Chapter 400 That’s…the smile of poverty!

After completing the identification, Niu Li led everyone to the accommodation area.

Heiquecheng said that it is big or small, and it has all the facilities inside.

Wang Teng and others came along and saw many shops, and they all showed surprise.

Niu Li said: “Black Sparrow City is a military town controlled by our Black Sparrow Legion, with a stationed force of up to 80,000, of which the martial artist accounts for less than one tenth.”

“Among the one-tenth of the warriors, the military warriors account for about three-fifths. In addition, there are warriors from various forces and even free warriors. They are stationed in other worlds all year round and require various resources. Therefore, Many consortia that have cooperation with the military will open shops and subsidiaries here.”

“These companies and shops not only sell various resources, but also purchase star beasts hunted by warriors, or items seized by killing enemies, etc.”

“Do you make money?” Wang Teng’s eyes lit up and he suddenly interrupted and asked.

New Li paused, followed the voice and looked at the speaker, and was slightly taken aback when he found that it was the student he was paying attention to before.

He looked at Wang Teng’s look like a money fan, and he was a little bit dumbfounded. This kid was really different, but he still nodded and said: “Make money, and it’s very profitable!”

Wang Teng seemed to have seen a huge business opportunity, and planned to find a chance to fight the autumn wind with Tantai Xuan.

The apprentice of the commander of the dignified Black Sparrow Legion… it should be a trivial thing to start a small company or something here.

But this matter can’t come in a hurry.

The development of the Wang family still needs to be done step by step.

When everyone saw Wang Teng’s thoughtful look, they were all speechless. Does this guy want to do business here?

I think so much!

Niu Li smiled and shook his head. It’s not that simple to do business here. Not only does he have strong strength, but he also has background and capital.

Otherwise, none of the bones eaten by the predators of the consortium are left, and they may not have been discovered yet.

He continued: “In addition, there are also many entertainment facilities here. Warriors and soldiers fight on the battlefield and face death all the time, so they also need to relax occasionally, otherwise the depression on the battlefield will make people crazy.”

Everyone nodded, thinking it was very humane.

Niu Li introduced in the front, and finally they stopped in a lodging area.

The lodging area is very large, and it looks like a residential complex. The style is very simple and not luxurious.

Looking around, there are rows of five-story small buildings with just two words-neat.

“Okay, this is the dormitory area. You live in Building 26. There is one room for each person. Find your own room.”

“Today is mainly for familiarization and repair. Tomorrow we will have a military exercise. We will gather in front of the dormitory at 7 o’clock in the morning. Then I will come and look for you.”

“In addition, there are many interesting places in Blackbird City. You can stroll around on your own, but here I must remind you that some places are not allowed to enter. Don’t force your way into it. Control your curiosity, otherwise…”

Said this, Niu Li swept around, showing a mouthful of white teeth, and said: “Military Disposal!”

Everyone’s eyes condensed.

Military law disposal, this is no joke.

They were all military academies, and they naturally understood the weight of these words, and they all nodded honestly at the moment.

“Old Nie, I’ll leave if there is nothing wrong with you. Make arrangements here. Remember to come and have a drink with me. I happen to have two days of vacation. It’s rare to relax.” Niu Li turned to Nie Jian.

“No problem, I will accompany you to drink two glasses tonight.” Nie Jianqiang laughed.

As soon as Niu Li left, Nie Jianqiang looked at everyone and said, “The military exercise that Lieutenant Colonel Niu mentioned just now, let me tell you briefly.”

“The main purpose of the military exercise is to test your strength. You are all new recruits. The military will check your strength to arrange tasks. Tomorrow there will be veterans fighting against you. Their combat experience may be higher than yours, and their combat awareness is also better than yours. Be stronger, so pay attention to yourself.”

“It’s okay, just leave it, tidy up the room and go shopping by yourself.”

After speaking, he left, and threw a group of recruits to the spot, staring at each other for a while.

Then everyone broke up, looking for each house.

Their rooms are probably allocated according to rankings, and the three of them live next door.

Before returning to the house, Wang Teng, Han Zhu and others went out for a stroll after an appointment for half an hour.

Wang Teng’s room number is 306, and he took out his military registration card and swiped it.


The door opened.

This military license card has many functions, such as accommodation, purchase, passage, etc. It is almost equivalent to an ID card in the military department.

Their military merits will also be recorded in this military registration card.

Wang Teng walked into the room. The facilities inside were very simple. Except for the necessary living configurations such as a bed, table, chair, and bathroom, there was nothing superfluous, which was in line with the military’s usual style.

They are all single rooms. After all, the martial artists are different. Everyone has to practice every day, and they have their own secrets. If they live together, there will be a lot of inconvenience.

Wang Teng turned around, but there was nothing to tidy up. The room was very clean. Just make a bed and just clean it a little bit.

Half an hour later, Wang Teng and Han Zhu walked out of the dormitory and wandered around aimlessly.

They went to the shops and companies they had passed through before.

