their hair was numb, and their hair felt terrified.

The next second…turn your head, turn around, run wildly!

Several actions were completed in one go.


The corner of Wang Teng’s mouth twitched, and he appeared behind the two dark species, a brick appeared in his hand, and he hit twice in a row.

Bang! Bang!

The bricks slammed on the heads of the two Goathead Dark Seeds.

The two dark species suddenly felt a huge force coming from the top of their heads, painful, and their bodies fell to the ground involuntarily.


They were smashed into the ground, and there was only one thought in their minds before their consciousness fell into darkness.

The boss mistaken me! ! !

With deep resentment, the two goatheads dark species returned to the embrace of darkness.

Wang Teng looked at the ground and saw two dark seeds smashed into the ground with his entire body, only his head was still exposed.

The head is covered with sparse hair, like two devil plants growing from the ground!

Only then did everyone react, looking twitchingly at the dark seed that had been smashed into the ground, and then at Wang Teng’s pale face.

Who is the one being bullied? ?

Kong Li and the others looked at his face suspiciously. Is this guy really the last one? Isn’t it a lie?

“Cough!” At this time, Wang Teng coughed, his face becoming paler, as if the blow had exhausted his last strength, and he was very weak now.

Dark species: “…”

Kong Li and others: “…”

“Go, he must be the end of the crossbow this time, kill him soon!” The dark-species powerhouse fighting in the sky urged again.

The dark eyes below flickered, and instead of moving forward this time, they retreated all the way back.

“…” The dark kind of powerhouse.

Subordinates are eccentric, it’s not easy to bring them!

Wang Teng sighed when he saw this scene. It seemed that these stupid dark species were not so stupid, so his face returned to ruddy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“…” The muscles on the face of the strong dark species twitched, so it’s not that his subordinates are too stupid, but that he is too naive, are they? ?

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