Chapter 42 This…the drama!

End a night of scalping wool, puck… End a night of training!

After picking up the last attributes, Wang Teng came out of the Pole Star Martial Arts Hall and drove home along the seaside road.

Pole Star Martial Arts Hall is built on the seaside.

And along the coastline, there is a highway, and at night there are hardly any vehicles passing by.

In the dark night, it seemed extraordinarily secluded.

Wang Teng was the latest to leave again, and the other martial arts students had already gone home.

There was music in the car.

The turbulent music dispelled the silence around…

Today I watched the snow drift by in the cold night

Floating far away with a cold heart

Chasing in the wind and rain

The sky is broad for you and me

Can change (who is not changing)


The harsh brake sound suddenly sounded, breaking the rhythm of the music.

Wang Teng stopped the car dangerously, his body rushed forward because of inertia, but he was a martial artist after all, and his physical coordination ability was extraordinary, so his life stopped immediately.

The high beam illuminates the front, and a big tree falls in the middle of the road.

At the same time, on the trunk of the big tree, there was a figure who couldn’t see clearly.

Wang Teng frowned.

This person seems to be a bad person.

It’s exactly like it’s directed at him.

Just about to get out of the car, suddenly remembered something, and opened the eyes of [Lingshi].

A ball of light like a fifty-watt incandescent lamp appeared in the field of vision…

The force!

Warrior! !

Wang Teng’s heart jumped, why would a warrior find himself? Who is the other party? What’s the purpose…

A bunch of questions came to my mind.

However, the luminosity feedback from the eyes of [Lingshi], compared with himself, even if he fights, he is not afraid.

Wang Teng took out his sword, put on his gloves, and then slowly got out of the car.

“Hand over things!” The man looked at Wang Teng and suddenly said.

“What? I don’t seem to know you!” Wang Teng said in confusion.

“It doesn’t matter if you know me or not, but if you hand it over from Baoan Mountain, I can spare your life.” The man said coldly.

“What Baoan Mountain got, I don’t know what you are talking about.” Wang Teng’s heart slammed.

How does this person know that he took it?

The man sneered and stood up and walked towards Wang Teng: “You don’t know? Where did the sword and gloves in your hand come from?”

“I bought this naturally.” Wang Teng said calmly.

When the other party walked in, he finally saw clearly that this was a man in his thirties with no special features, but his eyes were like a lone wolf, not kind.

“When you die, you dare to speak hard.” The man raised his mobile phone: “The members of our team have a positioning system installed on their mobile phones. You did cover up very well. The corpses were destroyed. There was no evidence of death, but unfortunately, they stupidly took them. Brought back his cell phone.”

“Damn, there is a positioning device on the phone, so careless!” Wang Teng cursed himself inwardly.

“Well, there’s nothing to say, tell me where the things are, and I’ll take care of you and spare your life.”

“May I tell you, I am a warrior, even if you are a mere warrior with a rune weapon, it is impossible to be my opponent.”

“So, don’t mistake yourself.” The man said lightly.

Wang Teng rejoiced in his heart: “Fortunately, I have been carrying those two mobile phones with me. This person has just approached me and I don’t know where my home is.”

But his face looked shocked.

“Warrior, you turned out to be a warrior!”

“But, if I give you things, will you really let me go?”

Wang Teng’s play was possessed, with a look of nervousness, hesitating and a little frightened, it seemed that it was difficult to make a choice.

“Of course, you should be thankful that I am the only one to handle this matter.”

“If it is known by my other teammates, hehe, they are not as good as I am.” The man said.

“Other people don’t know?” Wang Teng raised his head.

“Yes, as far as I know, so you don’t have to worry about others making trouble for you.” The man seemed to have a sincere expression in order to convince Wang Teng.

“Okay, then I’ll tell you, you have to promise to spare my life.

Wang Teng gritted his teeth, and finally nodded heavily.

He walked towards the other side.

The man had a smile on his face: “Don’t worry, I can do what I say, I will never lie to you a little warrior.”

“I’ll put that thing…”

Wang Teng walked within three meters in front of the man, his eyes condensed, and he stepped heavily on his feet, suddenly violent.

The smile on the man’s face was suddenly hideous!

“Little bastard, I know you won’t be honest, and you’ve been guarding you a long time ago. How can this kind of careful thinking be hidden from me.”

“A mere warrior!”

“Today I will show you the gap between the warrior and the warrior!”

The man blasted towards Wang Teng with a fist, covering his fist with a layer of yellow force, revealing a sense of solidity.

Wang Teng swung his long sword.

Basic swordsmanship at the micro level!

When the sword was released, no force was used.

However, just as the long sword collided with the opponent’s fist, an explosive searing force burst out.


The two collided and roared.

Wang Teng tried his best, but the other party regarded him as a martial artist, just a random blow.

Set a verdict!


Muscles were severed, bones were severed, blood spurted, and Lao Gao was splashed.

The man’s screams also sounded.


One arm was cut off by Wang Teng.

Just now he was confident, as if he was in control of everything, his face was pale at this moment, his face was distorted because of pain, his face was full of anger and inconceivability.


“You are actually a warrior!!”

The man couldn’t help screaming, he couldn’t think of it anyway, the kid who looked like a high school student in front of him would turn out to be a real warrior.


Must escape!

Otherwise you will die! !

The man broke his arm and suffered a great loss in strength. He knew he was not Wang Teng’s opponent, but he turned around and fled with resentment.

He saw Wang Teng’s murderous face.

And those indifferent eyes.

I can’t see the slightest fear and panic for a long time, they are all fake, they are all pretended by him.

This…the drama!

“Want to go!”

Wang Teng cut off the man’s arm with a single move, without any hesitation, he unfolded at a low level, his speed increased sharply, his sword was wrapped in flames, and he slashed towards the opponent.

“Boy, don’t deceive too much!” The man yelled in horror, and dodged again and again.

Wang Teng stays unmoved, his body moves like a shadow, pressing hard every step of the way.

But the opponent is obviously the kind of veteran warrior with rich actual combat experience, even if he is seriously injured, he is still struggling to support it.

“Can’t delay it too long!”

“Quick battle!”

Wang Teng’s heart was urgent, and in a daze, a flash of light flashed, the war sword dropped his hand, and he threw it at the opponent.

call out!

The war sword carries the might of flame, like a crossbow arrow that leaves the string, rushing forward.

The man’s pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle, his whole body was erected, and he tried his best to avoid him sideways.


The sword slashed open his chest, leaving a trace of blood, with burn marks all around.

But he escaped the sword after all.

“Huhuhu!” The man gasped, feeling like he was left behind.

“Hahaha, bastard, you can’t kill me, today…

He laughed, but before he could finish his words, a chilly wind smashed from his right side.


A fist that looked like a icy tuo zoomed in quickly!

“Ice Force!”


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