Chapter 420 Oscar owes him a trophy!


When he walked out of the hall, Wang Teng let out a sigh of relief. He couldn’t bear the dancing of demons inside, he looked like a bunch of lunatics.

And he is the only normal person among this group of lunatics.

That’s why we have to stay away, otherwise normal people will become abnormal if they stay with a bunch of lunatics for a long time.

He looked up at the looming moonlight in the night sky, feeling a little bit in his heart.

Turning himself into the appearance of the dark species, mixing into them, this kind of thing is probably only he dares to think about it, and dare to do it!

Even only he has the ability to do it.

After all, he is probably the only one in this world who can do it!

But I always feel that this thing is a little bit mysterious.

When Wang Teng thought that if his identity was revealed and hundreds of dark species looked at him, the scene would be a bit… embarrassing!

The next moment, he shook his head quickly.

No, it must not be exposed!

“Why did you run out?”

At this moment, Felice’s voice came from behind, causing Wang Teng to frown.

This female dark species is too annoying.

Where to go, where to follow, like a dog skin plaster.

But Wang Teng couldn’t shoot her directly.

He could only sullen his face and said flatly: “They are so annoying, I want to be alone.”

“Your changes are really big. I used to like to get into them, but now I take the initiative to alienate them. I am a little curious about what kind of dream made you have such a big change?” Phyllis said.

Wang Teng’s heart shuddered, don’t be seen.

No matter how much a person changes, there are limits to it, and there are reasons.

Fortunately, he pulled out a reason for dreaming, and the other party had been thinking about it all the time, and he hadn’t noticed his abnormality.

However, facing Felice’s question at this time, Wang Teng felt that he had to think about the complex of the dream.

Sure enough, a lie needs countless lies to cover up.


Wang Teng sighed in his heart, all kinds of brain holes opened up, and he quickly figured out countermeasures.

Faintly said: “Phyllis, do you know the fear of being dominated by death? Do you know the pain of being betrayed by someone close to you? Do you know the kind of despair that a friend can’t save his life?”

“I…” Phyllis stared at Wang Teng blankly, as if shocked by his series of questions.

Seeing the other person’s appearance, Wang Teng was happy in his heart, but on the surface he shook his head with self-deprecation: “I knew it, you wouldn’t understand.”

“Rupert, don’t be like this, it’s just a dream.” Phyllis looked at Wang Teng worriedly and said anxiously. She felt that’Rupert’ was a little dazed.

“Although it is just a dream, it is extremely real, and that dream is far more terrifying than you think.” Wang Teng said.

“Even so, I won’t betray you. You don’t have to believe anyone, don’t you even believe me?” Phyllis said sadly.

Wang Teng looked at her indifferently and did not speak.

Phyllis was shocked, her calm eyes seemed to have no emotion, and she couldn’t help but step back a few steps.

She couldn’t understand why Rupert, who had loved her so much, suddenly became so indifferent.

Phyllis said nothing, and left sadly.

“MMP is finally gone!”

Wang Teng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Seeing Felice’s reaction, and even a gleam of sparkle appeared in the corner of his eye when he finally left, he couldn’t help but nod to himself, his acting skills just burst!

Oscar owes him a movie king trophy!

Wang Teng rubbed the stiff muscles on his face, feeling that it was not easy to deal with the darkness of his mother. Now he only hopes that the mysterious person will appear sooner.

When he got the information he wanted, he immediately evacuated from here.

Wang Teng subconsciously glanced at the position of the three 7-Star War Soldier-level Dark Species with his spiritual vision.


Suddenly, his eyes condensed.

Within the field of vision, the three brightest dark force rays were converging towards one place… but this was not the point.

The point is that where they were about to converge, another extremely dazzling force of light appeared.

This group of light is not black, but cyan.

Wood Force!

Among the army spots of the Dark Seed, besides him, there are other human warriors? ?

And at least this level has reached the 9-star warrior level!

Very suspicious!

Wang Teng frowned involuntarily, before he had time to think, he rushed in that direction.

Even if he and Kong Li and others had speculated before, the people who were waiting for the three dark species might be humans, after all, the existence of human rape appeared very early.

There are always people who can’t stand the temptation of the devil and voluntarily throw themselves into their arms.

But when he really saw it at this moment, Wang Teng was still a little confused.

How do these traitorous heads grow? If you don’t do it well, you have to be a beast?

Wang Teng was very fast, avoiding the dark eyeliner around him, only a step slower than the three dark seeds, and rushed out of a room.

“You are here!”

“Jie Jie Jie, we have been waiting for you for many days.” Among the three dark seeds, the dark one with the sheep’s head uttered a penetrating laugh.

“No way, I can’t get away over there, I still rushed over these days while I was out on a mission.”

In the room, the conversation seemed to come out, and they probably didn’t expect someone to overheard, so they didn’t use the voice-transmitting conversation.

In fact, changing to other warriors, if not necessary, would not use voice transmission to talk, it was too strenuous.

But the mysterious person’s voice was extremely hoarse, obviously false.

It seems that even if the voice transmission is not used, this person is quite cautious.

Wang Teng approached cautiously, hiding himself in the darkness, completely concealing his breath and force fluctuations. He also used his mental power to condense hidden runes. With his current mental power, even the 9-star warrior ranks Undetectable.

Then he looked into the room through the gap in the window.

“It’s a pity that Lingshi can’t see through, otherwise why bother!”

Wang Teng couldn’t help but vomit in his heart.

In the room, the mysterious person was completely shrouded in a black robe, he couldn’t even see his figure, let alone facing him sideways, so the face under the hood of the black robe couldn’t be seen at all.

“Turn around, turn around, you turn around!”

Wang Teng shouted in his heart, but it was a pity that the man didn’t turn his head, he couldn’t see the other person’s face anyway.

Suddenly, it seemed as if a cat’s claw was scratching in his heart.

In desperation, he could only focus all his attention on their conversation.

“Time is running out, so let’s talk about business.”

“Nine days later, our clan will raid the Star Maple Legion, you are ready to meet it.”

“Assault on the Star Maple Legion!!” The mysterious man was obviously taken aback: “Why is it so sudden this time?”

“Jiejie, this is not something you should know.” The Dark Species sneered.

“Well, anyway, when I was involved in your side, I had a hunch that this day will come sooner or later, but I didn’t expect it to come so soon.” The mysterious man recovered his calm, shrugged, and said lightly.

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