Chapter 444

Forging the lightning pole is the first step in arranging the Array of Ten Thousand Thunders, and it is also an extremely important step.

When forging the lightning pole, not only a forge, but also a rune master is required to be present. When the lightning pole is about to be formed, the rune is inscribed.

That’s why Master Goering and others came to the underground forging room.

Wang Teng followed a group of rune masters out of the elevator, and walked forward amidst the heat waves and various loud noises.

However, other young rune masters did not follow. Wang Teng was allowed to follow and observe because he was the proponent of the “Thunder and Fire Double Array” method and his rune attainments were recognized by them.

As we went forward, the temperature got higher and higher, and it didn’t take long for Wang Teng to see a spectacular scene.

The magma is rolling, and the ground fire rises.

The cylinders, tens of meters long and one meter in diameter, were hung in the air by black chains, and were burned into red by the ground fire.

A sturdy figure stepped on the hot cylinder, holding a huge hammer and hitting it continuously, bringing up large swaths of sparks.

These figures are sweating like rain and forging from the fire, as if they are not afraid of those flames.

“Down!” Suddenly, a deep shout sounded.

On a column, a figure that was forging leaped down, and the column dropped into the magma amidst the rattling of chains.


Suddenly aroused a monstrous flame.

“Amazing my blacksmith!” Wang Teng was amazed: “They should all be master blacksmiths!”

When he sighed in his heart, his eyes were also attracted by the attribute bubbles around the forgers.

Pick it up!

One by one attribute bubbles leap forward, throwing your arms around~



【Spirit of Spirit*60】


【Spirit of Spirit*82】

Wang Teng raised his eyebrows.

Blacksmithing +1+1+1+1+1……

Then his blacksmith level seemed to be, maybe, maybe accidentally broke through!

[Blacksmith]: 3223000 (Master)

Master Blacksmith!

The forced frame improved a lot in an instant.

Wang Teng couldn’t help but glanced at the forging masters who were frantically pulling their stout arms above the column. Fortunately, he was not that kind of muscle man.

Otherwise it’s crazy!

In addition to forging, there are many spiritual attributes of the spiritual realm.

These characters who have reached the master level seem to have undergone a transformation in their spirits and have reached the spiritual realm.

However, Wang Teng now knows that not everyone who reaches the spiritual realm can be born with mental power, and that depends on talent.

And his Wang Teng is obviously a gifted child, there is no doubt that it is true!

[Spirit]: 7201000 (Wang Jing)

Watching Wang Teng’s spiritual attributes getting closer and closer to the peak of the king’s realm, his eyes flashed, and he looked forward to the next level of spiritual attributes in his heart.

The figure that jumped from the column came over and said, “You are here!”

“Master Opp!” Goring and others stepped forward.

“The thunder pillar has been completed. You can inscribe the rune later.” Master Opp, a dwarf with hair and beard tied into several braids, pointed to the column sunk into the magma and said.

Goering nodded and asked, “Who is going to you?”

“I’m going!” Master Kaier said straight.

Not long after, the column rose from the magma, bringing up a large piece of magma and flames. The whole body was red and burning with raging fire. Master Kai’s face did not change color, ascended to the sky, holding a special talisman pen, and inscribed on the column. Rune.

Purple light flashed on the talisman pen, and with every stroke, the next rune was engraved on the cylinder.

Master Kaier is very careful and serious, so the speed is not fast, one stroke at a time…

The other columns were also forged one after another, and began to enter the stage of inscribed runes.

No one of the rune masters was idle, and they shot one after another.

Attribute bubbles emerged from them one by one, and Wang Teng picked them up, and he was happy.

【Rune Knowledge*36】

【Spirit of Spirit*12】

【Spirit of Spirit*8】

【Rune Knowledge*25】

【Rune Knowledge*30】

Wang Teng’s rune master level and spiritual realm spirit are slowly improving.

Goring and others didn’t know that Wang Teng’s rune master’s attainments had reached the master level, and even surpassed many rune masters present, so he did not let him inscribe the runes himself.

After all, it takes a lot of time to forge this lightning rod, and any loss is not allowed.

After all, it depends on Wang Teng’s youth.

Wang Teng didn’t say anything, he was happy and leisurely, he didn’t have to do anything, and he could pick up attributes. It was not too cool.

After the whole day, the twelve lightning bolts were completed as scheduled, without any accidents.

It is difficult for the master of rune to think of accidents.

Soon it was dinner time, and Wang Teng, Ge Lin and others came out of the underground forging room.

Yin Tongfang, King Yang and others have been waiting for a long time, and asked eagerly: “Masters, how?”

“Fortunately, not insulting one’s life!” Goring laughed.

Yin Tongfang let out a sigh of relief, “Great, the first step was successfully completed, it is a good sign!”

“Everyone is tired, go eat.” Yang Wang greeted.

The next day, the rune masters began to inscribe the remaining runes of the Ten Thousand Thundering Annihilation Array in Xingfeng City.

After Goering finished assigning the areas where the rune masters were responsible, he suddenly said to Wang Teng: “Yimu Ronghuo Array will be handed over to you, can it be done?”

“Me?” Wang Teng had been playing salted fish in soy sauce. He suddenly heard that Goring had given him the task of constructing the entire Otsuki Melting Fire Array, and his face suddenly appeared astonished.

The disciples of those rune masters also followed, and they were all shocked at this time.

Actually handed Yimu Ronghuo Array to Wang Teng? ?

Master Goering is too protective of his disciples!

“Master Goring, is this a little… not safe?” Master Kaier and the others hesitated.

“It’s okay, Wang Teng had completed half of the Eight Wilderness Fire Dragon Array that I arranged before. The Yimu Ronghuo Array is similar to it. I believe he can do it.” Gelin said.

“You have completed the Eight Desolate Fire Dragon Formation that you arranged halfway through!” Everyone was startled and looked at Wang Teng in a daze.

Both are masters, why are your disciples exceptionally good?

The younger generation of rune masters was stunned, this Wang Teng rune attainment had reached this level!

“In addition, let the disciples of the masters also participate. Wang Teng alone does not have enough time.” Goering said again.

Master Zha Shu smiled bitterly: “I’m afraid that they will mess things up. Wouldn’t it be a waste of this wonderful double formation method.”

“Always give young people some opportunities.” Goring said.

“Finally, let them try, no matter what, we will wipe their ass.” Master Kaier gritted his teeth.

The young rune masters all around showed excitement, if they could complete this Yimu Melting Array, it would definitely be a rare opportunity for them to experience.

They thought that the masters would not let go easily, but they finally agreed.

But at the thought of having to listen to Wang Teng’s command, everyone’s eyes flickered, and there was a sense of victory in their eyes.

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