They didn’t pay attention just now, when they walked closer at this time, they saw a lot of familiar names.

Taobao offline mall!

Penguin Weapon Flagship Store!

Rice Rune flagship store!

Jingdong offline mall!

Licking the cat supermarket!

“Go to the Penguin Weapon flagship store. I heard that Penguin Group launched a new style of war sword, which is the flagship version of Penguin. Many people bought it.” Wan Baiqiu said.

“Isn’t your weapon a long whip? Why are you also interested in war sword weapons?” Han Zhu asked in surprise.

“What do you know, if it weren’t for the fact that I don’t have a talent for kendo, do you think I would choose the long whip?” Wan Baiqiu said in a bad mood.

“Old Han, sword is a popular weapon for both men and women.” Wang Teng smiled and walked into the Penguin Weapon flagship store first.

“Hey, you are the ones who don’t understand, and the knife is the romance of a man.” Han Zhu insisted on his opinion and said with a proud face.

“You forgot about me, but you are a sword and sword.” Wang Teng said with a smile.

“Damn!” Han Zhu was speechless, forgetting that this guy in front of him was a pervert at all. Whether it was a sword or a sword, the other party used it very sluggishly.

The Penguin Weapon flagship store is well recognizable.

A stupid big penguin, fat and fat, looks inexplicably pleasing to the eye.

“Welcome!” A beautiful shopping guide saw them and immediately greeted them.

“We want to see the new style of war sword that your store has launched.” Wan Baiqiu directly explained his intentions.

“Okay, please come with me.” Not surprisingly, the shopping guide lady took them to the second floor and stopped in front of a counter.

At this time, there were already several people in front of the counter, all looking at a sword-shaped weapon inside the counter.

“This is our newly launched Flamingo series of war swords. The main material is the rare iron ore in the world-flaming stone!”

“Not only that, our Penguin Group’s craftsman team also meticulously designed a set of refining plans for it, and finally refined this new style of war sword, its strength, flexibility, and sharpness are better than the Chiyan series… …”

The shopping guide lady did her duty, Barabara introduced a lot, and finally said the price.

“Such a novel and powerful limited edition war sword, now it doesn’t need 500 million or 400 million, but only 399 million!”

“Does God have any plans to start?”

Han Zhu: “…”

Wan Baiqiu: “…”

Customers around: “…”

“Haha, 399 million yuan? The price is okay, let’s take a look first, take a look first.” Wan Baiqiu showed a dry smile.

Customers around also showed reserved but polite smiles.

That was… the smile of poverty!

The shopping guide girl also showed a charming smile and nodded: “Okay, take your time, please let me know if you have any intentions.”

“No problem, you can go ahead and do it yourself.” Wan Baiqiu said.

When the shopping guide lady left, Wang Teng said speechlessly: “It is okay for 399 million yuan, you are all in your senior year, so you won’t be able to save up just by doing two tasks.”

“Fart, my old lady has been doing missions for so many years, with a maximum of 200 million on her body, and the storage time is less than three days, and then it is gone.” Wan Baiqiu said in a bad mood.

“No, it’s so hard.” Wang Teng opened his eyes wide. Anyway, he was also a 4-star 5-star warrior, so mixed up so badly?

“Most of our money is used to purchase training resources. None of the Force power techniques and force combat skills are cheap, so where can we save money?” Han Zhu looked up at the sky, with a desire in his eyes.

That is the yearning for small money!

Wang Teng shook his head, feeling really…so happy hahaha!

You don’t need to spend money to buy any exercises or skills, and resources such as the source stone of the medicine are not needed.

Only then can you save money!

Wang Teng couldn’t help sighing.

Several people left the Penguin Weapons flagship store and eventually bought nothing. Poverty limits their purchasing power.

Continue to wander around.

They walked into Taobao’s offline shopping mall, where there are more and more complicated things, and the prices are high and low, and they are taking the popular route.

There are more people in the shop than Penguin.

There is also no shopping guide lady, what customers fancy, directly scan the code to pay, and then take it away.

They turned around and came to the trading office.

Taobao’s trading office is where you can trade items for warriors. Anything you want to sell can be obtained here to set a price. If you think it is suitable, you can sell it to Taobao.

However, the customer’s transaction items are kept secret, and no one can watch them. Wang Teng and the three of them wandered outside the trading room, and felt that they were not interesting, and they were about to leave.

At this time, the three warriors walked out of the trading room, and the sound of conversation reached Wang Teng’s ears.

“The price they gave is not low, you almost bought that pill furnace, you are not an alchemist, and you are just holding it for nothing!”

“Yes, it’s justified to quickly sell it and replace it with other materials.”

“I want to see again. You know the origin of the pill furnace. I always think it’s unusual. Maybe it can be sold at a higher price. It’s just that they don’t know the goods.”

“You can get it, Taobao’s appraisers are all recognized, they can’t tell, what else do you want.”

As several people were talking, as they walked farther and farther, a voice suddenly came from behind them.

“A few wait a minute!”

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