Chapter 439 Today’s Tantai Xuan always feels something is wrong!

“Hahaha…” Kong Li couldn’t help laughing proudly.

Niu Li and Yu Wenxuan wanted to cry without tears, feeling as if they were abandoned by the world!

It turns out that the two of them are just outsiders!

Heartbroken military master!

When Wang Teng saw the two of them, he couldn’t help but shook his head and laughed: “Look at you two elders, you still want to be unable to grab a girl.”

“Oh, you don’t have a backache when you stand and talk. Your subordinates have all been selected. Of course, you can speak cool words.” Niu Li said.

“Then there is no way, who let me tame these hurricane wolves.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“Well, you are here to choose slowly, and you will run in as soon as possible after the election. Before the task comes, you should not walk around at will, remember to hide, and don’t expose your deeds.” Tan Taixuan said: “Wang Teng, you and me Come!”

After speaking, he rose into the air.

“Where are you going, teacher?” Wang Teng couldn’t help asking, and hurriedly followed.

Seeing the two flying away, Niu Li and the others looked at each other, their eyes flickering.

“In that direction, the army leader is going to take Wang Teng to Xingfeng City!” Niu Li said.

“This is to open a small stove, envy, if I can worship the military master as a teacher!” Kong Li couldn’t help but said.

“You think a lot.” Yu Wenxuan sneered.

“Why, think about it.” Kong Li glared at him: “At any rate, the military master is still the principal of our Huang Hai, and I am considered half of her disciple!”

“Hmph, I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you, hurry up and choose the Storm Wolf, we have to choose after the election!” Yu Wenxuan snorted coldly.

In the sky, Wang Teng followed Tantaixuan and said, “Is this going to Xingfeng City?”

“Follow it, there is so much nonsense.” Tan Taixuan glanced at him, and suddenly smiled: “Your mask is not bad!”

“It’s horrible, it’s better not to let me know who it is, otherwise…” Wang Teng said angrily when he thought of this.

“Otherwise what?” Tantai Xuan said with a smile.

“Teacher, you didn’t fix this mask, right?” Wang Teng’s heart jumped and he asked suspiciously.

“Huh huh!” Tan Taixuan nodded, and admitted directly: “This is specially designed for your lover as a teacher. I didn’t expect that you would not appreciate it. It is really sad.”

“…” Wang Teng looked at Tantai Xuan dumbfounded.

Before that, he couldn’t think that this mask was actually made by Tantai Xuan.

How boring are you!

The dignified military master ran to do this kind of thing, really convinced!

And what the hell is the lover? ?

Hasn’t he been an evildoer all the time? When has he been promoted to a lover? Is his position in Tantaixuan’s heart already so high?

I’m really flattered to the bottom of my heart!

Wang Teng couldn’t help but stepped back a few steps, and said cautiously: “Can we talk about people?”


“By the way, teacher, how can you be sure that I will choose this mask?” Wang Teng asked.

“Because you are my beloved disciple, I certainly believe that you can choose the strongest team among them.” Tan Taixuan said solemnly.

“Could we not mention the word “love disciple”? I feel a little scared in my heart.” Wang Teng tangled.

“Is it too easy to talk for the teacher?” Tantai Xuan narrowed Dan Feng’s eyes, revealing a dangerous light.

“Ahem, what? In fact, I am very grateful for the teacher’s trust in my heart.” Wang Teng said with a dry cough and said.

“It’s pretty much the same. As a teacher’s gift, as a lover, you just need to accept it?” Tan Taixuan nodded in satisfaction.

“Haha…” Wang Teng gave a dry laugh, feeling the creeps.

Today’s Tantai Xuan always feels something is wrong!

Three sentences are not separated from the word ‘love apprentice’, why would Tantai Xuan look at him unpleasantly, and plan to kill him and change to a new apprentice?

Maybe this is the irony.

That’s right, it must be so!

Tan Taixuan is such a black-bellied person.

Wang Teng was thinking wildly, and his heart was uneasy, it was terrible.

Before long, a town appeared in front of him.

Tantai Xuan concealed her figure, outsiders could not detect it, and led Wang Teng straight to the city.

The situation in this town is different from what Wang Teng imagined. Everything is surprisingly calm. It seems that what is normal is what it is now, there is no difference.

“Isn’t it weird?” Tan Taixuan smiled.

“Somewhat.” Wang Teng nodded.

“In fact, it’s nothing. Before the last moment, everything here will operate as normal.” Tan Taixuan said lightly.

Wang Teng guessed the reason. They were very careful along the way. Even when entering the city, Tantai Xuan deliberately concealed her aura, because she was worried that the dark species would find anomalies.

It seems impossible for the Dark Seed to appear in the surroundings, but the Dark Seed must have other ways to know the information here.

“Let’s go, show you a few people.” Tan Taixuan said.

“Who?” Wang Teng asked.

“When you get there, you will know, as a lover, you must not be ashamed of being a teacher.” Tantai Xuan said with a smile: “Otherwise you will be dead!”

Wang Teng: “…”

I’m coming.

Sure enough!

“Don’t worry, I will do well, and I will never shame you.” Wang Teng nodded heavily.

“That’s right.” Tan Taixuan smiled and stroked the back of his head.

Wang Teng trembled, his scalp numb!

very scary!

This Xingfeng City is completely a typical military town layout, but unlike Blackbird City and Red Tiger City, it has a strong Xingwu Continental architectural style.

It just seems to refer to the military town of the Earth Star in the layout, and some shadows of the military town of the Earth Star can be faintly seen from it.

It can be seen that the Xingwu Continent has also been affected by Earth Stars a lot in recent years.

The two of them crossed street by street, and finally came to an octagonal tower-shaped three-story building in the center of the city.

“This is the command center of Xingfeng City.” Tan Taixuan said lightly.

Wang Teng raised his head and glanced, feeling quite strange.

The two walked into this building, and the guards beside them seemed to recognize Tantai Xuan, beat their chest with their fists, bowed slightly, and paid a military salute to the Xingwu Continent.

Tantai Xuan nodded, and led Wang Teng straight to the third floor of the building.

In the hall, you can see a huge model of Xingfeng City in the middle, and above this model is a panoramic layout of Xingfeng City.

A dozen figures were arguing loudly around the Xingfeng City model.

Several figures in black and red military uniforms stood aside, with helpless faces.

When they saw Tantaixuan coming in, one of the elegant middle-aged men’s eyes lit up and said, “Dantai, you are back!”

“How’s the situation?” Tan Taixuan asked after taking a look at the few who were arguing.

“No results yet.” The elegant man shook his head, then saw Wang Teng next to her, and said in surprise: “This one is?”

“My apprentice!” Tantai Xuan said.

Wang Teng did not pay attention to their conversation at this time, his attention was all attracted by those arguing figures.

No, it should be attracted by the huge attribute bubbles around them.

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