Chapter 428 Wang Teng in your mouth is my apprentice!

It is best to use a shovel made of cold jade when digging a spiritual object like the Yuhanshu, and seal it with a cold jade box immediately after digging it out.

Wang Teng didn’t prepare these things.

But it doesn’t mean that Qiu Bo is not prepared!

He came prepared, Wang Teng just saw related things in his space ring.

It was not surprising at the time, after all, he was not someone who knew nothing.

However, Qiu Bo was a layman, and didn’t know that cold jade alone was not enough. Natural cold jade alone could maintain the spirituality at best.

If you engrave some runes that seal your spirituality, you can almost guarantee that your spirituality is not lost.

At this time, Wang Teng no longer wasted time. After taking out the cold jade box, he quickly painted runes on it with mental power.

In just a few minutes, more than a dozen runes jumped on top of it in one go.


Wang Teng smiled slightly and gave himself a few likes.

Immediately take out the cold jade shovel, loosen the soil for the jade cold tree pine, dig the corner of the wall, and then move the position.

He looked around, there was nothing left of treasure, so he left straight away.

Breaking through the lake, seeing that Qiu Bo was still unconscious, he simply sat cross-legged next to him, and decided to wait to see if another wave of attribute bubbles would be generated on the lake.

After all, the force of the water system nearby is indeed extremely strong, and Wang Teng is unwilling to give up.

In idleness, he simply took out the body of the black giant crocodile, spied with his spiritual vision, and suddenly saw three groups of extremely rich blue light in its body.

“Three light groups?!”

Wang Teng was stunned, surprised and delighted!

He hurriedly used his mental power as a knife to cut the body of the black giant crocodile and took out three things.

One is the stellar core, and the other is…the stellar bone!

The half-step lord-level star core is inestimable, and more importantly, it is impossible to meet.

Star bones are more rare than star cores.

Wang Teng was overjoyed and looked at the two star bones in his hand…

That’s right, the star bone taken out of the black giant crocodile is not one piece, but a pair.

And is a pair of front claw bones.

Two star bones appearing on the same star beast, this is definitely an extremely rare situation.

He looked at the lines on the star bones and moved his heart to inject the force of the water system into it. Immediately, there was a flash of blue light on the front paw bones.

Then his hand sank involuntarily.

“It turned out to be a power-type star bone!” Wang Teng was slightly startled, feeling that he had made a lot of money.

From the perspective of his senior blacksmith, this pair of star bones can be forged into a pair of power gloves.

The pair of gloves before could not keep up with him. With his 7-star warrior-level strength, if he really used his full strength, it would break directly.

“Go back and find some good materials, I will forge it myself.” Wang Teng thought to himself.

Then he took out the other star beasts in the space ring, scanned them one by one with the eyes of spiritual vision, and immediately harvested a few star cores.

As for the star bones, they did not appear again.

It seems that even among these high-level star beasts, the chance of star bones appearing is extremely low.

Wang Teng looked at the six nuclei in front of him, two of which were fire nuclei.

Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, and he summoned Xiao Bai through the spirit pet contract.

Youyan Mingya Xiaobai has been by his side all the time, but it can hunt freely when it is not needed.

After a while, a black shadow fell in the sky, and now Xiao Bai was already a 3-star star beast, and his body grew larger.

And because of Wang Teng’s stocking, Xiao Bai’s nature was released, and his combat effectiveness was quite impressive.

It’s just that when he came back several times, Wang Teng saw that it was injured, and it seemed that he was fighting with other star beasts outside.

It can be seen that this combat power is not trivial.

And Wang Teng has no shortage of healing pills here. He has never been stingy with his spiritual pets, and he uses better healing medicines than Han Zhu and the others use.

Han Zhu and others were happy when they got the pill he refined, but they didn’t know that they couldn’t even compare to a crow…

Xiao Bai recovered very quickly under his healing medicine. In this regard, it has an advantage over the star beasts in the wild, so it has made great progress.

This is where Wang Teng is extremely satisfied.

Thinking of his rapid progress, he is now approaching the rank of a general. As his spiritual pet, his strength is too low, it would be very embarrassing to take it out.

At this time, Xiao Bai fell in front of Wang Teng and yelled at him doubtfully.

“Good things are prepared for you.” Wang Teng smiled slightly, raised the two star cores in his hand, and then threw one of them to Xiaobai.

It’s not that he is stingy. One of this star core is from a 4-star star beast, and the other is a 5-star star beast. The original power contained in it is very large, and with Xiao Bai’s current strength, it can’t be digested.

Xiao Bai felt the strong fire force in the star core, his eyes lit up, he screamed happily, opened his mouth, bit the star core, rolled his throat, and swallowed it.

Suddenly, its eyes flashed with scarlet light, and even its body was lit up, making its appearance look more and more handsome.

Wang Teng nodded secretly, and after Xiaobai had digested the star core, he would surely be able to be promoted to 4 stars.

After waiting for a while, give it a 5-star nucleus. It is estimated that it will catch up with its parents soon.

