Chapter 414 The Dark Species Are Going Shopping?

Level 1 to Level 4 warning areas, Level 1 and Level 2 belong to the cleaning area of ​​human beings, but after Level 3 it is different.

The third-level and fourth-level security areas belong to the dark species, and there are even dark-species garrison points at the back of the third-level security area.

The purpose of Wang Teng and others was to garrison point No. 56 in the third-level security zone.

On the way, the atmosphere was a little dull, and none of the four spoke.

“Are you angry?” Kong Li glanced at Wang Teng and said No Yu.

“Ni Zoukai, I’m not familiar with you.” Wang Teng tilted his head.

“Oh, man man, don’t be so careful.” Kong Li leaned forward with a lazy face.

“Haha.” Wang Teng sneered.

“Three spiritual foods!” Kong Li said.

“Am I someone who will be bought by food!” Wang Teng was unmoved

“Four meals!” Kong Li said.

“Six meals, one of which is the spiritual food made by Master Lingchu! It can’t be more.” Kong Li gritted his teeth and lost his blood.

“Deal!” Wang Teng’s face immediately smiled: “As expected of senior sister, grand!”

“Your kid is too cruel.” Kong Li said silently.

“Little meaning! Little meaning!” Wang Teng smiled.

“Naive!” Yu Wenxuan snorted coldly.

“Oh, Major Yuwen is not interested in spiritual food?” Wang Teng quipped.

“Not at all.” Yu Wenxuan said with a stern face.

After speaking, he ignored the two of them.

Wang Teng discussed with Kong Li enthusiastically and arranged these six spiritual foods clearly.

Yu Wenxuan frowned involuntarily, a little uncomfortable.

These two abruptly turned a serious and dangerous task into a gourmet seminar, which was simply enough.

Niu Li just smiled and said nothing.

As long as it doesn’t affect the task, he doesn’t care about the process.

At about two o’clock in the afternoon, the four of them successfully reached the vicinity of the No. 56 trooping point of the Dark Seed.

They were hidden on a small hill, looking at the military station in the distance.

The trooping points of the dark species are naturally very different from the trooping points of human beings. Their trooping points are extremely rough, made up of huge boulders, and the whole body is pitch black. If it is in the dark, it may be difficult to see clearly.

The construction style is also very unique, Wang Teng is a bit indescribable, rough, evil, exaggerated…

This was the first time he saw the architectural style of the dark world. While a little curious, he couldn’t help but examine it carefully.

Suddenly, he found something strange, except for the low-level dark species wandering around, no trace of the dark species seemed to be found inside the troop point.

He couldn’t help looking at Niu Li, and said, “Dark species have all gone out shopping?”


Niu Li stared at Wang Teng, with a violent blue vein on his forehead. What kind of weird brain circuit is this guy.

God is out shopping!

When it’s so serious, can you not be so funny!

He took a deep breath before transmitting the voice: “Dark species like darkness. Even the higher dark species of intelligence generally don’t like to be active in the daytime.”

Wang Teng noticed that Niu Li said ‘I don’t like’, not ‘I can’t.’ No wonder those low-level dark species can move around freely during the day.

He looked at the sky and said speechlessly: “This area is covered by clouds and the dark force is permeated. There is no big difference between the day and the night, right.”

Niu Li said, “For them, daytime is daytime, and if the sun does not disappear, they will also feel disgusted.”

“Do you know the reason?” Wang Teng asked.

“Probably the sun has also undergone some changes.” Niu Li thought for a while and said: “After all, the sun is in the ancient legends of various countries, but it is the most yang thing.”

“You won’t tell me, the legend is true,” Wang Teng said suspiciously.

“That’s not the case, but the legend always has some basis, maybe the ancients may see anything.” Niu Li said meaningfully.

Wang Teng didn’t believe it either. After all, this era can no longer be inferred according to common sense. Humans have terrifying power. Perhaps in the eyes of the ancients, they are no different from gods and demons, but he still has a lot of questions.

“Is this guessing, or have you found the relevant evidence?”

“What do you mean?” Niu Li looked at him and smiled.

“…” Seeing him like this, Wang Teng knew that he couldn’t get the answer today.

Are these people a virtue?

“Actually, I don’t know much, just a few words.” Niu Li shook his head.

Wang Teng didn’t ask any more, turned on Lingshi and swept across the camping spot.

Sure enough, I saw a few strong dark forces.

“Three 7-star war soldiers!”

The crowd did not act immediately, but continued to hibernate and wait until the night came. Through the dark clouds in the sky, one could see a moon hanging in the night sky, sprinkling silvery white moonlight.

The four of them ate some of their own dry food, and the boring sound transmission passed the time.

However, the attention was focused on the No. 56 troop point below.

At about ten o’clock in the evening, there was finally movement at the stationing point No. 56.

The three figures walked out from the military station, and after a few conversations, they left in different directions.

Niu Li frowned, and immediately ordered: “You will follow one of you, I will stay behind.”

“Yes!” Wang Teng and the three immediately responded.

“Wang Teng, it’s okay.” Niu Li glanced at Wang Teng and asked again.

“Don’t worry, you can’t die!” Wang Teng said lightly.

Niu Li nodded and said nothing.

The three of Wang Teng each chose a direction, then used means to hide themselves and followed.

“Don’t die!”

Kong Li’s voice came to his ears, Wang Teng’s eyes flashed, without turning his head, people have gone away.

He used the wind reversal skill, and his body was filled with dark force, and his whole body disappeared in the dark wind of the night.

If it was the Dark Force alone, he might be spotted by the Dark Seed, but coupled with the Feng Ni skill, his concealment instantly increased several times. Be careful, Wang Teng believed that he would not be discovered.

He hung far behind one of the dark species.

The other party was another dark species he hadn’t seen before, tall, at least three meters tall, with a pair of huge horns growing on its head, curled backwards, and it was a monster with a sheep’s head.

It has sturdy and powerful limbs, bat wings spread out on its back, and its speed is extremely fast. It has a bone-like scorpion tail behind it.

“It looks a little ugly!” Wang Teng muttered.

Not long after, he saw this dark seed rushing into the woods below, and then a stern beast roar sounded.

Wang Teng was hiding in the distance, and saw the sheep-headed dark species clutching a huge star beast, biting the flesh and blood frantically, which was extremely terrifying.

“It turned out to be out for food.” Wang Teng shook his head speechlessly, thinking that there was a secret, but it turned out to be like this.

Half an hour later, the Dark Seed returned to the troop station, and Wang Teng followed back to the hill where Niuli hid.

Kong Li and Yu Wenxuan also returned. The three of them reported the tracking situation and found that the three dark species seemed to be just going out for a meal, and did not do anything else.

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