Chapter 426: What Did You Do? ?


The mysterious man is really a little dazed!

The dignified half-step lord-level black giant crocodile, just like this, was played to death in a simple and speechless way?

Then he was tortured to death before, what on earth was it for?

Is he too weak?

Or is he not smart enough?

No, it’s not…it must be that young man is too shameless!

Yes, there is no doubt that it is absolutely true.

The mysterious man made a psychological construction, and looked at the black giant crocodile dead on the ground, the shock in his eyes could not fade.

He didn’t know that it was Wang Teng’s meteor cone that made the real contribution.

The Vulcan Cannon may be able to kill the black giant crocodile, but it will take a lot of time, and in the end I am afraid that all the original power in Wang Teng’s body will have to be squeezed out.

But the mental power with the meteor cone is different, it is a deadly killer move.

The previous attack with the Vulcan Cannon was just to paralyze the black giant crocodile, in order to send it to the west at the last moment.

Of course, to prevent the mysterious man from discovering his hole cards.

This hole card can be hidden for as long as possible!

Too many hole cards is definitely not a bad thing.

At this time, Wang Teng glanced around, but he had dropped a lot of attribute bubbles in the fight just now.

【Water Force *450】

[Advanced Water System Talent*60]

【Blank attribute*360】

Seeing this attribute bubble belonging to the black giant crocodile, Wang Teng flashed a hint of surprise in his eyes. It is indeed a powerful star beast at the half-step lord level. There are so many attributes dropped!

The force of the water system alone is as much as 450 points. If there are a few more, he will break through the 8-star warrior level soon.

Unfortunately, there are not many such opportunities.

Half-step lord-level star beasts are not everywhere.

As for the lord-level star beasts, Wang Teng felt that he still wanted to live a few more years, so he couldn’t go to death.

In addition to the original force of the water system, there are also advanced water system talents and blank attributes.

Every increase in talent is a good thing for Wang Teng. His aptitude continues to improve, his cultivation speed will become faster and faster, and his control of the original force will naturally become more and more handy.

Then Wang Teng looked at the mysterious man again, and there were also many attribute bubbles falling around him.

【Wood Force *250】



Seeing Wang Teng look over, the mysterious man tried to open the corners of his mouth, trying to show him a grateful smile.


In Wang Teng’s view, this smile is uglier than crying.

“Thank you little brother for your life-saving grace!” The mysterious man spoke hoarsely in a lingua franca of another world.

Wang Teng looked weird, and this person thanked him unexpectedly.

But think about it, after all, he saved the other’s life.

I just hope that when this mysterious person knows the truth, he can retain his gratitude.

“Little brother, can you give me some healing pills? Don’t worry, my fellow Qiu Bo is an officer of the Star Maple Legion. I will thank you very much after I recover.” The mysterious person worried that Wang Teng was uneasy and emphasized. A bit of his own identity.

Wang Teng finally spoke at this time: “Star Maple Legion, I’ve heard of it. Depending on your rank, you are still a colonel, and your position is not low!”

A glimmer of pride flashed in Qiub’s eyes, but when he thought that he had to rely on the other side for help, he quickly expressed humility and sent a flattery: “They are all false titles, not younger than the younger brother, and the strength is so strong.”

“Haha.” Wang Teng smiled unclearly, and said, “Do you know why I am here?”

Qiu Bo finally remembered this, his face became stiff, and he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and asked carefully: “That’s… why?”

Wang Teng looked at him jokingly and said, “Guess it.”


Guess you big head ghost!

Qiu Bo was mad in his heart, and at this moment he could see that this young man was a bad person at all, but he did not turn his face.

Now he is not qualified to turn his face.

His injury was extremely serious, and facing Wang Teng who was almost unscathed, the result of turning his face was a dead end.

Qiu Bo said with a smile: “Little brother, don’t make a joke about me. I am injured too badly. Why don’t you give me a pill of healing medicine first, and then we will talk about it in detail.”

“Healing medicine, I have a lot of medicine.” Wang Teng took out a bottle of pill from the space ring, opened the lid to let the fragrance of the medicine waft out, and even slapped his palm in Qiu Bo’s direction before saying: “But If you want, you have to answer a few questions for me.”

Looking at Wang Teng’s deeds, Qiu Bo felt like he was being played around, roaring in his heart, Hu Luo Pingyang was deceived by the dog, this kid simply deceived people too much.

But there was a smile on his face, and he said: “You ask, even if you ask, I must know that everything is endless.”

“Yuhanshu, have you got it?” Wang Teng asked.

“No.” Qiu Bo said with a shock.

“Really?” Wang Teng asked suspiciously.

“I was spotted by the black giant crocodile as soon as I entered the lake. I didn’t even touch the Yuhan Tree.” Qiu Bo said.

Wang Teng groaned for a moment, looked at Qiu Bo twice, and then his eyes fell on his hand.

Qiu Bo’s face changed, and he immediately wanted to hide his hands behind him, but the black giant crocodile broke his whole bones at the last moment, and he couldn’t move at all at the moment.

Wang Teng smiled and took the space ring from his hand.

Qiu Bo was so angry that he still didn’t dare to show the slightest on the surface. He was very aggrieved, and said quickly: “Little brother, this space ring is something that has a master, and it’s useless if you take it.”

“It’s not enough to kill you.” Wang Teng said lightly.

“…” Qiu Bo’s face changed drastically.

Isn’t this reminding the other party to kill himself?

In front of death, he was so confused and became so stupid that he couldn’t wait to slap himself twice.

“Hahaha, just kidding, it scares you.” Wang Teng laughed.

“Heh…hehe!” Qiu Bo’s forehead suddenly burst into blue veins. If he put it in normal times, he would definitely slap this kid to death, but now he can’t do it, so he can only endure it.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, I’m a good person, I definitely can’t kill you.” Wang Teng patted him on the shoulder.

Qiu Bo felt that his broken bones were about to disperse when he was shot by him, and he sucked in pain.

“Look at me, I forgot that you were hurt, sorry, sorry.” Wang Teng said with a look of embarrassment.

Qiu Bo showed a crying expression and said weakly: “Can you give me the space ring back?”

“Seeing you care about this space ring so much, is there something extremely important in it?” Wang Teng said with interest.

“No, you think too much, it’s just some debris.” Qiu Bo’s heart jumped and he smiled dryly.

“Really?” Wang Teng Nuoyu smiled.

“Of course it’s true. I’m relatively poor. I really don’t have any valuables. Otherwise, I won’t ask you to borrow healing pills…Puff!”

Qiu Bo hadn’t finished speaking, his whole body was struck by lightning, his face was painful, he couldn’t help spouting a mouthful of blood, his expression was shocked:

“what have you done??”

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