It’s just that on the attribute panel, Xiaobai’s other talent “Ming Yan” is still in an inactive state, making Wang Teng puzzled.

Is it the wrong way to open it?

Maybe this ‘Nether Flame’ is not an ordinary flame, so it needs a special way to awaken?

Wang Teng has some expectations, but now it’s useless to think about it. When there is a chance, I will help him awaken.

“Go, grow up quickly, or you won’t be able to keep up with me.” Wang Teng smiled and waved to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai touched his palm affectionately, and amidst a burst of passionate and high-pitched cry, the carrier spread his wings and flew away.

Wang Teng looked at the sky until he could no longer see Xiao Bai’s figure, and then took his gaze back and said: “Since you are awake, don’t pretend.”

“Haha.” Behind him, Qiu Bo said with a smile: “The little brother is really lucky. Such a handsome star beast recognizes you as the master.”

“I fainted you, but you came to praise me.” Wang Teng looked at him with a smile.

The corner of Qiu Bo’s mouth twitched. This guy really didn’t open which pot to pick up which pot, but still smiled on his face and said: “You stunned me, there must be a reason, Qiu is not an ignorant person.”

“You are a thick-skinned person, and you are considered a talent, so you want to mix with the dark species.” Wang Teng shook his head, seemingly regretful.

Qiu Bo’s face became stiff, and he said quickly: “I don’t have one, don’t talk nonsense, I’m not at odds with the darkness.”

Wang Teng ignored him and closed his eyes to practice.

Time passed, two or three hours passed in a blink of an eye.

Qiu Bo didn’t know what Wang Teng was doing. He couldn’t figure out why he didn’t leave, but wanted to sit here. He was already waiting impatiently, but he didn’t dare to bother.

The young man in front of him has a white face and a black heart.

He is a person who knows how to protect himself!

At this moment, Wang Teng opened his eyes, looked at the lake, and shook his head.

After waiting for so long, the attribute bubbles generated on the lake are very limited. It seems that the comfortable scene filled with bubbles before is completely accumulated over the years.


Sweep the mental power, pick it up!

【Water Force*3】

【Water Force*2】

【Water Force *4】

After a wave, a total of 56 points of water system force were harvested.

Wang Teng shook his head again: “It’s time to go!”

It is not worth the loss to spend here, but before that, there is still something to do. He got up and walked towards Qiu Bo, his eyes met his eyes.

A scarlet light flashed…


Qiu Bo’s complexion changed drastically, but under the huge mental power gap, he quickly lost himself.

Wang Teng cross-examined, and the result was not much different from what he had heard before, so he was relieved.

After a while, Jubo woke up with an ugly face and exclaimed: “What did you do to me?”

Wang Teng didn’t speak, and Banzhu appeared in his hands.

Qiu Bo’s eyes widened, and he immediately persuaded: “You, you, what are you going to do? If you have something to say, don’t just slap your face.”

“Sorry, I can’t believe you. I’m going to leave soon. To avoid dishonesty, it’s better to stun.”

Wang Teng smiled a little embarrassedly, and raised the bricks: “In fact, if I didn’t want to keep alive, I would also like to kill you directly. After all, it is safest to die.”

The words made Qiub’s heart terrified.

But the next moment…


With a muffled sound, Qiu’s eyes rolled upwards, unable to resist the invasion of darkness, and he fainted in an instant.

“The strength is a lot lighter than before, just right, I really am a kind person.”

Wang Teng was full of emotion. He brought up the half-dead Qiu Bo, like a dead dog, and wandered into the distance.

He didn’t immediately return to Blackbird City, but after hiding Qiu Bo, he returned to the No. 56 troop point of the Dark Seed.

After seeing Wang Teng’s changed Rupert, Phyllis of the mother-blood clan dark species naturally inevitably asked about it.

The main purpose of his return here is to inquire about the movements of the three dark species.

Soon he discovered that after the three dark species had met with Qiu Bo, they left, and didn’t care about the other dark species in this camp, and naturally they didn’t find any abnormalities.

Wang Teng secretly sighed that he was too cautious. The Darkness was more careless than he thought, and there was nothing wrong with it.

He shook his head, took Qiu Bo and left.

Blackbird City!

The three of Niu Li returned and hurriedly reported the mission situation.

The intelligence they brought back naturally alarmed the entire upper level of the Black Sparrow Legion.

At this time, in a meeting room, Tan Taixuan and several deputy army leaders gathered here, and Niu Li and three were also sitting below.

Tan Taixuan squeezed her chin with her hands, and asked with a slightly solemn expression: “Is this true?”

“This information is obtained by recruit Wang Teng, and there must be no falsehood.” Niu Li said.

“Is there any evidence?” one of the deputy commanders asked.

“This!” New Li said suddenly: “Wang Teng saw this with his own eyes and heard it with his own ears…”

“That Wang Teng is just a recruit. You actually believe in a recruit’s words, it’s absurd!” the deputy army leader said angrily.

“Ahem, old Zhu, Wang Teng in your mouth is my apprentice!” At this moment, a voice faintly sounded.

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